separate _consistencies (for Option) and _cache_consistencies (for OptionDescription) _launch_consistency need index for multi's option _cons_not_equal support multi options tiramisu/value.py: Multi._validate support consistency
577 lines
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577 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"takes care of the option's values and multi values"
# Copyright (C) 2013 Team tiramisu (see AUTHORS for all contributors)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# ____________________________________________________________
from time import time
from copy import copy
import sys
import weakref
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, SlaveError
from tiramisu.setting import owners, multitypes, expires_time
from tiramisu.autolib import carry_out_calculation
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu.option import SymLinkOption
class Values(object):
"""The `Config`'s root is indeed in charge of the `Option()`'s values,
but the values are physicaly located here, in `Values`, wich is also
responsible of a caching utility.
__slots__ = ('context', '_p_', '__weakref__')
def __init__(self, context, storage):
Initializes the values's dict.
:param context: the context is the home config's values
self.context = weakref.ref(context)
# the storage type is dictionary or sqlite3
self._p_ = storage
def _getdefault(self, opt):
actually retrieves the default value
:param opt: the `option.Option()` object
meta = self.context().cfgimpl_get_meta()
if meta is not None:
value = meta.cfgimpl_get_values()[opt]
value = opt.impl_getdefault()
if opt.impl_is_multi():
return copy(value)
return value
def _getvalue(self, opt, path, validate=True):
"""actually retrieves the value
:param opt: the `option.Option()` object
:returns: the option's value (or the default value if not set)
if not self._p_.hasvalue(path):
# if there is no value
value = self._getdefault(opt)
if opt.impl_is_multi():
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, validate)
# if there is a value
value = self._p_.getvalue(path)
if opt.impl_is_multi() and not isinstance(value, Multi):
# load value so don't need to validate if is not a Multi
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, validate=False)
return value
def get_modified_values(self):
return self._p_.get_modified_values()
def __contains__(self, opt):
implements the 'in' keyword syntax in order provide a pythonic way
to kow if an option have a value
:param opt: the `option.Option()` object
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
return self._contains(path)
def _contains(self, path):
return self._p_.hasvalue(path)
def __delitem__(self, opt):
"""overrides the builtins `del()` instructions"""
def reset(self, opt, path=None):
if path is None:
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
if self._p_.hasvalue(path):
setting = self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings()
'validator' in setting)
if (opt.impl_is_multi() and
opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master):
for slave in opt.impl_get_master_slaves():
def _isempty(self, opt, value):
"convenience method to know if an option is empty"
empty = opt._empty
if (not opt.impl_is_multi() and (value is None or value == empty)) or \
(opt.impl_is_multi() and (value == [] or
None in value or empty in value)):
return True
return False
def _getcallback_value(self, opt, index=None, max_len=None):
retrieves a value for the options that have a callback
:param opt: the `option.Option()` object
:param index: if an option is multi, only calculates the nth value
:type index: int
:returns: a calculated value
callback, callback_params = opt._callback
if callback_params is None:
callback_params = {}
return carry_out_calculation(opt._name, config=self.context(),
index=index, max_len=max_len)
def __getitem__(self, opt):
"enables us to use the pythonic dictionary-like access to values"
return self.getitem(opt)
def getitem(self, opt, path=None, validate=True, force_permissive=False,
force_properties=None, validate_properties=True):
if path is None:
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
ntime = None
setting = self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings()
if 'cache' in setting and self._p_.hascache(path):
if 'expire' in setting:
ntime = int(time())
is_cached, value = self._p_.getcache(path, ntime)
if is_cached:
if opt.impl_is_multi() and not isinstance(value, Multi):
#load value so don't need to validate if is not a Multi
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, validate=False)
return value
val = self._getitem(opt, path, validate, force_permissive,
force_properties, validate_properties)
if 'cache' in setting and validate and validate_properties and \
force_permissive is False and force_properties is None:
if 'expire' in setting:
if ntime is None:
ntime = int(time())
ntime = ntime + expires_time
self._p_.setcache(path, val, ntime)
return val
def _getitem(self, opt, path, validate, force_permissive, force_properties,
# options with callbacks
setting = self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings()
is_frozen = 'frozen' in setting[opt]
# For calculating properties, we need value (ie for mandatory value).
# If value is calculating with a PropertiesOptionError's option
# _getcallback_value raise a ConfigError.
# We can not raise ConfigError if this option should raise
# PropertiesOptionError too. So we get config_error and raise
# ConfigError if properties did not raise.
config_error = None
force_permissives = None
# if value is callback and is not set
# or frozen with force_default_on_freeze
if opt.impl_has_callback() and (
self._is_default_owner(path) or
(is_frozen and 'force_default_on_freeze' in setting[opt])):
lenmaster = None
no_value_slave = False
if (opt.impl_is_multi() and
opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave):
masterp = self._get_opt_path(opt.impl_get_master_slaves())
mastervalue = getattr(self.context(), masterp)
lenmaster = len(mastervalue)
if lenmaster == 0:
value = []
no_value_slave = True
if not no_value_slave:
value = self._getcallback_value(opt, max_len=lenmaster)
except ConfigError as err:
# cannot assign config_err directly in python 3.3
config_error = err
value = None
# should not raise PropertiesOptionError if option is
# mandatory
force_permissives = set(['mandatory'])
if (opt.impl_is_multi() and
opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave):
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value for i in range(lenmaster)]
if config_error is None:
if opt.impl_is_multi():
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, validate)
# suppress value if already set
self.reset(opt, path)
# frozen and force default
elif is_frozen and 'force_default_on_freeze' in setting[opt]:
value = self._getdefault(opt)
if opt.impl_is_multi():
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, validate)
value = self._getvalue(opt, path, validate)
if config_error is None and validate:
opt.impl_validate(value, self.context(), 'validator' in setting)
if config_error is None and self._is_default_owner(path) and \
'force_store_value' in setting[opt]:
self.setitem(opt, value, path, is_write=False)
if validate_properties:
setting.validate_properties(opt, False, False, value=value, path=path,
if config_error is not None:
raise config_error
return value
def __setitem__(self, opt, value):
raise ValueError('you should only set value with config')
def setitem(self, opt, value, path, force_permissive=False,
# is_write is, for example, used with "force_store_value"
# user didn't change value, so not write
# valid opt
opt.impl_validate(value, self.context(),
'validator' in self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings())
if opt.impl_is_multi() and not isinstance(value, Multi):
value = Multi(value, self.context, opt, path, setitem=True)
self._setvalue(opt, path, value, force_permissive=force_permissive,
def _setvalue(self, opt, path, value, force_permissive=False,
is_write=True, validate_properties=True):
if validate_properties:
setting = self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings()
setting.validate_properties(opt, False, is_write,
value=value, path=path,
owner = self.context().cfgimpl_get_settings().getowner()
self._p_.setvalue(path, value, owner)
def getowner(self, opt):
retrieves the option's owner
:param opt: the `option.Option` object
:returns: a `setting.owners.Owner` object
if isinstance(opt, SymLinkOption):
opt = opt._opt
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
return self._getowner(path)
def _getowner(self, path):
owner = self._p_.getowner(path, owners.default)
meta = self.context().cfgimpl_get_meta()
if owner is owners.default and meta is not None:
owner = meta.cfgimpl_get_values()._getowner(path)
return owner
def setowner(self, opt, owner):
sets a owner to an option
:param opt: the `option.Option` object
:param owner: a valid owner, that is a `setting.owners.Owner` object
if not isinstance(owner, owners.Owner):
raise TypeError(_("invalid generic owner {0}").format(str(owner)))
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
self._setowner(path, owner)
def _setowner(self, path, owner):
if self._getowner(path) == owners.default:
raise ConfigError(_('no value for {0} cannot change owner to {1}'
'').format(path, owner))
self._p_.setowner(path, owner)
def is_default_owner(self, opt):
:param config: *must* be only the **parent** config
(not the toplevel config)
:return: boolean
path = self._get_opt_path(opt)
return self._is_default_owner(path)
def _is_default_owner(self, path):
return self._getowner(path) == owners.default
def reset_cache(self, only_expired):
clears the cache if necessary
if only_expired:
def _get_opt_path(self, opt):
retrieve the option's path in the config
:param opt: the `option.Option` object
:returns: a string with points like "gc.dummy.my_option"
return self.context().cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(opt)
# information
def set_information(self, key, value):
"""updates the information's attribute
:param key: information's key (ex: "help", "doc"
:param value: information's value (ex: "the help string")
self._p_.set_information(key, value)
def get_information(self, key, default=None):
"""retrieves one information's item
:param key: the item string (ex: "help")
return self._p_.get_information(key)
except ValueError:
if default is not None:
return default
raise ValueError(_("information's item"
" not found: {0}").format(key))
def __getstate__(self):
return {'_p_': self._p_}
def _impl_setstate(self, storage):
self._p_._storage = storage
def __setstate__(self, states):
self._p_ = states['_p_']
# ____________________________________________________________
# multi types
class Multi(list):
"""multi options values container
that support item notation for the values of multi options"""
__slots__ = ('opt', 'path', 'context')
def __init__(self, value, context, opt, path, validate=True,
:param value: the Multi wraps a list value
:param context: the home config that has the values
:param opt: the option object that have this Multi value
:param setitem: only if set a value
self.opt = opt
self.path = path
if not isinstance(context, weakref.ReferenceType):
raise ValueError('context must be a Weakref')
self.context = context
if not isinstance(value, list):
value = [value]
if validate and self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave:
value = self._valid_slave(value, setitem)
elif validate and self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
super(Multi, self).__init__(value)
def _valid_slave(self, value, setitem):
#if slave, had values until master's one
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
masterp = self.context().cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
mastervalue = getattr(self.context(), masterp)
masterlen = len(mastervalue)
valuelen = len(value)
is_default_owner = not values._is_default_owner(self.path) or setitem
if valuelen > masterlen or (valuelen < masterlen and
raise SlaveError(_("invalid len for the slave: {0}"
" which has {1} as master").format(
self.opt._name, masterp))
elif valuelen < masterlen:
for num in range(0, masterlen - valuelen):
if self.opt.impl_has_callback():
# if callback add a value, but this value will not change
# anymore automaticly (because this value has owner)
index = value.__len__()
#else: same len so do nothing
return value
def _valid_master(self, value):
masterlen = len(value)
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
for slave in self.opt._master_slaves:
path = values._get_opt_path(slave)
if not values._is_default_owner(path):
value_slave = values._getvalue(slave, path)
if len(value_slave) > masterlen:
raise SlaveError(_("invalid len for the master: {0}"
" which has {1} as slave with"
" greater len").format(
self.opt._name, slave._name))
elif len(value_slave) < masterlen:
for num in range(0, masterlen - len(value_slave)):
if slave.impl_has_callback():
# if callback add a value, but this value will not
# change anymore automaticly (because this value
# has owner)
index = value_slave.__len__()
values._getcallback_value(slave, index=index),
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self._validate(value, index)
#assume not checking mandatory property
super(Multi, self).__setitem__(index, value)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def append(self, value, force=False):
"""the list value can be updated (appened)
only if the option is a master
if not force:
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave:
raise SlaveError(_("cannot append a value on a multi option {0}"
" which is a slave").format(self.opt._name))
elif self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
if value is None and self.opt.impl_has_callback():
value = values._getcallback_value(self.opt)
#Force None il return a list
if isinstance(value, list):
value = None
index = self.__len__()
self._validate(value, index)
super(Multi, self).append(value)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path,
validate_properties=not force)
if not force and self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
for slave in self.opt.impl_get_master_slaves():
path = values._get_opt_path(slave)
if not values._is_default_owner(path):
if slave.impl_has_callback():
dvalue = values._getcallback_value(slave, index=index)
dvalue = slave.impl_getdefault_multi()
old_value = values.getitem(slave, path,
if len(old_value) < self.__len__():
values.getitem(slave, path,
dvalue, force=True)
values.getitem(slave, path,
index] = dvalue
def sort(self, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False):
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() in [multitypes.slave,
raise SlaveError(_("cannot sort multi option {0} if master or slave"
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
if cmp is not None:
raise ValueError(_('cmp is not permitted in python v3 or greater'))
super(Multi, self).sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
super(Multi, self).sort(cmp=cmp, key=key, reverse=reverse)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def reverse(self):
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() in [multitypes.slave,
raise SlaveError(_("cannot reverse multi option {0} if master or "
super(Multi, self).reverse()
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def insert(self, index, obj):
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() in [multitypes.slave,
raise SlaveError(_("cannot insert multi option {0} if master or "
super(Multi, self).insert(index, obj)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def extend(self, iterable):
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() in [multitypes.slave,
raise SlaveError(_("cannot extend multi option {0} if master or "
super(Multi, self).extend(iterable)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def _validate(self, value, force_index):
if value is not None:
self.opt.impl_validate(value, context=self.context(),
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(_("invalid value {0} "
"for option {1}: {2}"
self.opt._name, err))
def pop(self, index, force=False):
"""the list value can be updated (poped)
only if the option is a master
:param index: remove item a index
:type index: int
:param force: force pop item (withoud check master/slave)
:type force: boolean
:returns: item at index
if not force:
if self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave:
raise SlaveError(_("cannot pop a value on a multi option {0}"
" which is a slave").format(self.opt._name))
elif self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
for slave in self.opt.impl_get_master_slaves():
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
if not values.is_default_owner(slave):
#get multi without valid properties
).pop(index, force=True)
#set value without valid properties
ret = super(Multi, self).pop(index)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self, validate_properties=not force)
return ret