import autopath
from py.test import raises

from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import DomainnameOption, EmailOption, URLOption, OptionDescription

def test_domainname():
    d = DomainnameOption('d', '')
    f = DomainnameOption('f', '', allow_without_dot=True)
    g = DomainnameOption('g', '', allow_ip=True)
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [d, f, g])
    c = Config(od)
    c.d = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = 'toto'")
    c.d = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = 'toto3.3la'")
    #raises(ValueError, "c.d = ''")
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = 'toto.co3'")
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = ''")
    c.d = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = ''")
    c.f = ''
    c.f = 'toto'
    raises(ValueError, "c.f = 'domainnametoolongthathavemorethanmaximumsizeforatruedomainnameanditsnoteasytogeneratesolongdomainnamewithoutrepeatdomainnametoolongthathavemorethanmaximumsizeforatruedomainnameanditsnoteasytogeneratesolongdomainnamewithoutrepeatbutimnotabletodoitnowiendityeah'")
    raises(ValueError, "c.f = 'd'")
    c.g = ''
    c.g = ''
    c.g = ''

def test_special_domain_name():
    """domain name option that starts with a number or not
    d = DomainnameOption('d', '')
    e = DomainnameOption('e', '', type_='netbios')
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [d,e])
    c = Config(od)
    c.d = ''
    c.d = ''
    c.e = 'toto'
    c.e = '1toto'

def test_domainname_netbios():
    d = DomainnameOption('d', '', type_='netbios')
    e = DomainnameOption('e', '', "toto", type_='netbios')
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [d, e])
    c = Config(od)
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = ''")
    c.d = 'toto'
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = 'domainnametoolong'")

def test_domainname_hostname():
    d = DomainnameOption('d', '', type_='hostname')
    e = DomainnameOption('e', '', "toto", type_='hostname')
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [d, e])
    c = Config(od)
    raises(ValueError, "c.d = ''")
    c.d = 'toto'
    c.d = 'domainnametoolong'

def test_email():
    e = EmailOption('e', '')
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [e])
    c = Config(od)
    c.e = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.e = 'root'")
    raises(ValueError, "c.e = 'root@domain'")
    raises(ValueError, "c.e = 'root[]@domain'")

def test_url():
    u = URLOption('u', '')
    od = OptionDescription('a', '', [u])
    c = Config(od)
    c.u = ''
    c.u = ''
    c.u = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = ''")
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = ''")
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = ':/'")
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = ''")
    c.u = ''
    c.u = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = '\\n.html'")
    c.u = ''
    c.u = ''
    c.u = ''
    raises(ValueError, "c.u = ''")