416 lines
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416 lines
15 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""theses tests are much more to test that config, option description, vs...
**it's there** and answers via attribute access"""
from py.test import raises
import weakref
from .autopath import do_autopath
from tiramisu.config import Config, SubConfig
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu import Config, IntOption, FloatOption, StrOption, ChoiceOption, \
BoolOption, UnicodeOption, OptionDescription, getapi, undefined
from tiramisu.error import ConflictError, ConfigError, PropertiesOptionError, APIError
def make_description():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
('std', 'thunk'), 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc", properties=('mandatory', ))
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True, properties=('hidden',))
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False)
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('tiram', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop])
return descr
def test_base_config():
"""making a :class:`tiramisu.config.Config()` object
and a :class:`tiramisu.option.OptionDescription()` object
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [gcdummy])
cfg = Config(descr)
api = getapi(cfg)
assert api.option('dummy').value.get() is False
#dmo = cfg.unwrap_from_path('dummy')
#assert dmo.impl_getname() == 'dummy'
def test_base_config_name():
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [gcdummy])
cfg = Config(descr, session_id='cfg')
cfg.impl_getname() == 'cfg'
raises(ValueError, "Config(descr, session_id='unvalid name')")
def test_not_config():
assert raises(TypeError, "Config('str')")
#def test_base_path():
# gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
# descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [gcdummy])
# cfg = Config(descr)
# assert cfg._impl_path is None
# base = OptionDescription('config', '', [descr])
# cfg = Config(base)
# assert cfg._impl_path is None
# assert cfg.getattr('tiramisu', None, validate_properties=False)._impl_path == 'tiramisu'
# nbase = OptionDescription('baseconfig', '', [base])
# cfg = Config(nbase)
# assert cfg._impl_path is None
# assert cfg.getattr('config', None, validate_properties=False)._impl_path == 'config'
# assert cfg.getattr('config.tiramisu', None, validate_properties=False)._impl_path == 'config.tiramisu'
def test_base_config_force_permissive():
descr = make_description()
config = Config(descr)
api = getapi(config)
raises(PropertiesOptionError, "api.option('boolop').value.get()")
assert api.forcepermissive.option('boolop').value.get() is True
def test_base_config_in_a_tree():
"how options are organized into a tree, see :ref:`tree`"
descr = make_description()
config = Config(descr)
api = getapi(config)
assert api.option('gc.name').value.get() == 'ref'
assert api.option('gc.name').value.get() == 'framework'
assert api.option('objspace').value.get() == 'std'
assert api.option('objspace').value.get() == 'thunk'
assert api.option('gc.float').value.get() == 2.3
assert api.option('gc.float').value.get() == 3.4
assert api.option('int').value.get() == 0
assert api.option('int').value.get() == 123
assert api.option('wantref').value.get() is False
assert api.option('wantref').value.get() is True
assert api.option('str').value.get() == 'abc'
assert api.option('str').value.get() == 'def'
raises(AttributeError, "api.option('gc.foo').value.get()")
config = Config(descr)
api = getapi(config)
assert api.option('bool').value.get() is True
assert api.option('gc.name').value.get() == 'ref'
assert api.option('wantframework').value.get() is False
#def test_cfgimpl_get_home_by_path():
# " :meth:`tiramisu.config.SubConfig.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path()` to retrieve a path"
# descr = make_description()
# config = Config(descr)
# api = getapi(config)
# api.option('bool').value.set(False)
# assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('gc.dummy', None)[1] == 'dummy'
# assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('dummy', None)[1] == 'dummy'
def test_not_valid_properties():
raises(TypeError, "stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default='abc', properties=['mandatory',])")
def test_information_config():
descr = make_description()
config = Config(descr)
api = getapi(config)
string = 'some informations'
api.information.set('info', string)
assert api.information.get('info') == string
raises(ValueError, "api.information.get('noinfo')")
assert api.information.get('noinfo', 'default') == 'default'
raises(ValueError, "api.information.get('info')")
raises(ValueError, "api.information.reset('noinfo')")
def test_config_impl_get_path_by_opt():
descr = make_description()
config = Config(descr)
api = getapi(config)
dummy = api.option('gc.dummy').option.get()
boo = api.option('bool').option.get()
unknown = IntOption('test', '')
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(boo) == 'bool'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(dummy) == 'gc.dummy'
#raises(AttributeError, "config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(unknown)")
#def test_config_impl_get_path_by_opt_od():
# descr = make_description()
# config = Config(descr)
# api = getapi(config)
# dummy = api.option.get('gc.dummy')
# dummy
# raises(ConfigError, "config.getattr('gc', None).cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(dummy)")
#def test_config_impl_get_opt_by_path():
# descr = make_description()
# config = Config(descr)
# api = getapi(config)
# dummy = api.option.get('gc.dummy')
# boo = api.option.get('bool')
# assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('bool') == boo
# assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.dummy') == dummy
# raises(AttributeError, "config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.unknown')")
# raises(ConfigError, "config.getattr('gc', None).cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.unknown')")
#def test_information_display():
# g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
# g2 = StrOption('g2', '', 'héhé')
# g3 = UnicodeOption('g3', '', u'héhé')
# g4 = BoolOption('g4', '', True)
# g5 = StrOption('g5', '')
# d1 = OptionDescription('od', '', [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5])
# root = OptionDescription('root', '', [d1])
# config = Config(root)
# assert str(config.od) == """g1 = 1
#g2 = héhé
#g3 = héhé
#g4 = True
#g5 = None"""
# assert str(config) == '[od]'
def to_tuple(val):
ret = []
for v in val:
t = []
for w in v:
if isinstance(w, list):
return tuple(ret)
def test_get_modified_values():
g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
g2 = StrOption('g2', '', 'héhé')
g3 = UnicodeOption('g3', '', u'héhé')
g4 = BoolOption('g4', '', True)
g5 = StrOption('g5', '')
g6 = StrOption('g6', '', multi=True)
d1 = OptionDescription('od', '', [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6])
root = OptionDescription('root', '', [d1])
config = Config(root)
api = getapi(config)
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == ((), (), (), ())
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5',), (None,), ('yes',), ('user',))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5', 'od.g4'), (None, None), ('yes', True), ('user', 'user'))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5',), (None,), ('yes',), ('user',))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5', 'od.g6'), (None, None), ('yes', (None,)), ('user', 'user'))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5', 'od.g6'), (None, None), ('yes', tuple()), ('user', 'user'))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5', 'od.g6'), (None, None), ('yes', ('3',)), ('user', 'user'))
assert to_tuple(api.value.exportation()) == (('od.g5', 'od.g6'), (None, None), ('yes', tuple()), ('user', 'user'))
#def test_has_value():
# g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
# g2 = StrOption('g2', '', 'héhé')
# g3 = UnicodeOption('g3', '', u'héhé')
# g4 = BoolOption('g4', '', True)
# g5 = StrOption('g5', '')
# d1 = OptionDescription('od', '', [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5])
# root = OptionDescription('root', '', [d1])
# config = Config(root)
# api = getapi(config)
# assert not g5 in config.cfgimpl_get_values()
# api.option('od.g5').value.set('yes')
# assert g5 in config.cfgimpl_get_values()
#def test_values_not_setitem():
# g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
# g2 = StrOption('g2', '', 'héhé')
# g3 = UnicodeOption('g3', '', u'héhé')
# g4 = BoolOption('g4', '', True)
# g5 = StrOption('g5', '')
# d1 = OptionDescription('od', '', [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5])
# root = OptionDescription('root', '', [d1])
# config = Config(root)
# config
# raises(ConfigError, "config.cfgimpl_get_values()[g1] = 2")
def test_duplicated_option():
g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
#in same OptionDescription
raises(ConflictError, "d1 = OptionDescription('od', '', [g1, g1])")
def test_duplicated_option_diff_od():
g1 = IntOption('g1', '', 1)
d1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [g1])
#in different OptionDescription
d2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [g1, d1])
raises(ConflictError, 'Config(d2)')
def test_cannot_assign_value_to_option_description():
descr = make_description()
cfg = Config(descr)
api = getapi(cfg)
raises(APIError, "api.option('gc').value.set(3)")
def test_config_multi():
i1 = IntOption('test1', '', multi=True)
i2 = IntOption('test2', '', multi=True, default_multi=1)
i3 = IntOption('test3', '', default=[2], multi=True, default_multi=1)
od = OptionDescription('test', '', [i1, i2, i3])
config = Config(od)
api = getapi(config)
assert api.option('test1').value.get() == []
assert api.option('test2').value.get() == []
assert api.option('test2').value.get() == [1]
assert api.option('test3').value.get() == [2]
api.option('test3').value.set([undefined, undefined])
assert api.option('test3').value.get() == [2, 1]
def test_no_validation():
i1 = IntOption('test1', '')
od = OptionDescription('test', '', [i1])
cfg = Config(od)
api = getapi(cfg)
raises(ValueError, "api.option('test1').value.set('yes')")
assert api.option('test1').value.get() == 1
assert api.option('test1').value.get() == 'yes'
raises(ValueError, "api.option('test1').value.get()")
assert api.option('test1').value.get() is None
#def test_delete_config_with_subconfig():
# test = IntOption('test', '')
# multi = IntOption('multi', '', multi=True)
# od = OptionDescription('od', '', [test, multi])
# odroot = OptionDescription('odroot', '', [od])
# cfg = Config(odroot)
# api = getapi(cfg)
# sub = cfg.od
# val = cfg.cfgimpl_get_values()
# setting = cfg.cfgimpl_get_settings()
# assert api.option('od.test').value.get() is None
# assert api.option('od.multi').value.get() == []
# api.config.make_dict()
# del(api)
# del(cfg)
# raises(ConfigError, 'val[test]')
# raises(ConfigError, 'val[multi]')
# raises(ConfigError, 'setting[test]')
# raises(ConfigError, 'sub.make_dict()')
def test_subconfig():
i = IntOption('i', '')
o = OptionDescription('val', '', [i])
o2 = OptionDescription('val', '', [o])
c = Config(o2)
raises(TypeError, "SubConfig(i, weakref.ref(c))")
#def test_config_weakref():
# o = OptionDescription('val', '', [])
# o2 = OptionDescription('val', '', [o])
# c = Config(o2)
# SubConfig(o, weakref.ref(c))
# raises(ValueError, "SubConfig(o, c)")
# s = SubConfig(o, weakref.ref(c))
# assert s._cfgimpl_get_context() == c
# del(c)
# raises(ConfigError, "s._cfgimpl_get_context()")
#def test_config_str():
# gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
# gcdummy1 = BoolOption('dummy1', 'dummy', default=False, properties=('disabled',))
# o = OptionDescription('o', '', [gcdummy, gcdummy1])
# descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [o])
# cfg = Config(descr)
# api = getapi(cfg)
# api.property.read_only()
# str(cfg)
# str(cfg.o)
#def test_config_od_function():
# gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
# gcdummy1 = BoolOption('dummy1', 'dummy', default=False, properties=('disabled',))
# o = OptionDescription('o', '', [gcdummy, gcdummy1])
# descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [o])
# cfg = Config(descr)
# try:
# print(cfg.impl_get_opt_by_path())
# except AttributeError as err:
# assert str(err) == _('unknown Option {0} in OptionDescription {1}'
# '').format('impl_get_opt_by_path', descr.impl_getname())
def test_config_subconfig():
i1 = IntOption('i1', '')
i2 = IntOption('i2', '', default=1)
i3 = IntOption('i3', '')
i4 = IntOption('i4', '', default=2)
od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [i1, i2, i3, i4])
od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [od1])
conf1 = Config(od2, session_id='conf1')
api = getapi(conf1)
raises(ConfigError, "conf2 = Config(od1, session_id='conf2')")