master/slave, multi... in the glossary
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 328 additions and 172 deletions
@ -267,6 +267,10 @@ and of course, :meth:`~config.SubConfig.make_dict()` can be called in a subtree:
the owners
the owners
.. glossary::
When a value is set on an option, an owner is set too, that's why one can know
When a value is set on an option, an owner is set too, that's why one can know
at any time if a value is a default value or not. Let's create a tree::
at any time if a value is a default value or not. Let's create a tree::
@ -399,183 +403,134 @@ Furthermore, let's retrieve the properties, delete and add the `hidden` property
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named:
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named:
var1 with properties ['hidden']
var1 with properties ['hidden']
The requirements
Let's create an option wich has requirements::
.. _multi-option:
>>> from tiramisu.option import *
The multi-options
>>> from tiramisu.config import *
>>> var2 = UnicodeOption('var2', '', u'oui')
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'hidden'}])
>>> var3 = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'disabled'}])
>>> var4 = UnicodeOption('var4', '', u'oui')
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1, var2, var3])
>>> od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [var4], requires=[{'option':od1.var2, 'expected':u'oui', 'action':'hidden', 'inverse':True}])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1, od2])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
The requirement here is the dict `{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non',
.. glossary::
'action':'hidden'}` wich means that is the option `'od1.var2'` is set to
`'non'`, the option `'od1.var1'` is gonna be hidden. On the other hand, if the
option `'od1.var2'` is different from `'non'`, the option `'od1.var1'` is not
hidden any more::
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var2
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named:
var1 with properties ['hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
The requirement on `od2` is `{'option':od1.var2, 'expected':u'oui',
Multi-options are normal options that have list of values (multiple values)
'action':'hidden', 'inverse':True}`, which means that if the option `od1.var2`
instead of values::
is set to `oui`, the option is not hidden (because of the `True` at the end of
the tuple wich means 'inverted', take a look at the :doc:`consistency`
>>> print c.od2.var4
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', [u'val1', u'val2'], multi=True)
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1])
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.od2.var4
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named: od2 with properties ['hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.od2.var4
Requirements can be accumulated
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
['disabled', 'hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
Requirements can be accumulated for different or identical properties (inverted
or not)::
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'expected':'oui',
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'excepted':'oui',
'action':'disabled', 'inverse':True}])
But it is not possible to have inverted requirements on the same property.
Here is an impossible situation::
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'expected':'oui',
'hidden', True}])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: inconsistency in action types for option: var3 action: hidden
The calculations
Let's create four calculation functions::
def return_calc():
#return an unicode value
return u'calc'
def return_value(value):
return value
def return_value_param(param=u''):
return param
def return_no_value_if_non(value):
#if value is not u'non' return value
if value == u'non':
return None
return value
Then we create four options using theses functions::
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', callback=return_calc)
>>> var2 = UnicodeOption('var2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': (u'value',)})
>>> var3 = UnicodeOption('var3', '', callback=return_value_param, callback_params={'param': (u'value_param',)})
>>> var4 = UnicodeOption('var4', '', callback=return_no_value_if_non, callback_params={'': (('od1.var5', False),)})
>>> var5 = UnicodeOption('var5', '', u'oui')
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1, var2, var3, var4, var5])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
>>> c.read_write()
The first option `var1` returns the result of the `return_calc` function, wich
A multi-option's value can be manipulated like a list::
is `u'calc'`::
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var1
[u'val1', u'val2']
>>> c.od1.var1 = [u'var1']
The second option `var2` returns the result of the `return_value` fucntion,
wich is `value`. The parameter `u'value'` is passed to this function::
>>> print c.od1.var2
The third option `var3` returns the result of the function `return_value_param`
with the named parameter `param` and the value `u'value_param'`::
>>> print c.od1.var3
The fourth option `var4` returns the reslut of the function `return_no_value_if_non`
that is the value of `od1.var5` exceptif the value is u`non`::
>>> print c.od1.var4
>>> c.od1.var5 = u'new'
>>> print c.od1.var4
>>> c.od1.var5 = u'non'
>>> print c.od1.var4
The calculation replaces the default value.
If we modify the value, the calculation is not carried out any more::
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'new_value'
>>> c.od1.var1.append(u'val3')
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var1
[u'var1', u'val3']
>>> c.od1.var1.pop(1)
To force the calculation to be carried out in some cases, one must add the
`frozen` and the `force_default_on_freeze` properties::
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].append('frozen')
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].append('force_default_on_freeze')
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].remove('frozen')
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].remove('force_default_on_freeze')
>>> print c.od1.var1
But it is not possible to set a value to a multi-option wich is not a list::
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'error'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid value error for option var1 which must be a list
The master/slave groups
.. glossary::
A master/slave group is an :class:`~tiramisu.option.OptionDescription` and the
options that lives inside.
Inside this group, a special option, named master option, has the same name as
the group. The group (the option description) is set to type `master`.
All options in a master group is a multi-option (see :ref:`multi-option`).
The slave options have a `default_multi` attribute set to `True`::
>>> from tiramisu.setting import groups
>>> from tiramisu.config import Config
>>> from tiramisu.option import UnicodeOption, OptionDescription
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('master', '', multi=True)
>>> var2 = UnicodeOption('slave1', '', multi=True)
>>> var3 = UnicodeOption('slave2', '', multi=True, default_multi=u"default")
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('master', '', [var1, var2, var3])
>>> od1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master)
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
The length of the lists can be modified::
>>> print c.master
master = []
slave1 = []
slave2 = []
>>> c.master.master.append(u'oui')
>>> print c.master
master = [u'oui']
slave1 = [None]
slave2 = [u'default']
>>> c.master.master = [u'non']
>>> print c.master
master = [u'non']
slave1 = [None]
slave2 = [u'default']
>>> c.master.master = [u'oui', u'non']
>>> print c.master
master = [u'oui', u'non']
slave1 = [None, None]
slave2 = [u'default', u'default']
But it is forbidden to change the lenght of a slave::
>>> c.master.slave1[0] = u'super'
>>> print c.master
master = [u'oui', u'non']
slave1 = [u'super', None]
slave2 = [u'default', u'default']
>>> c.master.slave1 = [u'new1', u'new2']
>>> print c.master
master = [u'oui', u'non']
slave1 = [u'new1', u'new2']
slave2 = [u'default', u'default']
>>> c.master.slave1 = [u'new1']
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.SlaveError: invalid len for the slave: slave1 which has master.master as master
>>> c.master.slave1 = [u'new1', u'new2', u'new3']
tiramisu.error.SlaveError: invalid len for the slave: slave1 which has master.master as master
you have to call the `pop` function on the master::
>>> c.master.master = [u'oui']
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.SlaveError: invalid len for the master: master which has slave1 as slave with greater len
>>> c.master.master.pop(0)
>>> print c.master
master = [u'non']
slave1 = [u'new2']
slave2 = [u'default']
Configuration's interesting methods
Configuration's interesting methods
@ -72,6 +72,96 @@ callback's action name (`hide`, `show`...), wich is a
:class:`~setting.Property()`. Requirements are validated in
:class:`~setting.Property()`. Requirements are validated in
Let's create an option wich has requirements::
>>> from tiramisu.option import *
>>> from tiramisu.config import *
>>> var2 = UnicodeOption('var2', '', u'oui')
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'hidden'}])
>>> var3 = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':var2, 'expected':u'non', 'action':'disabled'}])
>>> var4 = UnicodeOption('var4', '', u'oui')
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1, var2, var3])
>>> od2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [var4], requires=[{'option':od1.var2, 'expected':u'oui', 'action':'hidden', 'inverse':True}])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1, od2])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
The requirement here is the dict `{'option':var2, 'expected':u'non',
'action':'hidden'}` wich means that is the option `'od1.var2'` is set to
`'non'`, the option `'od1.var1'` is gonna be hidden. On the other hand, if the
option `'od1.var2'` is different from `'non'`, the option `'od1.var1'` is not
hidden any more::
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> print c.od1.var2
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named:
var1 with properties ['hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1]
>>> print c.od1.var1
The requirement on `od2` is `{'option':od1.var2, 'expected':u'oui',
'action':'hidden', 'inverse':True}`, which means that if the option `od1.var2`
is set to `oui`, the option is not hidden (because of the `True` at the end of
the tuple wich means 'inverted', take a look at the :doc:`consistency`
>>> print c.od2.var4
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.od2.var4
Traceback (most recent call last):
tiramisu.error.PropertiesOptionError: trying to access to an option named: od2 with properties ['hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.od2.var4
Requirements can be accumulated
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'non'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
['disabled', 'hidden']
>>> c.od1.var2 = u'oui'
>>> print c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var3]
Requirements can be accumulated for different or identical properties (inverted
or not)::
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'expected':'oui',
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'excepted':'oui',
'action':'disabled', 'inverse':True}])
But it is not possible to have inverted requirements on the same property.
Here is an impossible situation::
>>> a = UnicodeOption('var3', '', u'value', requires=[{'option':od1.var2,
'expected':'non', 'action':'hidden'}, {'option':od1.var1, 'expected':'oui',
'hidden', True}])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: inconsistency in action types for option: var3 action: hidden
Validation upon a whole configuration object
Validation upon a whole configuration object
@ -87,6 +177,36 @@ Other hooks are availables to validate upon a whole configuration at any time,
for example the consistency between two options (typically, an
for example the consistency between two options (typically, an
:class:`IPOption` and a :class:`NetworkOption`).
:class:`IPOption` and a :class:`NetworkOption`).
Let's define validator (wich is a normal python function)::
>>> def valid_a(value, letter=''):
... return value.startswith(letter)
Here is an option wich uses this validator::
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', u'oui', validator=valid_a, validator_args={'letter': 'o'})
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
The validation is applied at the modification time::
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'non'
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid value non for option var1
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'oh non'
Il est possible de désactiver la validation :
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings().remove('validator')
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'non'
Values that are calculated
Values that are calculated
@ -111,3 +231,84 @@ attribute.
attribute `force_store_value` enabled is considered to be modified at
attribute `force_store_value` enabled is considered to be modified at
the first calculation
the first calculation
Let's create four calculation functions::
def return_calc():
#return an unicode value
return u'calc'
def return_value(value):
return value
def return_value_param(param=u''):
return param
def return_no_value_if_non(value):
#if value is not u'non' return value
if value == u'non':
return None
return value
Then we create four options using theses functions::
>>> var1 = UnicodeOption('var1', '', callback=return_calc)
>>> var2 = UnicodeOption('var2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': (u'value',)})
>>> var3 = UnicodeOption('var3', '', callback=return_value_param, callback_params={'param': (u'value_param',)})
>>> var4 = UnicodeOption('var4', '', callback=return_no_value_if_non, callback_params={'': (('od1.var5', False),)})
>>> var5 = UnicodeOption('var5', '', u'oui')
>>> od1 = OptionDescription('od1', '', [var1, var2, var3, var4, var5])
>>> rootod = OptionDescription('rootod', '', [od1])
>>> c = Config(rootod)
>>> c.read_write()
The first option `var1` returns the result of the `return_calc` function, wich
is `u'calc'`::
>>> print c.od1.var1
The second option `var2` returns the result of the `return_value` fucntion,
wich is `value`. The parameter `u'value'` is passed to this function::
>>> print c.od1.var2
The third option `var3` returns the result of the function `return_value_param`
with the named parameter `param` and the value `u'value_param'`::
>>> print c.od1.var3
The fourth option `var4` returns the reslut of the function `return_no_value_if_non`
that is the value of `od1.var5` exceptif the value is u`non`::
>>> print c.od1.var4
>>> c.od1.var5 = u'new'
>>> print c.od1.var4
>>> c.od1.var5 = u'non'
>>> print c.od1.var4
The calculation replaces the default value.
If we modify the value, the calculation is not carried out any more::
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> c.od1.var1 = u'new_value'
>>> print c.od1.var1
To force the calculation to be carried out in some cases, one must add the
`frozen` and the `force_default_on_freeze` properties::
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].append('frozen')
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].append('force_default_on_freeze')
>>> print c.od1.var1
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].remove('frozen')
>>> c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[rootod.od1.var1].remove('force_default_on_freeze')
>>> print c.od1.var1
Reference in a new issue