from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, OptionDescription
from tiramisu import Leadership

def get_description():
    """generate description for this test
    option = ChoiceOption('choice1', "Choice leader", ("choice 1", "choice 2"), multi=True)
    option1 = ChoiceOption('choice2', "Choice follower 1", ("choice 3", "choice 4"), multi=True)
    option2 = ChoiceOption('choice3', "Choice follower 2", ("choice 5", "choice 6"), multi=True)
    option3 = ChoiceOption('choice4', "Choice follower 3", ("choice 7", "choice 8"), multi=True)
    descr1 = Leadership("choice1", "Common configuration 1",
                          [option, option1, option2, option3])
    descr = OptionDescription("options", "Common configuration 2", [descr1])
    descr = OptionDescription("choice1_leadership_value", "Leader followers with choices, leader is 'choice 2' and follower 1 is 'choice 4'", [descr])
    return descr

async def get_values(api, allpath=False):
    if allpath:
        root = 'choice1_leadership_value.'
        root = ''
    await api.option(root + 'options.choice1.choice1').value.set(['choice 2'])
    await api.option(root + 'options.choice1.choice2', 0).value.set('choice 4')