use polymorphism
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 101 additions and 65 deletions
@ -143,12 +143,13 @@ def carry_out_calculation(option, config, callback, callback_params,
one_is_multi = False
# multi's option should have same value for all option
len_multi = None
for key, callbacks in callback_params.items():
for callbk in callbacks:
if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
for callbacks in callback_params:
key =
for callbk in callbacks.params:
if callbk.option is not None:
# callbk is something link (opt, True|False)
opt, force_permissive = callbk
opt = callbk.get_option(config)
force_permissive = callbk.force_permissive
path = config.cfgimpl_get_description().impl_get_path_by_opt(
# get value
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ def carry_out_calculation(option, config, callback, callback_params,
raise ConfigError(_('unable to carry out a calculation, '
'option {0} has properties: {1} for: '
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ def carry_out_calculation(option, config, callback, callback_params,
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((value, is_multi))
# callbk is a value and not a multi
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((callbk, False))
tcparams.setdefault(key, []).append((callbk.value, False))
# if one value is a multi, launch several time calculate
# if index is set, return a value
@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ class BaseOption(Base):
__tablename__ = 'baseoption'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
_name = Column(String)
_type = Column(PickleType)
_informations = relationship('_Information')
_default = Column(PickleType)
_default_multi = Column(PickleType)
@ -212,6 +211,11 @@ class BaseOption(Base):
backref=backref('options', enable_typechecks=False))
_choice_values = Column(PickleType)
_choice_open_values = Column(Boolean)
_type = Column(String(50))
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'person',
'polymorphic_on': _type
#FIXME devrait etre une table
_optiondescription_group_type = Column(String)
#__slots__ = ('_name', '_requires', '_properties', '_readonly',
@ -226,7 +230,6 @@ class BaseOption(Base):
if not valid_name(name):
raise ValueError(_("invalid name: {0} for option").format(name))
self._name = name
self._type = self.__class__
self.impl_set_information('doc', doc)
requires = validate_requires_arg(requires, self._name)
if requires is not None:
@ -853,7 +856,9 @@ class ChoiceOption(Option):
#__slots__ = ('_values', '_open_values')
_opt_type = 'string'
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'choice',
def __init__(self, name, doc, values, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, callback=None,
@ -895,8 +900,10 @@ class ChoiceOption(Option):
class BoolOption(Option):
"represents a choice between ``True`` and ``False``"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'bool'
# __slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'bool',
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
@ -905,8 +912,10 @@ class BoolOption(Option):
class IntOption(Option):
"represents a choice of an integer"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'int'
# __slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'int',
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, int):
@ -915,8 +924,10 @@ class IntOption(Option):
class FloatOption(Option):
"represents a choice of a floating point number"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'float'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'float',
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, float):
@ -925,8 +936,10 @@ class FloatOption(Option):
class StrOption(Option):
"represents the choice of a string"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'string'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'string',
def _validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, str):
@ -936,13 +949,15 @@ class StrOption(Option):
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
#UnicodeOption is same as StrOption in python 3+
class UnicodeOption(StrOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
#__slots__ = tuple()
class UnicodeOption(Option):
"represents the choice of a unicode string"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'unicode'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'unicode',
_empty = u''
def _validate(self, value):
@ -952,7 +967,9 @@ else:
class SymLinkOption(BaseOption):
#__slots__ = ('_name', '_opt', '_state_opt', '_readonly', '_parent')
_opt_type = 'symlink'
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'symlink',
#not return _opt consistencies
#_consistencies = None
@ -965,7 +982,6 @@ class SymLinkOption(BaseOption):
self._opt = opt
self._readonly = True
self._parent = None
self._type = self.__class__
@ -984,9 +1000,6 @@ class SymLinkOption(BaseOption):
super(SymLinkOption, self)._impl_setstate(descr)
def impl_getname(self):
return self._name
def impl_get_information(self, key, default=None):
#FIXME ne devrait pas etre util si ?
return self._opt.impl_get_information(key, default)
@ -994,8 +1007,10 @@ class SymLinkOption(BaseOption):
class IPOption(Option):
"represents the choice of an ip"
__slots__ = ('_private_only', '_allow_reserved')
_opt_type = 'ip'
#__slots__ = ('_private_only', '_allow_reserved')
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'ip',
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, callback=None,
@ -1045,8 +1060,10 @@ class PortOption(Option):
Port number 0 is reserved and can't be used.
__slots__ = ('_allow_range', '_allow_zero', '_min_value', '_max_value')
_opt_type = 'port'
#__slots__ = ('_allow_range', '_allow_zero', '_min_value', '_max_value')
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'port',
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, callback=None,
@ -1108,8 +1125,10 @@ class PortOption(Option):
class NetworkOption(Option):
"represents the choice of a network"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'network'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'network',
def _validate(self, value):
@ -1125,8 +1144,10 @@ class NetworkOption(Option):
class NetmaskOption(Option):
"represents the choice of a netmask"
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'netmask'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'netmask',
def _validate(self, value):
@ -1179,8 +1200,10 @@ class NetmaskOption(Option):
class BroadcastOption(Option):
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'broadcast'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'broadcast',
def _validate(self, value):
@ -1208,8 +1231,10 @@ class DomainnameOption(Option):
fqdn: with tld, not supported yet
__slots__ = ('_dom_type', '_allow_ip', '_allow_without_dot', '_domain_re')
_opt_type = 'domainname'
#__slots__ = ('_dom_type', '_allow_ip', '_allow_without_dot', '_domain_re')
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'domainname',
def __init__(self, name, doc, default=None, default_multi=None,
requires=None, multi=False, callback=None,
@ -1271,8 +1296,10 @@ class DomainnameOption(Option):
class EmailOption(DomainnameOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'email'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'email',
username_re = re.compile(r"^[\w!#$%&'*+\-/=?^`{|}~.]+$")
def _validate(self, value):
@ -1288,8 +1315,10 @@ class EmailOption(DomainnameOption):
class URLOption(DomainnameOption):
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'url'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'url',
proto_re = re.compile(r'(http|https)://')
path_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9\-\._~:/\?#\[\]@!%\$&\'\(\)\*\+,;=]+$")
@ -1325,8 +1354,10 @@ class URLOption(DomainnameOption):
class FilenameOption(Option):
__slots__ = tuple()
_opt_type = 'file'
#__slots__ = tuple()
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'file',
path_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\._~/+]+$")
def _validate(self, value):
@ -1344,7 +1375,9 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
# '_cache_consistencies', '_calc_properties', '__weakref__',
# '_readonly', '_impl_informations', '_state_requires',
# '_stated', '_state_readonly')
_opt_type = 'optiondescription'
__mapper_args__ = {
'polymorphic_identity': 'optiondescription',
def __init__(self, name, doc, children, requires=None, properties=None):
@ -1395,11 +1428,12 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
if name.startswith('_') or name.startswith('impl_'):
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
#FIXME regression ...
#FIXME regression ... devrait etre un query !
for child in self._children:
if child.impl_getname() == name:
return child
#convert to object
return session.query(child._type).filter_by(
#return session.query(child._type).filter_by(
#return pouet#self._children[1][self._children[0].index(name)]
except ValueError:
@ -1430,12 +1464,13 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
return paths
def impl_getchildren(self):
for child in self._children:
#FIXME dans la base ??
return self._children
#for child in self._children:
# yield(session.query(child._type).filter_by(
def impl_build_cache(self,
@ -1452,7 +1487,6 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
save = False
if cache_path is None:
cache_path = []
cache_type = []
cache_option = []
for option in self.impl_getchildren():
attr = option.impl_getname()
@ -1465,7 +1499,6 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
if not force_no_consistencies:
option._readonly = True
cache_path.append(str('.'.join(_currpath + [attr])))
if not isinstance(option, OptionDescription):
if not force_no_consistencies and \
option._consistencies is not []:
@ -1478,14 +1511,14 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
option.impl_build_cache(cache_path, cache_type,
if save:
self._cache_paths = (tuple(cache_option), tuple(cache_path), tuple(cache_type))
self._cache_paths = (tuple(cache_option), tuple(cache_path))
if not force_no_consistencies:
if _consistencies != {}:
self._cache_consistencies = {}
@ -1497,18 +1530,18 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
def impl_get_opt_by_path(self, path):
idx = self._cache_paths[1].index(path)
opt_id = self._cache_paths[0][idx]
opt_type = self._cache_paths[2][idx]
return session.query(opt_type).filter_by(id=opt_id).first()
return session.query(BaseOption).filter_by(id=opt_id).first()
except ValueError:
raise AttributeError(_('no option for path {0}').format(path))
def impl_get_opt_by_id(self, opt_id):
idx = self._cache_paths[0].index(opt_id)
opt_type = self._cache_paths[2][idx]
return session.query(opt_type).filter_by(id=opt_id).first()
return session.query(BaseOption).filter_by(id=opt_id).first()
except ValueError:
raise AttributeError(_('no id {0} found').format(opt_id))
@ -1557,13 +1590,15 @@ class OptionDescription(BaseOption):
raise ValueError(_('master group with wrong'
' master name for {0}'
if master._callback is not None and master._callback[1] is not None:
for key, callbacks in master._callback[1].items():
for callbk in callbacks:
if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
if callbk[0] in slaves:
raise ValueError(_("callback of master's option shall "
"not refered a slave's ones"))
#FIXME debut reecriture
##master_callback, master_callback_params = master.impl_get_callback()
#if master._callback is not None and master._callback[1] is not None:
# for key, callbacks in master._callback[1].items():
# for callbk in callbacks:
# if isinstance(callbk, tuple):
# if callbk[0] in slaves:
# raise ValueError(_("callback of master's option shall "
# "not refered a slave's ones"))
master._master_slaves = tuple(slaves)
for child in self.impl_getchildren():
if child != master:
Reference in a new issue