2013-09-04 09:09:45 +02:00

533 lines
20 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"sets the options of the configuration objects Config object itself"
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# The original `Config` design model is unproudly borrowed from
# the rough pypy's guys: http://codespeak.net/svn/pypy/dist/pypy/config/
# the whole pypy projet is under MIT licence
# ____________________________________________________________
from time import time
from copy import copy
import weakref
from tiramisu.error import (RequirementError, PropertiesOptionError,
ConstError, ConfigError)
from tiramisu.i18n import _
default_encoding = 'utf-8'
expires_time = 5
ro_remove = set('permissive', 'hidden')
ro_append = set('frozen', 'disabled', 'validator', 'everything_frozen',
rw_remove = set('permissive', 'everything_frozen', 'mandatory')
rw_append = set('frozen', 'disabled', 'validator', 'hidden')
default_properties = ('expire', 'validator')
class StorageType:
default_storage = 'dictionary'
storage_type = None
def set_storage(self, name):
if self.storage_type is not None:
raise ConfigError(_('storage_type is already set, cannot rebind it'))
self.storage_type = name
def get_storage(self):
if self.storage_type is None:
self.storage_type = self.default_storage
storage = self.storage_type
return 'tiramisu.storage.{0}.storage'.format(
storage_type = StorageType()
class _NameSpace:
"""convenient class that emulates a module
and builds constants (that is, unique names)"""
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if name in self.__dict__:
raise ConstError(_("can't rebind {0}").format(name))
self.__dict__[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name):
if name in self.__dict__:
raise ConstError(_("can't unbind {0}").format(name))
raise ValueError(name)
# ____________________________________________________________
class GroupModule(_NameSpace):
"emulates a module to manage unique group (OptionDescription) names"
class GroupType(str):
"""allowed normal group (OptionDescription) names
*normal* means : groups that are not master
class DefaultGroupType(GroupType):
"""groups that are default (typically 'default')"""
class MasterGroupType(GroupType):
"""allowed normal group (OptionDescription) names
*master* means : groups that have the 'master' attribute set
# setting.groups (emulates a module)
groups = GroupModule()
def populate_groups():
"populates the available groups in the appropriate namespaces"
groups.master = groups.MasterGroupType('master')
groups.default = groups.DefaultGroupType('default')
groups.family = groups.GroupType('family')
# names are in the module now
# ____________________________________________________________
class OwnerModule(_NameSpace):
"""emulates a module to manage unique owner names.
owners are living in `Config._cfgimpl_value_owners`
class Owner(str):
"""allowed owner names
class DefaultOwner(Owner):
"""groups that are default (typically 'default')"""
# setting.owners (emulates a module)
owners = OwnerModule()
def populate_owners():
"""populates the available owners in the appropriate namespaces
- 'user' is the generic is the generic owner.
- 'default' is the config owner after init time
setattr(owners, 'default', owners.DefaultOwner('default'))
setattr(owners, 'user', owners.Owner('user'))
def addowner(name):
:param name: the name of the new owner
setattr(owners, name, owners.Owner(name))
setattr(owners, 'addowner', addowner)
# names are in the module now
class MultiTypeModule(_NameSpace):
"namespace for the master/slaves"
class MultiType(str):
class DefaultMultiType(MultiType):
class MasterMultiType(MultiType):
class SlaveMultiType(MultiType):
multitypes = MultiTypeModule()
def populate_multitypes():
"populates the master/slave namespace"
setattr(multitypes, 'default', multitypes.DefaultMultiType('default'))
setattr(multitypes, 'master', multitypes.MasterMultiType('master'))
setattr(multitypes, 'slave', multitypes.SlaveMultiType('slave'))
class Property(object):
"a property is responsible of the option's value access rules"
__slots__ = ('_setting', '_properties', '_opt', '_path')
def __init__(self, setting, prop, opt=None, path=None):
self._opt = opt
self._path = path
self._setting = setting
self._properties = prop
def append(self, propname):
if self._opt is not None and self._opt._calc_properties is not None \
and propname in self._opt._calc_properties:
raise ValueError(_('cannot append {0} property for option {1}: '
'this property is calculated').format(
propname, self._opt._name))
self._setting._setproperties(self._properties, self._opt, self._path)
def remove(self, propname):
if propname in self._properties:
self._setting._setproperties(self._properties, self._opt, self._path)
def reset(self):
def __contains__(self, propname):
return propname in self._properties
def __repr__(self):
return str(list(self._properties))
def set_storage(name, **args):
settings = __import__(storage_type.get_storage(), globals(), locals(),
for option, value in args.items():
getattr(settings, option)
setattr(settings, option, value)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(_('option {0} not already exists in storage {1}'
'').format(option, name))
def get_storage(context, session_id, persistent):
def gen_id(config):
return str(id(config)) + str(time())
if session_id is None:
session_id = gen_id(context)
return __import__(storage_type.get_storage(), globals(), locals(),
['Storage']).Storage(session_id, persistent)
def list_sessions():
return __import__(storage_type.get_storage(), globals(), locals(),
def delete_session(session_id):
return __import__(storage_type.get_storage(), globals(), locals(),
class Settings(object):
"``Config()``'s configuration options"
__slots__ = ('context', '_owner', '_p_', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self, context, storage):
:param context: the root config
:param storage: the storage type
- dictionary -> in memory
- sqlite3 -> persistent
# generic owner
self._owner = owners.user
self.context = weakref.ref(context)
import_lib = 'tiramisu.storage.{0}.setting'.format(storage.storage)
self._p_ = __import__(import_lib, globals(), locals(), ['Settings']
# properties methods
def __contains__(self, propname):
"enables the pythonic 'in' syntaxic sugar"
return propname in self._getproperties()
def __repr__(self):
return str(list(self._getproperties()))
def __getitem__(self, opt):
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
return self._getitem(opt, path)
def _getitem(self, opt, path):
return Property(self, self._getproperties(opt, path), opt, path)
def __setitem__(self, opt, value):
raise ValueError('you should only append/remove properties')
def reset(self, opt=None, _path=None, all_properties=False):
if all_properties and (_path or opt):
raise ValueError(_('opt and all_properties must not be set '
'together in reset'))
if all_properties:
if opt is not None and _path is None:
_path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
def _getproperties(self, opt=None, path=None, is_apply_req=True):
if opt is None:
props = self._p_.getproperties(path, default_properties)
if path is None:
raise ValueError(_('if opt is not None, path should not be'
' None in _getproperties'))
ntime = None
if self._p_.hascache('property', path):
ntime = time()
is_cached, props = self._p_.getcache('property', path, ntime)
if is_cached:
return props
props = self._p_.getproperties(path, opt._properties)
if is_apply_req:
props |= self.apply_requires(opt, path)
if 'expire' in self:
if ntime is None:
ntime = time()
self._p_.setcache('property', path, props, ntime + expires_time)
return props
def append(self, propname):
"puts property propname in the Config's properties attribute"
props = self._p_.getproperties(None, default_properties)
self._setproperties(props, None, None)
def remove(self, propname):
"deletes property propname in the Config's properties attribute"
props = self._p_.getproperties(None, default_properties)
if propname in props:
self._setproperties(props, None, None)
def _setproperties(self, properties, opt, path):
"""save properties for specified opt
(never save properties if same has option properties)
if opt is None:
self._p_.setproperties(None, properties)
if opt._calc_properties is not None:
properties -= opt._calc_properties
if set(opt._properties) == properties:
self._p_.setproperties(path, properties)
def validate_properties(self, opt_or_descr, is_descr, is_write, path,
value=None, force_permissive=False,
validation upon the properties related to `opt_or_descr`
:param opt_or_descr: an option or an option description object
:param force_permissive: behaves as if the permissive property
was present
:param is_descr: we have to know if we are in an option description,
just because the mandatory property
doesn't exist here
:param is_write: in the validation process, an option is to be modified,
the behavior can be different
(typically with the `frozen` property)
# opt properties
properties = copy(self._getproperties(opt_or_descr, path))
# remove opt permissive
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive(path)
# remove global permissive if need
self_properties = copy(self._getproperties())
if force_permissive is True or 'permissive' in self_properties:
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive()
# global properties
if force_properties is not None:
# calc properties
properties &= self_properties
# mandatory and frozen are special properties
if is_descr:
properties -= frozenset(('mandatory', 'frozen'))
if 'mandatory' in properties and \
not self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._isempty(
opt_or_descr, value):
if is_write and 'everything_frozen' in self_properties:
elif 'frozen' in properties and not is_write:
# at this point an option should not remain in properties
if properties != frozenset():
props = list(properties)
if 'frozen' in properties:
raise PropertiesOptionError(_('cannot change the value for '
'option {0} this option is'
' frozen').format(
raise PropertiesOptionError(_("trying to access to an option "
"named: {0} with properties {1}"
str(props)), props)
def setpermissive(self, permissive, opt=None, path=None):
enables us to put the permissives in the storage
:param path: the option's path
:param type: str
:param opt: if an option object is set, the path is extracted.
it is better (faster) to set the path parameter
instead of passing a :class:`tiramisu.option.Option()` object.
if opt is not None and path is None:
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
if not isinstance(permissive, tuple):
raise TypeError(_('permissive must be a tuple'))
self._p_.setpermissive(path, permissive)
def setowner(self, owner):
":param owner: sets the default value for owner at the Config level"
if not isinstance(owner, owners.Owner):
raise TypeError(_("invalid generic owner {0}").format(str(owner)))
self._owner = owner
def getowner(self):
return self._owner
def _read(self, remove, append):
for prop in remove:
for prop in append:
def read_only(self):
"convenience method to freeze, hidde and disable"
self._read(ro_remove, ro_append)
def read_write(self):
"convenience method to freeze, hidde and disable"
self._read(rw_remove, rw_append)
def reset_cache(self, only_expired):
if only_expired:
self._p_.reset_expired_cache('property', time())
def apply_requires(self, opt, path):
"""carries out the jit (just in time) requirements between options
a requirement is a tuple of this form that comes from the option's
requirements validation::
(option, expected, action, inverse, transitive, same_action)
let's have a look at all the tuple's items:
- **option** is the target option's name or path
- **expected** is the target option's value that is going to trigger an action
- **action** is the (property) action to be accomplished if the target option
happens to have the expected value
- if **inverse** is `True` and if the target option's value does not
apply, then the property action must be removed from the option's
properties list (wich means that the property is inverted)
- **transitive**: but what happens if the target option cannot be
accessed ? We don't kown the target option's value. Actually if some
property in the target option is not present in the permissive, the
target option's value cannot be accessed. In this case, the
**action** have to be applied to the option. (the **action** property
is then added to the option).
- **same_action**: actually, if **same_action** is `True`, the
transitivity is not accomplished. The transitivity is accomplished
only if the target option **has the same property** that the demanded
action. If the target option's value is not accessible because of
another reason, because of a property of another type, then an
exception :exc:`~error.RequirementError` is raised.
And at last, if no target option matches the expected values, the
action must be removed from the option's properties list.
:param opt: the option on wich the requirement occurs
:type opt: `option.Option()`
:param path: the option's path in the config
:type path: str
if opt._requires is None:
return frozenset()
# filters the callbacks
calc_properties = set()
for requires in opt._requires:
for require in requires:
option, expected, action, inverse, \
transitive, same_action = require
reqpath = self._get_opt_path(option)
if reqpath == path or reqpath.startswith(path + '.'):
raise RequirementError(_("malformed requirements "
"imbrication detected for option:"
" '{0}' with requirement on: "
"'{1}'").format(path, reqpath))
value = self.context()._getattr(reqpath,
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
if not transitive:
properties = err.proptype
if same_action and action not in properties:
raise RequirementError(_("option '{0}' has "
"requirement's property "
"error: "
"{1} {2}").format(opt._name,
# transitive action, force expected
value = expected[0]
inverse = False
if (not inverse and
value in expected or
inverse and value not in expected):
# the calculation cannot be carried out
return calc_properties
def _get_opt_path(self, opt):
return self.context().cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(opt)