A value can be calculated. In this case we have four possibilities:
- calculation via Jinja
- calculation via a variable
- calculation via information
- calculation via a suffix: in the case of a variable in a dynamic family
- calculation via an index: in the case of a follower variable
If the user modifies the value of the variable, the default value is no longer used, so the calculation is no longer carried out. This is also the case if the variable has the `auto_save` attribute.
On the other hand, if the variable is hidden (with the `hidden` parameter), it is the default value that is used and not the value customized by the user.
..note:: A follower variable cannot be calculated automatically.
Depending on the types of calculation, the parameters will be different:
:widths:15 25 20 15
* - Calculation type
- Parameter
- Comments
- Sample
* -
- Type of calculation, possible values are: jinja, variable, information, suffix or index
- jinja
* - Jinja
- Template Jinja. For a multiple variable, each line represents a value.
- `{% if rougail.variable %}
{{ rougail.variable }}
{% endif %}`
* - Jinja
- Additional parameters passed to the Jinja template
* - Variable (`mandatory`)
- Name of associated variable
- rougail.variable
* - Variable
- If access to the variable is not possible due to a property (for example `disabled`) by default an error is returned. If the attribute is `false`, the calculated value is empty.
**Default value:**`true`
- false
* - Information
- Name of the information whose value we want to retrieve.
- doc
In the case of a Jinja type calculation, it is possible to have parameters.
There are two types of parameter:
- the standard parameters (string, boolean, integer, null), in this case just do: "key: value"
- the advanced settings:
- parameter via a variable
- parameter via an information
- parameter via a suffix: in the case of a variable in a dynamic family
- parameter via an index: in the case of a follower variable
:widths:15 25 20 15
* - Parameter type
- Parameter
- Comments
- Sample
* -
- parameter's name
- my_param
* -
- parameter's type, possible values are: variable, information, suffix or index
- suffix
* - Variable
- Variable's name
- rougail.variable
* - Variable (`mandatory`) information
- If access to the variable is not possible due to a property (for example `disabled`) by default an error is returned. If the attribute is `False`, the parameter is not passed to the Jinja template.
-**Default value**: `True`
* - Variable
- The variable may not exist depending on YAML file imports.
If the optional parameter is `True`, the parameter will simply be deleted if the variable does not exist.
Default value : `False`
- True
* - Information
- Name of the information whose value we want to retrieve.
The default namespace is defined in RougailConfig["variable_namespace"] with the default value "rougail".
In addition, there are extras namespaces defined with in RougailConfig["extra_dictionaries"].
Inside those namespaces we can add families and variables.
Here is an hierarchic examples:
├── variable1
├── family1
│ ├── variable2
│ └── variable3
└── family2
└── subfamily1
└── variable4
└── family3
├── variable5
└── variable6
In `calculation` we can use other variables.
Here is all paths:
- rougail.variable1
- rougail.family1.variable2
- rougail.family1.variable3
- rougail.family2.subfamily1.variable4
- extra1.family3.variable5
- extra1.family3.variable6
Inside a variable's `calculation` we can use relative path. "_" means that other variable is in same family. "__" means that other variables are in parent family, and so on...
For example, in variable2's `calculation`, we can use relative path:
- __.variable1
- _.variable3
- __.family2.subfamily1.variable4
But we cannot access to extra1 variables with relative path.
Dynamic family
Hire is a dynamic family "{{ suffix }}":
├── variable1: ["val1", "val2"]
├── {{ suffix }}
│ ├── variable2
│ └── variable3
└── family
└── variable4
For variable2's calculation, we can use:
- rougail.{{ suffix }}.variable3
- _.variable3
In this case, we get value for "variable3" with the same suffix as "variable2".
For variable4's calculation, we have two possibility:
In this example, we see a dynamic family. Two families will be created: `rougail.my_dyn_family_val1.my_dyn_var` and `rougail.my_dyn_family_val2.my_dyn_var`.
The value of the variable inside this family 'this suffix is: ' + the value of the suffix (`val1` and `val2` respectively).