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The Firefox proxy: the manual configuration
.. objectives:: Objectives
We will learn how to: FIXME
.. prerequisites:: Reminders
The manual mode
.. questions:: Question
**question**: OK then. What happens when you select the "Manual proxy configuration"?
A good configuration design is to place all the proxy's manual configuration in a :term:`family`.
Let's create the :file:`dict/02-proxy_manual.yml` dictionary:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the the :file:`dict/02-proxy_manual.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: Manual proxy configuration
type: family
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.proxy_mode != 'Manual proxy configuration' %}
the proxy mode is not manual
{% endif %}
Well, if the user selects the "Manual proxy configuration" proxy mode, we want to see a new subfamily (that is, a new set of configuration variables) called `manual` to appear (which is disabled).
.. glossary::
A subfamily is just a family inside a family, a family that contains a family.
.. questions:: What about this `Jinja` type?
If the :term:`Jinja` template returns some text, then the family will be `disabled`. Otherwise it is accessible.
Deactivating a family means that we will not be able to access it as well as the variables or families included in this family.
.. note:: If the Jinja template does not return any text, the variable will be **enabled**.
Here we are using the Jinja condition statement.
.. glossary::
`Jinja <https://jinja.palletsprojects.com>`_ is a template engine.
we are using Jinja in a classical way, that is, Jinja allows us to handle different cases,
for example with the `if` statement.
The HTTP proxy configuration
In this family let's add a *subfamily* named `http_proxy`, containing the address and port configuration variables.
Let's create the :file:`dict/03-proxy_manual_http_proxy.yml` dictionary:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the the :file:`dict/02-proxy_manual.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: HTTP Proxy
description: HTTP address
type: domainname
description: HTTP Port
type: port
default: '8080'
Both variables `address` and `port` have particular types (respectively `domainname` line 9 and `port` line 12) to validate the values configured by the user.
.. note:: No need to specify the type of the `http_proxy` as a family type, because here we have declared variables inside of it.
Duplicating the HTTP configuration to HTTPS
We then want to offer the user the possibility of providing the same proxy for the HTTPS requests. Let's create the :file:`dict/04-proxy_manual_http_use_for_https.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/04-proxy_manual_http_use_for_https.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: Also use this proxy for HTTPS
type: boolean
This variable is a `boolean` type, its default value is `True`.
HTTPS proxy configuration detail
Let's add a new subfamily named `ssl_proxy`, containing the `address` and `port` variables.
Let's create the :file:`dict/05-proxy_manual_ssl_proxy.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/04-proxy_manual_http_use_for_https.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: HTTPS Proxy
type: variable
variable: rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https
description: HTTPS address
type: domainname
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https %}
{{ rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address }}
{% endif %}
description: HTTPS Port
type: port
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https %}
{{ rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port }}
{% endif %}
Depending on the value of the `rougail.proxy.mandatory.use_for_https` variable, this family will appear or disappear (the `hidden` setting line 7). Unlike earlier, this time it is not necessary to use a Jinja function.
Let's notice that the family is not disabled because the variables will need to remain accessible (yet in `read-only` mode).
The address and port variables are copied from HTTP to HTTPS if `rougail.proxy.use_for_https` is set to `True`.
Now let's test all of it:
>>> from rougail import Rougail, RougailConfig
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> RougailConfig['dictionaries_dir'] = ['dict']
>>> rougail = Rougail()
>>> config = rougail.get_config()
>>> config.property.read_only()
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'No proxy'}
At this time the proxy is not configured yet, so we do not see any variables.
Let's look at what happens if we try to access the `rougail.proxy.manual` variable if we are not in manual mode:
.. code-block:: python
>>> pprint(config.option('rougail.proxy.manual').value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
We have an error (with the message defined in the Jinja template):
.. code-block:: shell
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: cannot access to
optiondescription "Manual proxy configuration" because
has property "disabled" (the mode proxy is not manual)
Let's configure the proxy in manual mode
>>> config.property.read_write()
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.proxy_mode').value.set('Manual proxy configuration')
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address').value.set('proxy.example')
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
We can see that the returned variables does have the desired values:
.. code-block:: python
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': True}
Let's set the `read_only` mode and have a look at the configuration again:
.. code-block:: python
>>> config.property.read_only()
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': True,
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.port': '8080'}
In the `read_only` mode, we can see that the HTTPS configuration appears.
.. note:: We can see that `rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy` values have been copied
in `rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy` too.
Changing values programmatically
We are going to use the :term:`Tiramisu` API to manipulate programmatically the different variables.
First, let's set `rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https` to `False`. It is now possible
to configure the HTTPS:
.. code-block:: python
>>> config.property.read_write()
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https').value.set(False)
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address').value.set('other.proxy.example')
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': False,
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address': 'other.proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.port': '8080'}
The value of the variable `rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address` has actually been modified.
But if this variable is hidden again, then the value comes back to the default value:
.. code-block:: python
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https').value.set(False)
>>> config.property.read_only()
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': False,
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.port': '8080'}
SOCK's proxy configuration
Let's add a new :term:`subfamily` named `socks_proxy` with the `address`,
`port` and `version` variables.
Let's create the :file:`dict/06-proxy_manual_socks_proxy.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/06-proxy_manual_socks_proxy.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: SOCKS Proxy
description: SOCKS Address
type: domainname
description: SOCKS Port
type: port
description: SOCKS host version used by proxy
type: choice
- v4
- v5
default: v5
There's nothing new to learn with this file.
The automatic detection mode
Let's add a new variable named `auto`.
Let's create the :file:`dict/07-proxy_auto.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/07-proxy_auto.yml` file
version: '1.1'
type: web_address
description: Automatic proxy configuration URL
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.proxy_mode != 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' %}
the proxy mode is not automatic
{% endif %}
The `web_address` type imposes a value starting with `http://` or `https://`.
This variable is activated when the proxy is in automatic mode.
The proxy's exceptions
Finally, let's add a variable containing proxy exceptions.
Let's create the :file:`dict/07-proxy_no_proxy.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/07-proxy_no_proxy.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: Address for which proxy will be desactivated
multi: true
type: "domainname"
allow_ip: true
allow_cidr_network: true
allow_without_dot: true
allow_startswith_dot: true
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.proxy_mode == 'No proxy' %}
proxy mode is no proxy
{% endif %}
mandatory: false
This `no_proxy` variable is much like a `domainname` type except that we add
a `params` line 7, we authorize the :
- IP
- CIDR networks
- machine names (without `'.'`)
- sub-domaines like `.example`
There can be multiple exceptions to the proxy, so the variable is :term:`multi` (line5).
This variable is only accessible if no proxy is defined (`disabled`).
.. glossary::
A multi is a multiple variable, that is a variable that can have multiple values.
The `no_proxy` variable do not requires a value (that is, `None` is an option),
there is line 19 this statement `mandatory: false` which means that this variable is not mandatory.
Let's test it:
>>> from rougail import Rougail, RougailConfig
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> RougailConfig['dictionaries_dir'] = ['dict']
>>> rougail = Rougail()
>>> config = rougail.get_config()
>>> config.property.read_write()
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.proxy_mode').value.set('Manual proxy configuration')
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address').value.set('proxy.example')
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.no_proxy').value.set(['.example', ''])
>>> config.property.read_only()
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
It outputs:
.. code-block:: python
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': True,
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.address': None,
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.port': None,
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.version': 'v5',
'rougail.proxy.no_proxy': ['.example', '']}
But not possible to put an invalid value:
.. code-block:: python
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.no_proxy').value.set(['.example', '', 'not valid'])
tiramisu.error.ValueOptionError: "not valid" is an invalid domain name for "Address for which proxy will be desactivated", could be a IP, otherwise must start with lowercase characters followed by lowercase characters, number, "-" and "." characters are allowed
The authentification request
Nothing special when creating the authentication request. To do this, let's create a `dict/08-proxy_prompt_authentication.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/08-proxy_prompt_authentication.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: Prompt for authentication if password is saved
type: boolean
default: true
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.proxy_mode == 'No proxy' %}
proxy mode is no proxy
{% endif %}
The proxy SOCKS v5's DNS
The DNS variable for the SOCKS v5 proxy only appears if the proxy is configured and the version of the SOCKS proxy selected is `v5`.
Let's create a `dict/09-proxy_proxy_dns_socks5.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/09-proxy_proxy_dns_socks5.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: Use proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5
type: boolean
default: false
type: jinja
type: variable
variable: rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.version
propertyerror: false
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.proxy_mode == 'No proxy' %}
the proxy mode is no proxy
{% elif socks_version is undefined or socks_version == 'v4' %}
socks version is v4
{% endif %}
The difficulty here is that the `rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.version` variable
can be deactivated (and therefore not usable in a calculation).
.. FIXME definir ce qu'est une calculation
In this case, we will add a parameter (here called `socks_version`) which will contain,
if there is no property error, the value of the variable.
Otherwise the parameter will not be passed to the Jinja template.
This is why it is necessary to test in the Jinja template whether the `socks_version` variable really exists.
The DNS over HTTPS
Finally we will configure DNS over HTTPS in the 10-proxy_dns_over_https.yml file:
Let's create a `dict/10-proxy_dns_over_https.yml` file:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`dict/10-proxy_dns_over_https.yml` file
version: '1.1'
description: DNS over HTTPS
description: Enable DNS over HTTPS
type: boolean
default: false
description: Use Provider
type: choice
- Cloudflare
- NextDNS
- Custom
default: Cloudflare
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if not rougail.proxy.dns_over_https.enable_dns_over_https %}
Enable DNS over HTTPS is False
{% endif %}
description: Custom DNS URL
type: web_address
type: jinja
type: variable
variable: rougail.proxy.dns_over_https.provider
propertyerror: false
jinja: |
{% if provider is not defined or provider != 'Custom' %}
provider is not custom
{% endif %}
- type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if rougail.proxy.dns_over_https.custom_dns_url.startswith('http://') %}
only https is allowed
{% endif %}
.. FIXME : define validators
The only particularity here is that we added additional validation (validators) to the `custom_dns_url` variable. Only an address starting with `https://` is allowed (not `http://`).
The FoxyProxy type's proxy configuration
Here is now the integration of part of the Firefox FoxyProxy plugin.
The idea is to have a namespace specific to FoxyProxy and to find in it part of the settings that we will have made in the main namespace.
This is what the page looks like:
.. image:: images/foxyproxy.png
It is possible, in this plugin, to specify an unlimited number of proxies.
Our `proxy` family will no longer be of the `family` type as before but of another type : the :term:`leadership` type.
.. FIXME: expliquer ce qu'est le type leardership
Here is the complete content of the FoxyProxy type proxy configuration
(to be put in the `foxyproxy/00-base.yml` file):
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:``foxyproxy/00-base.yml`` file
version: '1.1'
_type: leadership
description: Title or Description
multi: true
description: Color
type: choice
- System (use system settings)
- Direct (no proxy)
default: Direct (no proxy)
description: IP address, DNS name, server name
multi: true
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.type not in ['HTTP', 'HTTPS/SSL', 'SOCKS5', 'SOCKS4'] %}
proxy does not need address
{% endif %}
type: jinja
type: variable
variable: rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address
propertyerror: false
jinja: |
{% if firefox_address is not undefined %}
{{ firefox_address }}
{% endif %}
description: Port
type: port
type: jinja
type: variable
variable: rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port
propertyerror: false
jinja: |
{% if firefox_port is not undefined %}
{{ firefox_port }}
{% endif %}
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.type not in ['HTTP', 'HTTPS/SSL', 'SOCKS5', 'SOCKS4'] %}
proxy does not need port
{% endif %}
description: Username
type: unix_user
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.password %}
username is mandatory
{% endif %}
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.type not in ['HTTP', 'HTTPS/SSL', 'SOCKS5', 'SOCKS4'] %}
proxy does not need username
{% endif %}
description: Password
type: secret
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.type not in ['HTTP', 'HTTPS/SSL', 'SOCKS5', 'SOCKS4'] %}
proxy does not need password
{% endif %}
type: web_address
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if foxyproxy.proxy.type not in ['PAC URL', 'WPAD'] %}
proxy does not need url
{% endif %}
A few comments:
- in the `foxyproxy.proxy` :term:`leader` family there is a variable named `type` (line 4), this may conflict with the `type` attribute (specified line 10). In this case, to specify the type we use the `_type` attribute
- a :term:`follower` variable can also be multiple
(which is the case for `foxyproxy.proxy.address`)
- `foxyproxy.proxy.username` (line 62) becomes :term:`mandatory` if `foxyproxy.proxy.password`
is specified, in fact a password without a username is meaningless
Let's test it:
>>> from rougail import Rougail, RougailConfig
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> RougailConfig['dictionaries_dir'] = ['dict']
>>> RougailConfig['extra_dictionaries']['foxyproxy'] = ['foxyproxy/']
>>> rougail = Rougail()
>>> config = rougail.get_config()
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.proxy_mode').value.set('Manual proxy configuration')
>>> config.option('rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address').value.set('proxy.example')
>>> config.option('foxyproxy.proxy.title').value.set(['MyProxy'])
>>> config.option('foxyproxy.proxy.type', 0).value.set('HTTP')
>>> config.option('foxyproxy.proxy.color', 0).value.set('#00000')
>>> config.property.read_only()
>>> pprint(config.value.get(), sort_dicts=False)
The output is:
.. code-block:: python
{'rougail.proxy.proxy_mode': 'Manual proxy configuration',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.http_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.use_for_https': True,
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.address': 'proxy.example',
'rougail.proxy.manual.ssl_proxy.port': '8080',
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.address': None,
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.port': None,
'rougail.proxy.manual.socks_proxy.version': 'v5',
'rougail.proxy.no_proxy': [],
'rougail.proxy.proxy_dns_socks5': False,
'rougail.proxy.dns_over_https.enable_dns_over_https': False,
'foxyproxy.proxy.title': [{'foxyproxy.proxy.title': 'MyProxy',
'foxyproxy.proxy.color': '#00000',
'foxyproxy.proxy.type': 'HTTP',
'foxyproxy.proxy.address': ['proxy.example'],
'foxyproxy.proxy.port': '8080',
'foxyproxy.proxy.username': None,
'foxyproxy.proxy.password': None}]}
The choice we made here is to make `foxyproxy.proxy.username` :term:`mandatory` if a password is specified in the `foxyproxy.proxy.password` variable.
It makes sense to have a username without a password (in this case the password will be requested when connecting to the proxy). But the opposite does not make sense.
From a user point of view this may seem disturbing (if you enter the password, you have to return to the previous option to specify the password).
It is possible to reverse the logic. If the `foxyproxy.proxy.username` variable is set, the `foxyproxy.proxy.password` variable becomes editable.
None of this two variables needs to be :term:`mandatory`.
If you prefer this option, here is a second extra dictionary :file:`foxyproxy/01-redefine.yml` which will redefine the behavior only of the `foxyproxy.proxy.username` and `foxyproxy.proxy.password` variables:
.. code-block:: yaml
:caption: the :file:`foxyproxy/01-redefine.yml` file
version: '1.1'
redefine: true
# suppress mandatory constrainte
mandatory: false
redefine: true
type: jinja
jinja: |
{% if not foxyproxy.proxy.username %}
no username defined
{% endif %}
**It's up to you to play now !**