.. meta:: :description: Rougail python library home page :keywords: python, Rougail, Tiramisu :http-equiv=Pragma: no-cache .. title:: Rougail Rougail =========== .. image:: images/logo.png - is a `delicious cooked dish `_ from the Mauritius and Reunion Islands, - it is also a `Python3 `_ library which enables us to conveniently load application :term:`variable`\ s in a simple `YAML `_ format in such a way that the end user consumer can handle them consistently (that is, against an user-defined consistency). In other words, using Rougail in your application or your python libraries can tansform end user consumer defined consistency rules into highly consistent business objects. We then have to say that the handling system used to ensure the variables integrity is another python library, called :term:`Tiramisu`. Rougail is currently strongly affiliated with Tiramisu. .. note:: Rougail is currently intended to work in coordination with :term:`Tiramisu` and **is not** intended to be connected with any other consistency handling system. Explained differently, Rougail allows you to easily implement an integration of the powerful tiramisu consistency handling system. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Getting started gettingstarted tutorial .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: The library library configuration .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: The dictionaries dictionary dict_convention .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: The variables variable family fill Value checks condition .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :caption: Notes developer .. rubric:: Index page - :ref:`genindex`