Merge branch 'master' into orm
Conflicts: test/ tiramisu/ tiramisu/ tiramisu/
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 510 additions and 222 deletions
@ -131,8 +131,10 @@ def test_cfgimpl_get_home_by_path():
config.bool = False
config.bool = False
assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('gc.dummy')[1] == 'dummy'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('gc.dummy')[1] == 'dummy'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('dummy')[1] == 'dummy'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_home_by_path('dummy')[1] == 'dummy'
#assert config.getpaths(include_groups=False) == ['', 'gc.dummy', 'gc.float', 'bool', 'objspace', 'wantref', 'str', 'wantframework', 'int', 'boolop']
#assert config.getpaths(include_groups=True) == ['gc', '', 'gc.dummy', 'gc.float', 'bool', 'objspace', 'wantref', 'str', 'wantframework', 'int', 'boolop']
def test_not_valid_properties():
raises(TypeError, "stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default='abc', properties=['mandatory',])")
def test_information_config():
def test_information_config():
@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ def test_information_config():
config.impl_set_information('info', string)
config.impl_set_information('info', string)
assert config.impl_get_information('info') == string
assert config.impl_get_information('info') == string
raises(ValueError, "config.impl_get_information('noinfo')")
raises(ValueError, "config.impl_get_information('noinfo')")
assert config.impl_get_information('noinfo', 'default') == 'default'
#FIXME test impl_get_xxx pour OD ou ne pas cacher
#FIXME test impl_get_xxx pour OD ou ne pas cacher
@ -150,8 +153,10 @@ def test_config_impl_get_path_by_opt():
config = Config(descr)
config = Config(descr)
dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy')
dummy = config.unwrap_from_path('gc.dummy')
boo = config.unwrap_from_path('bool')
boo = config.unwrap_from_path('bool')
unknown = IntOption('test', '')
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(boo) == 'bool'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(boo) == 'bool'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(dummy) == 'gc.dummy'
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(dummy) == 'gc.dummy'
raises(AttributeError, "config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(unknown)")
def test_config_impl_get_opt_by_path():
def test_config_impl_get_opt_by_path():
@ -161,6 +166,7 @@ def test_config_impl_get_opt_by_path():
boo = config.unwrap_from_path('bool')
boo = config.unwrap_from_path('bool')
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('bool') == boo
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('bool') == boo
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.dummy') == dummy
assert config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.dummy') == dummy
raises(AttributeError, "config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_opt_by_path('gc.unknown')")
def test_information_display():
def test_information_display():
@ -235,7 +241,40 @@ def test_duplicated_option_diff_od():
raises(ConflictError, "d2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [g1])")
raises(ConflictError, "d2 = OptionDescription('od2', '', [g1])")
def test_cannot_assign_value_to_option_description():
def test_cannot_assign_value_to_option_description():
descr = make_description()
descr = make_description()
cfg = Config(descr)
cfg = Config(descr)
raises(TypeError, "cfg.gc = 3")
raises(TypeError, "cfg.gc = 3")
def test_config_multi():
i1 = IntOption('test1', '', multi=True)
i2 = IntOption('test2', '', multi=True, default_multi=1)
i3 = IntOption('test3', '', default=[2], multi=True, default_multi=1)
od = OptionDescription('test', '', [i1, i2, i3])
config = Config(od)
assert config.test1 == []
assert config.test2 == []
assert config.test2 == [1]
assert config.test3 == [2]
assert config.test3 == [2, 1]
def test_no_validation():
i1 = IntOption('test1', '')
od = OptionDescription('test', '', [i1])
c = Config(od)
setting = c.cfgimpl_get_settings()
c.test1 = 1
raises(ValueError, 'c.test1 = "yes"')
assert c.test1 == 1
c.test1 = "yes"
assert c.test1 == "yes"
raises(ValueError, 'c.test1')
assert c.test1 == None
@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ def test_ip():
c.b = ''
c.b = ''
raises(ValueError, "c.b = ''")
raises(ValueError, "c.b = ''")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('a', 'ip', default='')")
d = IPOption('a', 'ip', default='')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [d])
c = Config(od)
raises(ValueError, "c.a = ''")
def test_ip_default():
def test_ip_default():
a = IPOption('a', '', '')
a = IPOption('a', '', '')
@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
and to compare them
and to compare them
import autopath
import autopath
from py.test import raises
from tiramisu.option import BoolOption, IntOption
from tiramisu.option import IntOption, OptionDescription
def a_func():
return None
#def test_option_comparison():
#def test_option_comparison():
@ -36,3 +41,60 @@ from tiramisu.option import BoolOption, IntOption
# assert dummy1 != dummy5
# assert dummy1 != dummy5
# assert dummy1 == dummy6
# assert dummy1 == dummy6
# assert dummy1 != dummy7
# assert dummy1 != dummy7
def test_option_valid_name():
IntOption('test', '')
raises(ValueError, 'IntOption(1, "")')
raises(ValueError, 'IntOption("impl_test", "")')
raises(ValueError, 'IntOption("_test", "")')
raises(ValueError, 'IntOption("unwrap_from_path", "")')
def test_option_with_callback():
#no default value with callback
raises(ValueError, "IntOption('test', '', default=1, callback=a_func)")
def test_option_get_information():
description = "it's ok"
string = 'some informations'
i = IntOption('test', description)
i.impl_set_information('info', string)
assert i.impl_get_information('info') == string
raises(ValueError, "i.impl_get_information('noinfo')")
assert i.impl_get_information('noinfo', 'default') == 'default'
assert i.impl_get_information('doc') == description
assert i.impl_getdoc() == description
def test_optiondescription_get_information():
description = "it's ok"
string = 'some informations'
o = OptionDescription('test', description, [])
o.impl_set_information('info', string)
assert o.impl_get_information('info') == string
raises(ValueError, "o.impl_get_information('noinfo')")
assert o.impl_get_information('noinfo', 'default') == 'default'
assert o.impl_get_information('doc') == description
assert o.impl_getdoc() == description
def test_option_multi():
IntOption('test', '', multi=True)
IntOption('test', '', multi=True, default_multi=1)
IntOption('test', '', default=[1], multi=True, default_multi=1)
#add default_multi to not multi's option
raises(ValueError, "IntOption('test', '', default_multi=1)")
#unvalid default_multi
raises(ValueError, "IntOption('test', '', multi=True, default_multi='yes')")
#not default_multi with callback
raises(ValueError, "IntOption('test', '', multi=True, default_multi=1, callback=a_func)")
def test_option_is_multi_by_default():
assert IntOption('test', '').impl_is_empty_by_default() is True
assert IntOption('test', '', 1).impl_is_empty_by_default() is False
assert IntOption('test', '', multi=True).impl_is_empty_by_default() is True
assert IntOption('test', '', [1], multi=True).impl_is_empty_by_default() is False
assert IntOption('test', '', multi=True, default_multi=1).impl_is_empty_by_default() is True
@ -21,7 +21,13 @@ def return_list(value=None):
def return_list2(*args):
def return_list2(*args):
return list(args)
l = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, list):
return l
def return_value(value=None):
def return_value(value=None):
@ -34,6 +40,10 @@ def return_value2(*args, **kwargs):
return value
return value
def return_calc(i, j, k):
return i + j + k
def make_description():
def make_description():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
@ -93,83 +103,6 @@ def test_identical_paths():
raises(ConflictError, "make_description_duplicates()")
raises(ConflictError, "make_description_duplicates()")
def make_description2():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ['ref', 'framework'], 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
floatoption = FloatOption('float', 'Test float option', default=2.3)
objspaceoption = ChoiceOption('objspace', 'Object space',
['std', 'thunk'], 'std')
booloption = BoolOption('bool', 'Test boolean option', default=True)
intoption = IntOption('int', 'Test int option', default=0)
stroption = StrOption('str', 'Test string option', default="abc")
# first multi
boolop = BoolOption('boolop', 'Test boolean option op', default=True)
wantref_option = BoolOption('wantref', 'Test requires', default=False,
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
# second multi
wantframework_option = BoolOption('wantframework', 'Test requires',
requires=({'option': boolop, 'expected': True, 'action': 'hidden'},))
gcgroup = OptionDescription('gc', '', [gcoption, gcdummy, floatoption])
descr = OptionDescription('constraints', '', [gcgroup, booloption, objspaceoption,
wantref_option, stroption,
intoption, boolop])
return descr
# FIXME: il faudra tester les validations sur les multis
#def test_multi_constraints():
# "a multi in a constraint has to have the same length"
# descr = make_description2()
# cfg = Config(descr)
# cfg.boolop = [True, True, False]
# cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]
#def test_multi_raise():
# "a multi in a constraint has to have the same length"
# # FIXME fusionner les deux tests, MAIS PROBLEME :
# # il ne devrait pas etre necessaire de refaire une config
# # si la valeur est modifiee une deuxieme fois ->
# #raises(ConflictConfigError, "cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]")
# # ExceptionFailure: 'DID NOT RAISE'
# descr = make_description2()
# cfg = Config(descr)
# cfg.boolop = [True]
# raises(ConflictConfigError, "cfg.wantframework = [False, False, True]")
# ____________________________________________________________
# adding dynamically new options description schema
#def test_newoption_add_in_descr():
# descr = make_description()
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.add_child(newoption)
# config = Config(descr)
# assert config.newoption == False
#def test_newoption_add_in_subdescr():
# descr = make_description()
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.gc.add_child(newoption)
# config = Config(descr)
# config.bool = False
# assert config.gc.newoption == False
#def test_newoption_add_in_config():
# descr = make_description()
# config = Config(descr)
# config.bool = False
# newoption = BoolOption('newoption', 'dummy twoo', default=False)
# descr.add_child(newoption)
# config.cfgimpl_update()
# assert config.newoption == False
# ____________________________________________________________
def make_description_requires():
def make_description_requires():
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcoption = ChoiceOption('name', 'GC name', ('ref', 'framework'), 'ref')
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
@ -310,6 +243,19 @@ def test_callback():
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
assert cfg.val1 == 'val'
def test_callback_params_without_callback():
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val2', '', callback_params={'': ('yes',)})")
def test_callback_invalid():
raises(ValueError, 'val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback="string")')
raises(ValueError, 'val1 = StrOption("val1", "", callback=return_val, callback_params="string")')
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val')
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val2', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'': 'string'})")
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': (('string', False),)})")
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val4', '', callback=return_value, callback_params={'value': ((val1, 'string'),)})")
def test_callback_value():
def test_callback_value():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val')
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", 'val')
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
@ -422,7 +368,7 @@ def test_callback_multi_value():
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val1 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val2 == ['new-val', 'new-val2']
assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'yes', 'new-val2', 'yes']
assert cfg.val4 == ['new-val', 'new-val2', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val2 == ['val']
assert cfg.val2 == ['val']
@ -444,6 +390,14 @@ def test_callback_multi_list():
assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1 == ['val', 'val']
def test_callback_multi_list_extend():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': (['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5'])}, multi=True)
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1 == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master():
def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_val)
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_val)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
@ -453,7 +407,7 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master():
cfg = Config(maconfig)
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
@ -468,7 +422,7 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_master_list():
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val', None]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val', 'val', None]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None, None]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [None, None, None]
@ -536,7 +490,8 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value():
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)})
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ('yes',)})
val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11'])
val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11'])
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val4, False),)})
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val4, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3, val5])
val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val5, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3, val5, val6])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val4])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val4])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
cfg = Config(maconfig)
@ -545,30 +500,35 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value():
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
assert cfg.val1.val3 == []
assert cfg.val1.val3 == []
assert cfg.val1.val5 == []
assert cfg.val1.val5 == []
assert cfg.val1.val6 == []
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10']
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11', None]
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11', None]
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11', None]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val1 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val1', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val10', 'val11']
cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2']
cfg.val1.val2 = ['val2', 'val2']
cfg.val1.val3 = ['val2', 'val2']
cfg.val1.val3 = ['val2', 'val2']
@ -576,11 +536,13 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value():
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val2 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val3 == ['val2', 'val2', 'yes']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', None]
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', None]
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2', None]
cfg.val4 = ['val10', 'val11', 'val12']
cfg.val4 = ['val10', 'val11', 'val12']
#if value is already set, not updated !
#if value is already set, not updated !
@ -588,6 +550,69 @@ def test_callback_master_and_slaves_value():
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
cfg.val1.val1 = ['val1', 'val2', 'val3']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12']
assert cfg.val1.val5 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12']
assert cfg.val1.val6 == ['val2', 'val2', 'val12']
def test_callback_master():
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_value)
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
raises(ValueError, "interface1.impl_set_group_type(groups.master)")
def test_callback_master_and_other_master_slave():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", multi=True)
val4 = StrOption('val4', '', multi=True, default=['val10', 'val11'])
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val1, False),)})
val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2, val3])
interface2 = OptionDescription('val4', '', [val4, val5, val6])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, interface2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val4.val5 == [None, None]
assert cfg.val4.val6 == [None, None]
cfg.val1.val1 = ['yes']
assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', None]
assert cfg.val4.val6 == [None, None]
cfg.val1.val2 = ['no']
assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', None]
assert cfg.val4.val6 == ['no', None]
cfg.val1.val1 = ['yes', 'yes', 'yes']
cfg.val1.val2 = ['no', 'no', 'no']
assert cfg.val4.val4 == ['val10', 'val11']
assert cfg.val4.val5 == ['yes', 'yes']
assert cfg.val4.val6 == ['no', 'no']
def test_callback_different_type():
val = IntOption('val', "", default=2)
val_ = IntOption('val_', "", default=3)
val1 = IntOption('val1', "", multi=True)
val2 = IntOption('val2', "", multi=True, callback=return_calc, callback_params={'': ((val, False), (val1, False)), 'k': ((val_, False),)})
interface1 = OptionDescription('val1', '', [val1, val2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [interface1, val, val_])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val1.val1 == []
assert cfg.val1.val2 == []
cfg.val1.val1 = [1]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6]
cfg.val1.val1 = [1, 3]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1, 3]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6, 8]
cfg.val1.val1 = [1, 3, 5]
assert cfg.val1.val1 == [1, 3, 5]
assert cfg.val1.val2 == [6, 8, 10]
def test_callback_hidden():
def test_callback_hidden():
@ -654,7 +679,7 @@ def test_callback_multi_list_params():
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val', 'val']
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val']
def test_callback_multi_list_params_key():
def test_callback_multi_list_params_key():
@ -664,31 +689,4 @@ def test_callback_multi_list_params_key():
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, oval2])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
cfg = Config(maconfig)
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val', 'val', 'val']
assert cfg.val2.val2 == ['val', 'val']
def test_callback_multi_multi():
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", multi=True, default=['val1', 'val2', 'val3'])
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True, default=['val11', 'val12'])
val3 = StrOption('val3', "", default='val4')
val4 = StrOption('val4', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val2, False))})
val5 = StrOption('val5', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val3, False))})
val6 = StrOption('val6', "", multi=True, default=['val21', 'val22', 'val23'])
val7 = StrOption('val7', "", multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'': ((val1, False), (val6, False))})
raises(ValueError, "StrOption('val8', '', multi=True, callback=return_list2, callback_params={'value': ((val1, False), (val6, False))})")
maconfig = OptionDescription('rootconfig', '', [val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7])
cfg = Config(maconfig)
raises(ConfigError, "cfg.val4")
assert cfg.val5 == ['val1', 'val4', 'val2', 'val4', 'val3', 'val4']
assert cfg.val7 == ['val1', 'val21', 'val2', 'val22', 'val3', 'val23']
def test_multi_with_no_value():
#First option return [] (so without value)
val1 = StrOption('val1', "", ['val'], multi=True)
val2 = StrOption('val2', "", multi=True)
val3 = StrOption('val3', '', multi=True, callback=return_value, callback_params={'': ((val2, False),), 'value': ((val1, False),)})
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [val1, val2, val3])
c = Config(od)
raises(ConfigError, "c.val3")
@ -8,6 +8,17 @@ from tiramisu.option import IPOption, NetworkOption, NetmaskOption, IntOption,\
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError
def test_consistency():
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
od = OptionDescription('od', '', [a, b])
a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', b)
#consistency to itself
raises(ConfigError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', a)")
#consistency with string
raises(ConfigError, "a.impl_add_consistency('not_equal', 'a')")
def test_consistency_not_equal():
def test_consistency_not_equal():
a = IntOption('a', '')
a = IntOption('a', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
b = IntOption('b', '')
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from tiramisu.setting import owners
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.config import Config
from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, BoolOption, IntOption, FloatOption, \
from tiramisu.option import ChoiceOption, BoolOption, IntOption, FloatOption, \
StrOption, OptionDescription
StrOption, OptionDescription
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, ConstError
def make_description():
def make_description():
@ -52,6 +52,17 @@ def test_addowner():
assert cfg.getowner(gcdummy) == owners.gen_config
assert cfg.getowner(gcdummy) == owners.gen_config
def test_addowner_multiple_time():
raises(ConstError, 'owners.addowner("testowner")')
def test_delete_owner():
raises(ConstError, 'del(owners.deleted)')
raises(ValueError, 'del(owners.deleted2)')
def test_owner_is_not_a_string():
def test_owner_is_not_a_string():
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
gcdummy = BoolOption('dummy', 'dummy', default=False)
descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [gcdummy])
descr = OptionDescription('tiramisu', '', [gcdummy])
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError
def make_description():
def make_description():
u1 = IntOption('u1', '', properties=('frozen', 'mandatory', 'disabled', ))
u1 = IntOption('u1', '', properties=('frozen', 'mandatory', 'disabled', ))
return OptionDescription('od1', '', [u1])
u2 = IntOption('u2', '', properties=('frozen', 'mandatory', 'disabled', ))
return OptionDescription('od1', '', [u1, u2])
def test_permissive():
def test_permissive():
@ -91,3 +92,116 @@ def test_invalid_permissive():
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
raises(TypeError, "setting.setpermissive(['frozen', 'disabled',])")
raises(TypeError, "setting.setpermissive(['frozen', 'disabled',])")
def test_permissive_option():
descr = make_description()
u1 = descr.u1
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
setting.setpermissive(('disabled',), u1)
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert props == ['disabled']
def test_permissive_option_mandatory():
descr = make_description()
u1 = descr.u1
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
props = []
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert set(props) == set(['disabled', 'mandatory'])
setting.setpermissive(('mandatory', 'disabled',), u1)
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert set(props) == set(['disabled', 'mandatory'])
def test_permissive_option_frozen():
descr = make_description()
config = Config(descr)
u1 = descr.u1
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
setting.setpermissive(('frozen', 'disabled'), u1)
config.u1 = 1
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert set(props) == set(['frozen', 'disabled'])
config.u1 = 1
assert config.u1 == 1
config.u1 = 1
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
props = err.proptype
assert set(props) == set(['frozen', 'disabled'])
def test_invalid_option_permissive():
descr = make_description()
u1 = descr.u1
config = Config(descr)
setting = config.cfgimpl_get_settings()
raises(TypeError, "setting.setpermissive(['frozen', 'disabled',], u1)")
@ -26,6 +26,20 @@ def test_requires():
assert props == ['disabled']
assert props == ['disabled']
def test_requires_invalid():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires='string')")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled', 'unknown': True}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'action': 'disabled'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': 'string'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled', 'transitive': 'string'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled', 'same_action': 'string'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': 'string', 'expected': False, 'action': 'disabled'}])")
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': 'string', 'action': 'disabled'}])")
def test_requires_same_action():
def test_requires_same_action():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
b = BoolOption('activate_service_web', '', True,
b = BoolOption('activate_service_web', '', True,
@ -504,6 +518,11 @@ def test_requires_multi_disabled_inverse_2():
# c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[b].append("test")
# c.cfgimpl_get_settings()[b].append("test")
def test_requires_different_inverse():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
raises(ValueError, "IPOption('ip_address_service', '', requires=[{'option': a, 'expected': True, 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': True}, {'option': a, 'expected': True, 'action': 'disabled', 'inverse': False}])")
def test_requires_recursive_path():
def test_requires_recursive_path():
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
a = BoolOption('activate_service', '', True)
b = IPOption('ip_address_service', '',
b = IPOption('ip_address_service', '',
@ -20,15 +20,17 @@
# ____________________________________________________________
# ____________________________________________________________
"enables us to carry out a calculation and return an option's value"
"enables us to carry out a calculation and return an option's value"
from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError, ConfigError
from tiramisu.error import PropertiesOptionError, ConfigError
from tiramisu.setting import multitypes
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu.i18n import _
# ____________________________________________________________
# ____________________________________________________________
def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
def carry_out_calculation(option, config, callback, callback_params,
index=None, max_len=None):
index=None, max_len=None):
"""a function that carries out a calculation for an option's value
"""a function that carries out a calculation for an option's value
:param name: the option name (`opt.impl_getname()`)
:param name: the option name (`opt.impl_getname()`)
:param name: the option
:param config: the context config in order to have
:param config: the context config in order to have
the whole options available
the whole options available
:param callback: the name of the callback function
:param callback: the name of the callback function
@ -49,13 +51,13 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
Values could have multiple values only when key is ''.
Values could have multiple values only when key is ''.
* if no callback_params:
* if no callback_params:
=> calculate()
=> calculate(<function func at 0x2092320>, [], {})
* if callback_params={'': ('yes',)}
* if callback_params={'': ('yes',)}
=> calculate('yes')
=> calculate(<function func at 0x2092320>, ['yes'], {})
* if callback_params={'value': ('yes',)}
* if callback_params={'value': ('yes',)}
=> calculate(value='yes')
=> calculate(<function func at 0x165b320>, [], {'value': 'yes'})
* if callback_params={'': ('yes', 'no')}
* if callback_params={'': ('yes', 'no')}
=> calculate('yes', 'no')
=> calculate('yes', 'no')
@ -63,58 +65,71 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
* if callback_params={'value': ('yes', 'no')}
* if callback_params={'value': ('yes', 'no')}
=> ValueError()
=> ValueError()
* if callback_params={'': (['yes', 'no'],)}
=> calculate(<function func at 0x176b320>, ['yes', 'no'], {})
* if callback_params={'value': ('yes', 'no')}
=> raises ValueError()
* if callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}
* if callback_params={'': ((opt1, False),)}
- a simple option:
- a simple option:
opt1 == 11
opt1 == 11
=> calculate(11)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x1cea320>, [11], {})
- a multi option:
- a multi option and not master/slave:
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
=> calculate(1)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x223c320>, [[1, 2, 3]], {})
=> calculate(2)
=> calculate(3)
- option is master or slave of opt1:
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
=> calculate(<function func at 0x223c320>, [1], {})
=> calculate(<function func at 0x223c320>, [2], {})
=> calculate(<function func at 0x223c320>, [3], {})
- opt is a master or slave but not related to option:
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
=> calculate(<function func at 0x11b0320>, [[1, 2, 3]], {})
* if callback_params={'value': ((opt1, False),)}
* if callback_params={'value': ((opt1, False),)}
- a simple option:
- a simple option:
opt1 == 11
opt1 == 11
=> calculate(value=11)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x17ff320>, [], {'value': 11})
- a multi option:
- a multi option:
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
=> calculate(value=1)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x1262320>, [], {'value': [1, 2, 3]})
=> calculate(value=2)
=> calculate(value=3)
* if callback_params={'': ((opt1, False), (opt2, False))}
* if callback_params={'': ((opt1, False), (opt2, False))}
- two single options
opt1 = 11
opt2 = 12
=> calculate(<function func at 0x217a320>, [11, 12], {})
- a multi option with a simple option
- a multi option with a simple option
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt2 == 11
opt2 == 12
=> calculate(1, 11)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x2153320>, [[1, 2, 3], 12], {})
=> calculate(2, 11)
=> calculate(3, 11)
- a multi option with an other multi option but with same length
- a multi option with an other multi option but with same length
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt2 == [11, 12, 13]
opt2 == [11, 12, 13]
=> calculate(1, 11)
=> calculate(<function func at 0x1981320>, [[1, 2, 3], [11, 12, 13]], {})
=> calculate(2, 12)
=> calculate(3, 13)
- a multi option with an other multi option but with different length
- a multi option with an other multi option but with different length
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt1 == [1, 2, 3]
opt2 == [11, 12]
opt2 == [11, 12]
=> ConfigError()
=> calculate(<function func at 0x2384320>, [[1, 2, 3], [11, 12]], {})
- a multi option without value with a simple option
- a multi option without value with a simple option
opt1 == []
opt1 == []
opt2 == 11
opt2 == 11
=> []
=> calculate(<function func at 0xb65320>, [[], 12], {})
* if callback_params={'value': ((opt1, False), (opt2, False))}
* if callback_params={'value': ((opt1, False), (opt2, False))}
=> ConfigError()
=> raises ValueError()
If index is not None, return a value, otherwise return:
If index is not None, return a value, otherwise return:
@ -129,41 +144,42 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
# multi's option should have same value for all option
# multi's option should have same value for all option
len_multi = None
len_multi = None
if callback_params != []:
for key, callbacks in callback_params.items():
for callbacks in callback_params:
for callbk in callbacks:
key =
if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
for callbk in callbacks.params:
# callbk is something link (opt, True|False)
if callbk.option is not None:
opt, force_permissive = callbk
# callbk is something link (opt, True|False)
path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
option = callbk.get_option(config)
force_permissive = callbk.force_permissive
# get value
path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
value = config._getattr(path, force_permissive=True)
# get value
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
if force_permissive:
value = config._getattr(path, force_permissive=True)
except PropertiesOptionError as err:
raise ConfigError(_('unable to carry out a calculation, '
if force_permissive:
'option {0} has properties: {1} for: '
raise ConfigError(_('unable to carry out a calculation, '
'option {0} has properties: {1} for: '
is_multi = False
if opt.impl_is_multi():
is_multi = option.impl_is_multi()
#opt is master, search if option is a slave
if is_multi:
if opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
len_value = len(value)
if option in opt.impl_get_master_slaves():
if len_multi is not None and len_multi != len_value:
is_multi = True
raise ConfigError(_('unable to carry out a '
#opt is slave, search if option is an other slaves
'calculation, option value with'
elif opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.slave:
' multi types must have same '
if option in opt.impl_get_master_slaves().impl_get_master_slaves():
'length for: {0}').format(name))
is_multi = True
len_multi = len_value
if is_multi:
one_is_multi = True
len_multi = len(value)
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((value, is_multi))
one_is_multi = True
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((value, is_multi))
# callbk is a value and not a multi
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((callbk.value, False))
# callbk is a value and not a multi
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((callbk, False))
# if one value is a multi, launch several time calculate
# if one value is a multi, launch several time calculate
# if index is set, return a value
# if index is set, return a value
@ -171,16 +187,9 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
if one_is_multi:
if one_is_multi:
ret = []
ret = []
if index:
if index:
if index < len_multi:
range_ = [index]
range_ = [index]
range_ = []
ret = None
if max_len and max_len < len_multi:
range_ = range(len_multi)
range_ = range(max_len)
range_ = range(len_multi)
for incr in range_:
for incr in range_:
args = []
args = []
kwargs = {}
kwargs = {}
@ -199,10 +208,7 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
if index:
if index:
ret = calc
ret = calc
if isinstance(calc, list):
return ret
return ret
# no value is multi
# no value is multi
@ -216,7 +222,18 @@ def carry_out_calculation(name, config, callback, callback_params,
kwargs[key] = couple[0]
kwargs[key] = couple[0]
return calculate(callback, args, kwargs)
ret = calculate(callback, args, kwargs)
if callback_params != {}:
if isinstance(ret, list) and max_len:
ret = ret[:max_len]
if len(ret) < max_len:
ret = ret + [None] * (max_len - len(ret))
if isinstance(ret, list) and index:
if len(ret) < index + 1:
ret = None
ret = ret[index]
return ret
def calculate(callback, args, kwargs):
def calculate(callback, args, kwargs):
@ -253,7 +253,8 @@ class SubConfig(object):
def find(self, bytype=None, byname=None, byvalue=None, type_='option'):
def find(self, bytype=None, byname=None, byvalue=None, type_='option',
finds a list of options recursively in the config
finds a list of options recursively in the config
@ -265,11 +266,11 @@ class SubConfig(object):
return self._cfgimpl_get_context()._find(bytype, byname, byvalue,
return self._cfgimpl_get_context()._find(bytype, byname, byvalue,
def find_first(self, bytype=None, byname=None, byvalue=None,
def find_first(self, bytype=None, byname=None, byvalue=None,
type_='option', display_error=True):
type_='option', display_error=True, check_properties=True):
finds an option recursively in the config
finds an option recursively in the config
@ -280,7 +281,8 @@ class SubConfig(object):
return self._cfgimpl_get_context()._find(
return self._cfgimpl_get_context()._find(
bytype, byname, byvalue, first=True, type_=type_,
bytype, byname, byvalue, first=True, type_=type_,
_subpath=self.cfgimpl_get_path(), display_error=display_error)
_subpath=self.cfgimpl_get_path(), display_error=display_error,
def _find(self, bytype, byname, byvalue, first, type_='option',
def _find(self, bytype, byname, byvalue, first, type_='option',
_subpath=None, check_properties=True, display_error=True):
_subpath=None, check_properties=True, display_error=True):
@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ forbidden_names = ('iter_all', 'iter_group', 'find', 'find_first',
def valid_name(name):
def valid_name(name):
"an option's name is a str and does not start with 'impl' or 'cfgimpl'"
"an option's name is a str and does not start with 'impl' or 'cfgimpl'"
if not isinstance(name, str):
name = str(name)
return False
return False
if re.match(name_regexp, name) is None and not name.startswith('_') \
if re.match(name_regexp, name) is None and not name.startswith('_') \
and name not in forbidden_names \
and name not in forbidden_names \
@ -636,7 +634,7 @@ class Option(BaseOption):
validator_params = (FakeCallbackParam('', (FakeCallbackParamOption(value=val),)),)
validator_params = (FakeCallbackParam('', (FakeCallbackParamOption(value=val),)),)
# Raise ValueError if not valid
# Raise ValueError if not valid
carry_out_calculation(self.impl_getname(), config=context,
carry_out_calculation(self, config=context,
@ -674,17 +672,13 @@ class Option(BaseOption):
do_validation(value, force_index)
do_validation(value, force_index)
if not isinstance(value, list):
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise ValueError(_("which must be a list").format(value,
raise ValueError(_("invalid value {0} for option {1} which must be a list").format(value, self.impl_getname()))
for index, val in enumerate(value):
for index, val in enumerate(value):
do_validation(val, index)
do_validation(val, index)
def impl_getdefault(self, default_multi=False):
def impl_getdefault(self):
"accessing the default value"
"accessing the default value"
if not default_multi or not self.impl_is_multi():
return self._default
return self._default
return self.getdefault_multi()
def impl_getdefault_multi(self):
def impl_getdefault_multi(self):
"accessing the default value for a multi"
"accessing the default value for a multi"
@ -940,7 +934,7 @@ class StrOption(Option):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
#UnicodeOption is same has StrOption in python 3+
#UnicodeOption is same as StrOption in python 3+
class UnicodeOption(StrOption):
class UnicodeOption(StrOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
__slots__ = tuple()
@ -1022,6 +1016,12 @@ class IPOption(Option):
def _validate(self, value):
def _validate(self, value):
# sometimes an ip term starts with a zero
# but this does not fit in some case, for example bind does not like it
for val in value.split('.'):
if val.startswith("0") and len(val) > 1:
raise ValueError(_('invalid IP'))
# 'standard' validation
except ValueError:
except ValueError:
@ -1533,7 +1533,6 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
self._optiondescription_group_type = group_type
self._optiondescription_group_type = group_type
if isinstance(group_type, groups.MasterGroupType):
if isinstance(group_type, groups.MasterGroupType):
#if master (same name has group) is set
#if master (same name has group) is set
identical_master_child_name = False
#for collect all slaves
#for collect all slaves
slaves = []
slaves = []
master = None
master = None
@ -1549,8 +1548,7 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
"in group {1}"
"in group {1}"
": this option is not a multi"
": this option is not a multi"
"").format(child.impl_getname(), self.impl_getname()))
"").format(child.impl_getname(), self.impl_getname()))
if child.impl_getname() == self.impl_getname():
if child._name == self.impl_getname():
identical_master_child_name = True
child._multitype = multitypes.master
child._multitype = multitypes.master
master = child
master = child
@ -1559,14 +1557,18 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
raise ValueError(_('master group with wrong'
raise ValueError(_('master group with wrong'
' master name for {0}'
' master name for {0}'
if master._callback is not None and master._callback[1] is not None:
for key, callbacks in master._callback[1].items():
for callbk in callbacks:
if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
if callbk[0] in slaves:
raise ValueError(_("callback of master's option shall "
"not refered a slave's ones"))
master._master_slaves = tuple(slaves)
master._master_slaves = tuple(slaves)
for child in self.impl_getchildren():
for child in self.impl_getchildren():
if child != master:
if child != master:
child._master_slaves = master
child._master_slaves = master
child._multitype = multitypes.slave
child._multitype = multitypes.slave
if not identical_master_child_name:
raise ValueError(_("no child has same nom has master group"
" for: {0}").format(self.impl_getname()))
raise ValueError(_('group_type: {0}'
raise ValueError(_('group_type: {0}'
' not allowed').format(group_type))
' not allowed').format(group_type))
@ -242,6 +242,12 @@ multitypes = MultiTypeModule()
# ____________________________________________________________
class Undefined():
undefined = Undefined()
# ____________________________________________________________
# ____________________________________________________________
class Property(object):
class Property(object):
"a property is responsible of the option's value access rules"
"a property is responsible of the option's value access rules"
@ -410,10 +416,11 @@ class Settings(object):
# opt properties
# opt properties
properties = copy(self._getproperties(opt_or_descr, path))
properties = copy(self._getproperties(opt_or_descr, path))
# remove opt permissive
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive(path)
# remove global permissive if need
self_properties = copy(self._getproperties())
self_properties = copy(self._getproperties())
# remove opt permissive
if force_permissive is True or 'permissive' in self_properties:
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive(path)
# remove global permissive if need
if force_permissive is True or 'permissive' in self_properties:
if force_permissive is True or 'permissive' in self_properties:
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive()
properties -= self._p_.getpermissive()
if force_permissives is not None:
if force_permissives is not None:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from copy import copy
import sys
import sys
import weakref
import weakref
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, SlaveError
from tiramisu.error import ConfigError, SlaveError
from tiramisu.setting import owners, multitypes, expires_time
from tiramisu.setting import owners, multitypes, expires_time, undefined
from tiramisu.autolib import carry_out_calculation
from tiramisu.autolib import carry_out_calculation
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu.i18n import _
from tiramisu.option import SymLinkOption
from tiramisu.option import SymLinkOption
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class Values(object):
callback, callback_params = opt.impl_get_callback()
callback, callback_params = opt.impl_get_callback()
if callback_params is None:
if callback_params is None:
callback_params = {}
callback_params = {}
return carry_out_calculation(opt.impl_getname(), config=self.context(),
return carry_out_calculation(opt, config=self.context(),
index=index, max_len=max_len)
index=index, max_len=max_len)
@ -452,8 +452,7 @@ class Multi(list):
values._getcallback_value(slave, index=index),
values._getcallback_value(slave, index=index),
value_slave.append(undefined, force=True)
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self._validate(value, index)
self._validate(value, index)
@ -461,7 +460,7 @@ class Multi(list):
super(Multi, self).__setitem__(index, value)
super(Multi, self).__setitem__(index, value)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path, self)
def append(self, value, force=False):
def append(self, value=undefined, force=False):
"""the list value can be updated (appened)
"""the list value can be updated (appened)
only if the option is a master
only if the option is a master
@ -471,12 +470,14 @@ class Multi(list):
" which is a slave").format(self.opt.impl_getname()))
" which is a slave").format(self.opt.impl_getname()))
elif self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
elif self.opt.impl_get_multitype() == multitypes.master:
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
values = self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()
if value is None and self.opt.impl_has_callback():
if value is undefined and self.opt.impl_has_callback():
value = values._getcallback_value(self.opt)
value = values._getcallback_value(self.opt)
#Force None il return a list
#Force None il return a list
if isinstance(value, list):
if isinstance(value, list):
value = None
value = None
index = self.__len__()
index = self.__len__()
if value is undefined:
value = self.opt.impl_getdefault_multi()
self._validate(value, index)
self._validate(value, index)
super(Multi, self).append(value)
super(Multi, self).append(value)
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path,
self.context().cfgimpl_get_values()._setvalue(self.opt, self.path,
@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ msgid "invalid value for option {0}: {1}"
msgstr "valeur invalide pour l'option {0} : {1}"
msgstr "valeur invalide pour l'option {0} : {1}"
#: tiramisu/
#: tiramisu/
msgid "which must be a list"
msgid ""invalid value {0} for option {1} which must be a list"
msgstr "lequel doit être une liste"
msgstr "valeur invalide pour l'option {0} : {1} laquelle doit être une liste"
#: tiramisu/
#: tiramisu/
msgid "consistency should be set with an option"
msgid "consistency should be set with an option"
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