diff --git a/src/rougail/annotator.py b/src/rougail/annotator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 217a7e01e..000000000
--- a/src/rougail/annotator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1292 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
-from copy import copy
-from typing import List
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from os.path import join, basename
-from ast import literal_eval
-from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
-from .i18n import _
-from .utils import normalize_family
-from .error import DictConsistencyError
-#mode order is important
-modes_level = ('basic', 'normal', 'expert')
-class Mode(object):
- def __init__(self, name, level):
- self.name = name
- self.level = level
- def __gt__(self, other):
- return other.level < self.level
-def mode_factory():
- mode_obj = {}
- for idx in range(len(modes_level)):
- name = modes_level[idx]
- mode_obj[name] = Mode(name, idx)
- return mode_obj
-modes = mode_factory()
-CONVERT_OPTION = {'number': dict(opttype="IntOption", func=int),
- 'float': dict(opttype="FloatOption", func=float),
- 'choice': dict(opttype="ChoiceOption"),
- 'string': dict(opttype="StrOption"),
- 'password': dict(opttype="PasswordOption"),
- 'mail': dict(opttype="EmailOption"),
- 'boolean': dict(opttype="BoolOption"),
- 'symlink': dict(opttype="SymLinkOption"),
- 'filename': dict(opttype="FilenameOption"),
- 'date': dict(opttype="DateOption"),
- 'unix_user': dict(opttype="UsernameOption"),
- 'ip': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'allow_reserved': True}),
- 'local_ip': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'private_only': True, 'warnings_only': True}),
- 'netmask': dict(opttype="NetmaskOption"),
- 'network': dict(opttype="NetworkOption"),
- 'broadcast': dict(opttype="BroadcastOption"),
- 'netbios': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'netbios', 'warnings_only': True}),
- 'domain': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'domainname', 'allow_ip': False}),
- 'hostname': dict(opttype="DomainnameOption", initkwargs={'type': 'hostname', 'allow_ip': False}),
- 'web_address': dict(opttype="URLOption", initkwargs={'allow_ip': True, 'allow_without_dot': True}),
- 'port': dict(opttype="PortOption", initkwargs={'allow_private': True}),
- 'mac': dict(opttype="MACOption"),
- 'cidr': dict(opttype="IPOption", initkwargs={'cidr': True}),
- 'network_cidr': dict(opttype="NetworkOption", initkwargs={'cidr': True}),
- }
-# a CreoleObjSpace's attribute has some annotations
-# that shall not be present in the exported (flatened) XML
-ERASED_ATTRIBUTES = ('redefine', 'exists', 'fallback', 'optional', 'remove_check', 'namespace',
- 'remove_condition', 'path', 'instance_mode', 'index', 'is_in_leadership',
- 'level', 'remove_fill', 'xmlfiles')
-ERASED_CONTAINER_ATTRIBUTES = ('id', 'container', 'group_id', 'group', 'container_group')
-FORCE_CHOICE = {'oui/non': ['oui', 'non'],
- 'on/off': ['on', 'off'],
- 'yes/no': ['yes', 'no'],
- 'schedule': ['none', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'],
- 'schedulemod': ['pre', 'post']}
-KEY_TYPE = {'variable': 'symlink',
- 'SymLinkOption': 'symlink',
- 'PortOption': 'port',
- 'UnicodeOption': 'string',
- 'NetworkOption': 'network',
- 'NetmaskOption': 'netmask',
- 'URLOption': 'web_address',
- 'FilenameOption': 'filename'}
-FREEZE_AUTOFREEZE_VARIABLE = 'module_instancie'
-PROPERTIES = ('hidden', 'frozen', 'auto_freeze', 'auto_save', 'force_default_on_freeze',
- 'force_store_value', 'disabled', 'mandatory')
-CONVERT_PROPERTIES = {'auto_save': ['force_store_value'], 'auto_freeze': ['force_store_value', 'auto_freeze']}
-RENAME_ATTIBUTES = {'description': 'doc'}
-INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS = ['valid_enum', 'valid_in_network', 'valid_differ', 'valid_entier']
-class SpaceAnnotator:
- """Transformations applied on a CreoleObjSpace instance
- """
- def __init__(self, objectspace, eosfunc_file):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- GroupAnnotator(objectspace)
- ServiceAnnotator(objectspace)
- VariableAnnotator(objectspace)
- ConstraintAnnotator(objectspace,
- eosfunc_file,
- )
- FamilyAnnotator(objectspace)
- PropertyAnnotator(objectspace)
-class GroupAnnotator:
- def __init__(self,
- objectspace,
- ):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'constraints') or not hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'group'):
- return
- self.convert_groups()
- def convert_groups(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- for group in self.objectspace.space.constraints.group:
- leader_fullname = group.leader
- leader_family_name = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_family_name(leader_fullname)
- leader_name = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_name(leader_fullname)
- namespace = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_namespace(leader_fullname)
- if '.' not in leader_fullname:
- leader_fullname = '.'.join([namespace, leader_family_name, leader_fullname])
- follower_names = list(group.follower.keys())
- has_a_leader = False
- ori_leader_family = self.objectspace.paths.get_family_obj(leader_fullname.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
- for variable in list(ori_leader_family.variable.values()):
- if has_a_leader:
- # it's a follower
- self.manage_follower(namespace,
- leader_family_name,
- variable,
- leadership_name,
- follower_names,
- leader_space,
- leader_is_hidden,
- )
- ori_leader_family.variable.pop(variable.name)
- if follower_names == []:
- # no more follower
- break
- elif variable.name == leader_name:
- # it's a leader
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- # append follower to an existed leadership
- leader_space = variable
- # if variable.hidden:
- # leader_is_hidden = True
- else:
- leader_space = self.objectspace.leadership(variable.xmlfiles)
- if hasattr(group, 'name'):
- leadership_name = group.name
- else:
- leadership_name = leader_name
- leader_is_hidden = self.manage_leader(leader_space,
- leader_family_name,
- leadership_name,
- leader_name,
- namespace,
- variable,
- group,
- leader_fullname,
- )
- has_a_leader = True
- else:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('cannot found followers "{}"').format('", "'.join(follower_names)))
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.group
- def manage_leader(self,
- leader_space: 'Leadership',
- leader_family_name: str,
- leadership_name: str,
- leader_name: str,
- namespace: str,
- variable: 'Variable',
- group: 'Group',
- leader_fullname: str,
- ) -> None:
- # manage leader's variable
- if variable.multi is not True:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('the variable {} in a group must be multi').format(variable.name))
- leader_space.variable = []
- leader_space.name = leadership_name
- leader_space.hidden = variable.hidden
- if variable.hidden:
- leader_is_hidden = True
- variable.frozen = True
- variable.force_default_on_freeze = True
- else:
- leader_is_hidden = False
- variable.hidden = None
- if hasattr(group, 'description'):
- leader_space.doc = group.description
- elif hasattr(variable, 'description'):
- leader_space.doc = variable.description
- else:
- leader_space.doc = variable.name
- leadership_path = namespace + '.' + leader_family_name + '.' + leadership_name
- self.objectspace.paths.add_family(namespace,
- leadership_path,
- leader_space,
- )
- leader_family = self.objectspace.space.variables[namespace].family[leader_family_name]
- leader_family.variable[leader_name] = leader_space
- leader_space.variable.append(variable)
- self.objectspace.paths.set_leader(namespace,
- leader_family_name,
- leader_name,
- leader_name,
- )
- leader_space.path = leader_fullname
- return leader_is_hidden
- def manage_follower(self,
- namespace: str,
- leader_family_name: str,
- variable: 'Variable',
- leader_name: str,
- follower_names: List[str],
- leader_space: 'Leadership',
- leader_is_hidden: bool,
- ) -> None:
- if variable.name != follower_names[0]:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('cannot found this follower {}').format(follower_names[0]))
- follower_names.remove(variable.name)
- if leader_is_hidden:
- variable.frozen = True
- variable.force_default_on_freeze = True
- leader_space.variable.append(variable) # pylint: disable=E1101
- self.objectspace.paths.set_leader(namespace,
- leader_family_name,
- variable.name,
- leader_name,
- )
-class ServiceAnnotator:
- """Manage service's object
- for example::
- 123
- """
- def __init__(self, objectspace):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- self.convert_services()
- def convert_services(self):
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'services'):
- return
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space.services, 'service'):
- del self.objectspace.space.services
- return
- self.objectspace.space.services.hidden = True
- self.objectspace.space.services.name = 'services'
- self.objectspace.space.services.doc = 'services'
- families = {}
- for idx, service_name in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.services.service.keys()):
- service = self.objectspace.space.services.service[service_name]
- new_service = self.objectspace.service(service.xmlfiles)
- for elttype, values in vars(service).items():
- if not isinstance(values, (dict, list)) or elttype in ERASED_ATTRIBUTES:
- setattr(new_service, elttype, values)
- continue
- eltname = elttype + 's'
- path = '.'.join(['services', service_name, eltname])
- family = self.gen_family(eltname,
- path,
- service.xmlfiles,
- )
- if isinstance(values, dict):
- values = list(values.values())
- family.family = self.make_group_from_elts(service_name,
- elttype,
- values,
- path,
- )
- setattr(new_service, elttype, family)
- new_service.doc = new_service.name
- families[service_name] = new_service
- self.objectspace.space.services.service = families
- def gen_family(self,
- name,
- path,
- xmlfiles
- ):
- family = self.objectspace.family(xmlfiles)
- family.name = normalize_family(name)
- family.doc = name
- family.mode = None
- self.objectspace.paths.add_family('services',
- path,
- family,
- )
- return family
- def make_group_from_elts(self,
- service_name,
- name,
- elts,
- path,
- ):
- """Splits each objects into a group (and `OptionDescription`, in tiramisu terms)
- and build elements and its attributes (the `Options` in tiramisu terms)
- """
- families = []
- new_elts = self._reorder_elts(name,
- elts,
- )
- for index, elt_info in enumerate(new_elts):
- elt = elt_info['elt']
- elt_name = elt_info['elt_name']
- # try to launch _update_xxxx() function
- update_elt = '_update_' + elt_name
- if hasattr(self, update_elt):
- getattr(self, update_elt)(elt,
- index,
- path,
- service_name,
- )
- idx = 0
- while True:
- if hasattr(elt, 'source'):
- c_name = elt.source
- else:
- c_name = elt.name
- if idx:
- c_name += f'_{idx}'
- subpath = '{}.{}'.format(path, c_name)
- if not self.objectspace.paths.family_is_defined(subpath):
- break
- idx += 1
- family = self.gen_family(c_name,
- subpath,
- elt.xmlfiles,
- )
- family.variable = []
- listname = '{}list'.format(name)
- activate_path = '.'.join([subpath, 'activate'])
- for key in dir(elt):
- if key.startswith('_') or key.endswith('_type') or key in ERASED_ATTRIBUTES:
- continue
- value = getattr(elt, key)
- if key == listname:
- self.objectspace.list_conditions.setdefault(listname,
- {}).setdefault(
- value,
- []).append(activate_path)
- continue
- family.variable.append(self._generate_element(elt_name,
- key,
- value,
- elt,
- f'{subpath}.{key}'
- ))
- # FIXME ne devrait pas etre True par défaut
- # devrait etre un calcule
- family.variable.append(self._generate_element(elt_name,
- 'activate',
- True,
- elt,
- activate_path,
- ))
- families.append(family)
- return families
- def _generate_element(self,
- elt_name,
- key,
- value,
- elt,
- path,
- ):
- variable = self.objectspace.variable(elt.xmlfiles)
- variable.name = normalize_family(key)
- variable.mode = None
- if key == 'name':
- true_key = elt_name
- else:
- true_key = key
- dtd_key_type = true_key + '_type'
- if key == 'activate':
- type_ = 'boolean'
- elif hasattr(elt, dtd_key_type):
- type_ = KEY_TYPE[getattr(elt, dtd_key_type)]
- elif key in self.objectspace.booleans_attributs:
- type_ = 'boolean'
- else:
- type_ = 'string'
- variable.type = type_
- if type_ == 'symlink':
- variable.opt = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(value,
- 'services',
- )
-# variable.opt = value
- variable.multi = None
- else:
- variable.doc = key
- val = self.objectspace.value(elt.xmlfiles)
- val.type = type_
- val.name = value
- variable.value = [val]
- self.objectspace.paths.add_variable('services',
- path,
- 'service',
- False,
- variable,
- )
- return variable
- def _reorder_elts(self,
- name,
- elts,
- ):
- """Reorders by index the elts
- """
- new_elts = {}
- # reorder elts by index
- for idx, elt in enumerate(elts):
- new_elts.setdefault(idx, []).append(elt)
- idxes = list(new_elts.keys())
- idxes.sort()
- result_elts = []
- for idx in idxes:
- for elt in new_elts[idx]:
- result_elts.append({'elt_name': name, 'elt': elt})
- return result_elts
- def _update_override(self,
- file_,
- index,
- service_path,
- service_name,
- ):
- file_.name = f'/systemd/system/{service_name}.service.d/rougail.conf'
- # retrieve default value from File object
- for attr in ['owner', 'group', 'mode']:
- setattr(file_, attr, getattr(self.objectspace.file, attr))
- if not hasattr(file_, 'source'):
- file_.source = f'{service_name}.service'
- self._update_file(file_,
- index,
- service_path,
- service_name,
- )
- def _update_file(self,
- file_,
- index,
- service_path,
- service_name,
- ):
- if not hasattr(file_, 'file_type') or file_.file_type == "UnicodeOption":
- if not hasattr(file_, 'source'):
- file_.source = basename(file_.name)
- elif not hasattr(file_, 'source'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('attribute source mandatory for file with variable name for {}').format(file_.name))
-class VariableAnnotator:
- def __init__(self,
- objectspace,
- ):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- self.convert_variable()
- self.convert_auto_freeze()
- self.convert_separators()
- def convert_variable(self):
- def _convert_variable(variable,
- variable_type,
- ):
- if not hasattr(variable, 'type'):
- variable.type = 'string'
- if variable.type != 'symlink' and not hasattr(variable, 'description'):
- variable.description = variable.name
- if hasattr(variable, 'value'):
- for value in variable.value:
- if not hasattr(value, 'type'):
- value.type = variable.type
- value.name = CONVERT_OPTION.get(value.type, {}).get('func', str)(value.name)
- for key, value in RENAME_ATTIBUTES.items():
- setattr(variable, value, getattr(variable, key))
- setattr(variable, key, None)
- if variable_type == 'follower':
- if variable.multi is True:
- variable.multi = 'submulti'
- else:
- variable.multi = True
- def _convert_valid_enum(namespace,
- variable,
- path,
- ):
- if variable.type in FORCE_CHOICE:
- check = self.objectspace.check(variable.xmlfiles)
- check.name = 'valid_enum'
- check.target = path
- check.namespace = namespace
- check.param = []
- for value in FORCE_CHOICE[variable.type]:
- param = self.objectspace.param(variable.xmlfiles)
- param.text = value
- check.param.append(param)
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'constraints'):
- self.objectspace.space.constraints = self.objectspace.constraints(variable.xmlfiles)
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.namespace = namespace
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'check'):
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.check = []
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.check.append(check)
- variable.type = 'string'
- def _valid_type(variable):
- if variable.type not in CONVERT_OPTION:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(variable.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'unvalid type "{variable.type}" for variable "{variable.name}" in {xmlfiles}'))
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- return
- for families in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- namespace = families.name
- if hasattr(families, 'family'):
- families.doc = families.name
- for family in families.family.values():
- family.doc = family.name
- for key, value in RENAME_ATTIBUTES.items():
- if hasattr(family, key):
- setattr(family, value, getattr(family, key))
- setattr(family, key, None)
- family.name = normalize_family(family.name)
- if hasattr(family, 'variable'):
- for variable in family.variable.values():
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- for idx, follower in enumerate(variable.variable):
- if idx == 0:
- variable_type = 'master'
- else:
- variable_type = 'follower'
- path = '{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(namespace, normalize_family(family.name), variable.name, follower.name)
- _convert_variable(follower,
- variable_type,
- )
- _convert_valid_enum(namespace,
- follower,
- path,
- )
- _valid_type(follower)
- else:
- path = '{}.{}.{}'.format(namespace, normalize_family(family.name), variable.name)
- _convert_variable(variable,
- 'variable',
- )
- _convert_valid_enum(namespace,
- variable,
- path,
- )
- _valid_type(variable)
- def convert_auto_freeze(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- def _convert_auto_freeze(variable, namespace):
- if variable.auto_freeze:
- new_condition = self.objectspace.condition(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_condition.name = 'auto_hidden_if_not_in'
- new_condition.namespace = namespace
- new_condition.source = FREEZE_AUTOFREEZE_VARIABLE
- new_param = self.objectspace.param(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_param.text = 'oui'
- new_condition.param = [new_param]
- new_target = self.objectspace.target(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_target.type = 'variable'
- path = variable.namespace + '.' + normalize_family(family.name) + '.' + variable.name
- new_target.name = path
- new_condition.target = [new_target]
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'condition'):
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition = []
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition.append(new_condition)
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- for variables in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if hasattr(variables, 'family'):
- namespace = variables.name
- for family in variables.family.values():
- if hasattr(family, 'variable'):
- for variable in family.variable.values():
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- for follower in variable.variable:
- _convert_auto_freeze(follower, namespace)
- else:
- _convert_auto_freeze(variable, namespace)
- def convert_separators(self): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0201
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- return
- for family in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if not hasattr(family, 'separators'):
- continue
- if hasattr(family.separators, 'separator'):
- for idx, separator in enumerate(family.separators.separator):
- option = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(separator.name)
- if hasattr(option, 'separator'):
- subpath = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(separator.name,
- separator.namespace,
- )
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(separator.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'{subpath} already has a separator in {xmlfiles}'))
- option.separator = separator.text
- del family.separators
-class ConstraintAnnotator:
- def __init__(self,
- objectspace,
- eosfunc_file,
- ):
- if not hasattr(objectspace.space, 'constraints'):
- return
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- eosfunc = SourceFileLoader('eosfunc', eosfunc_file).load_module()
- self.functions = dir(eosfunc)
- self.functions.extend(INTERNAL_FUNCTIONS)
- self.valid_enums = {}
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'check'):
- self.check_check()
- self.check_replace_text()
- self.check_valid_enum()
- self.check_change_warning()
- self.convert_check()
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'condition'):
- self.check_params_target()
- self.filter_targets()
- self.convert_xxxlist_to_variable()
- self.check_condition_fallback_optional()
- self.check_choice_option_condition()
- self.remove_condition_with_empty_target()
- self.convert_condition()
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'fill'):
- self.convert_fill()
- self.remove_constraints()
- def check_check(self):
- remove_indexes = []
- for check_idx, check in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.check):
- if not check.name in self.functions:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'cannot find check function "{check.name}" in {xmlfiles}'))
- if hasattr(check, 'param'):
- param_option_indexes = []
- for idx, param in enumerate(check.param):
- if param.type == 'variable' and not self.objectspace.paths.path_is_defined(param.text):
- if param.optional is True:
- param_option_indexes.append(idx)
- else:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'cannot find check param "{param.text}" in {xmlfiles}'))
- if param.type != 'variable':
- param.notraisepropertyerror = None
- param_option_indexes = list(set(param_option_indexes))
- param_option_indexes.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in param_option_indexes:
- check.param.pop(idx)
- if check.param == []:
- remove_indexes.append(check_idx)
- remove_indexes.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_indexes:
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.check[idx]
- def check_replace_text(self):
- for check_idx, check in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.check):
- namespace = check.namespace
- if hasattr(check, 'param'):
- for idx, param in enumerate(check.param):
- if param.type == 'variable':
- param.text = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(param.text, namespace)
- check.is_in_leadership = self.objectspace.paths.get_leader(check.target) != None
- # let's replace the target by the path
- check.target = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(check.target, namespace)
- def check_valid_enum(self):
- remove_indexes = []
- for idx, check in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.check):
- if check.name == 'valid_enum':
- if check.target in self.valid_enums:
- old_xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(self.valid_enums[check.target]['xmlfiles'])
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'valid_enum define in {xmlfiles} but already set in {old_xmlfiles} for "{check.target}", did you forget remove_check?'))
- if not hasattr(check, 'param'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'param is mandatory for a valid_enum of variable {check.target}'))
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(check.target)
- values = self.load_params_in_valid_enum(check.param,
- variable.name,
- variable.type,
- )
- self._set_valid_enum(variable,
- values,
- variable.type,
- check.target,
- check.xmlfiles,
- )
- remove_indexes.append(idx)
- remove_indexes.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_indexes:
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.check[idx]
- def load_params_in_valid_enum(self,
- params,
- variable_name,
- variable_type,
- ):
- has_variable = None
- values = []
- for param in params:
- if param.type == 'variable':
- if has_variable is not None:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'only one "variable" parameter is allowed for valid_enum of variable {variable_name}'))
- has_variable = True
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(param.text)
- if not variable.multi:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'only multi "variable" parameter is allowed for valid_enum of variable {variable_name}'))
- values = param.text
- else:
- if has_variable:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'only one "variable" parameter is allowed for valid_enum of variable {variable_name}'))
- if not hasattr(param, 'text'):
- if param.type == 'number':
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'value is mandatory for valid_enum of variable {variable_name}'))
- values.append(None)
- else:
- values.append(param.text)
- return values
- def check_change_warning(self):
- #convert level to "warnings_only"
- for check in self.objectspace.space.constraints.check:
- if check.level == 'warning':
- check.warnings_only = True
- else:
- check.warnings_only = False
- check.level = None
- def _get_family_variables_from_target(self,
- target,
- ):
- if target.type == 'variable':
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(target.name)
- family = self.objectspace.paths.get_family_obj(target.name.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
- # it's a leader, so apply property to leadership
- if isinstance(family, self.objectspace.leadership) and family.name == variable.name:
- return family, family.variable
- return variable, [variable]
- # it's a family
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_family_obj(target.name)
- return variable, list(variable.variable.values())
- def check_params_target(self):
- for condition in self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition:
- if not hasattr(condition, 'target'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('target is mandatory in condition'))
- for target in condition.target:
- if target.type.endswith('list') and condition.name not in ['disabled_if_in', 'disabled_if_not_in']:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'target in condition for {target.type} not allow in {condition.name}'))
- def filter_targets(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- for condition_idx, condition in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition):
- namespace = condition.namespace
- for idx, target in enumerate(condition.target):
- if target.type == 'variable':
- if condition.source == target.name:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('target name and source name must be different: {}').format(condition.source))
- try:
- target_names = [normalize_family(name) for name in target.name.split('.')]
- target.name = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path('.'.join(target_names), namespace)
- except DictConsistencyError:
- # for optional variable
- pass
- elif target.type == 'family':
- try:
- target_names = [normalize_family(name) for name in target.name.split('.')]
- target.name = self.objectspace.paths.get_family_path('.'.join(target_names), namespace)
- except KeyError:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('cannot found family {}').format(target.name))
- def convert_xxxlist_to_variable(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- # transform *list to variable or family
- for condition_idx, condition in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition):
- new_targets = []
- remove_targets = []
- for target_idx, target in enumerate(condition.target):
- if target.type.endswith('list'):
- listname = target.type
- listvars = self.objectspace.list_conditions.get(listname,
- {}).get(target.name)
- if listvars:
- for listvar in listvars:
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(listvar)
- type_ = 'variable'
- new_target = self.objectspace.target(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_target.type = type_
- new_target.name = listvar
- new_target.index = target.index
- new_targets.append(new_target)
- remove_targets.append(target_idx)
- remove_targets.sort(reverse=True)
- for target_idx in remove_targets:
- condition.target.pop(target_idx)
- condition.target.extend(new_targets)
- def check_condition_fallback_optional(self):
- # a condition with a fallback **and** the source variable doesn't exist
- remove_conditions = []
- for idx, condition in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition):
- # fallback
- if condition.fallback is True and not self.objectspace.paths.path_is_defined(condition.source):
- apply_action = False
- if condition.name in ['disabled_if_in', 'mandatory_if_in', 'hidden_if_in']:
- apply_action = not condition.force_condition_on_fallback
- else:
- apply_action = condition.force_inverse_condition_on_fallback
- if apply_action:
- actions = self._get_condition_actions(condition.name)
- for target in condition.target:
- leader_or_variable, variables = self._get_family_variables_from_target(target)
- for action_idx, action in enumerate(actions):
- if action_idx == 0:
- setattr(leader_or_variable, action, True)
- else:
- for variable in variables:
- setattr(variable, action, True)
- remove_conditions.append(idx)
- continue
- remove_targets = []
- # optional
- for idx, target in enumerate(condition.target):
- if target.optional is True and not self.objectspace.paths.path_is_defined(target.name):
- remove_targets.append(idx)
- remove_targets = list(set(remove_targets))
- remove_targets.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_targets:
- condition.target.pop(idx)
- remove_conditions = list(set(remove_conditions))
- remove_conditions.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_conditions:
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition.pop(idx)
- def _get_condition_actions(self, condition_name):
- if condition_name.startswith('disabled_if_'):
- return ['disabled']
- elif condition_name.startswith('hidden_if_'):
- return ['hidden', 'frozen', 'force_default_on_freeze']
- elif condition_name.startswith('mandatory_if_'):
- return ['mandatory']
- elif condition_name == 'auto_hidden_if_not_in':
- return ['auto_frozen']
- def check_choice_option_condition(self):
- # remove condition for ChoiceOption that don't have param
- remove_conditions = []
- for condition_idx, condition in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition):
- namespace = condition.namespace
- condition.source = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(condition.source, namespace, allow_source=True)
- src_variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(condition.source)
- valid_enum = None
- if condition.source in self.valid_enums and self.valid_enums[condition.source]['type'] == 'string':
- valid_enum = self.valid_enums[condition.source]['values']
- if valid_enum is not None:
- remove_param = []
- for param_idx, param in enumerate(condition.param):
- if param.text not in valid_enum:
- remove_param.append(param_idx)
- remove_param.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_param:
- del condition.param[idx]
- if condition.param == []:
- remove_targets = []
- for target in condition.target:
- leader_or_variable, variables = self._get_family_variables_from_target(target)
- if condition.name == 'disabled_if_not_in':
- leader_or_variable.disabled = True
- elif condition.name == 'hidden_if_not_in':
- leader_or_variable.hidden = True
- for variable in variables:
- variable.frozen = True
- variable.force_default_on_freeze = True
- elif condition.name == 'mandatory_if_not_in':
- variable.mandatory = True
- remove_targets = list(set(remove_targets))
- remove_targets.sort(reverse=True)
- for target_idx in remove_targets:
- condition.target.pop(target_idx)
- remove_conditions.append(condition_idx)
- remove_conditions = list(set(remove_conditions))
- remove_conditions.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_conditions:
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition.pop(idx)
- def remove_condition_with_empty_target(self):
- remove_conditions = []
- for condition_idx, condition in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition):
- if not condition.target:
- remove_conditions.append(condition_idx)
- remove_conditions = list(set(remove_conditions))
- remove_conditions.sort(reverse=True)
- for idx in remove_conditions:
- self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition.pop(idx)
- def convert_condition(self):
- for condition in self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition:
- inverse = condition.name.endswith('_if_not_in')
- actions = self._get_condition_actions(condition.name)
- for param in condition.param:
- text = getattr(param, 'text', None)
- for target in condition.target:
- leader_or_variable, variables = self._get_family_variables_from_target(target)
- # if option is already disable, do not apply disable_if_in
- # check only the first action (example of multiple actions: 'hidden', 'frozen', 'force_default_on_freeze')
- main_action = actions[0]
- if getattr(leader_or_variable, main_action, False) is True:
- continue
- for idx, action in enumerate(actions):
- prop = self.objectspace.property_(leader_or_variable.xmlfiles)
- prop.type = 'calculation'
- prop.inverse = inverse
- prop.source = condition.source
- prop.expected = text
- prop.name = action
- if idx == 0:
- # main action is for the variable or family
- if not hasattr(leader_or_variable, 'property'):
- leader_or_variable.property = []
- leader_or_variable.property.append(prop)
- else:
- # other actions are set to the variable or children of family
- for variable in variables:
- if not hasattr(variable, 'property'):
- variable.property = []
- variable.property.append(prop)
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.condition
- def _set_valid_enum(self,
- variable,
- values,
- type_,
- target: str,
- xmlfiles: List[str],
- ):
- # value for choice's variable is mandatory
- variable.mandatory = True
- # build choice
- variable.choice = []
- if isinstance(values, str):
- choice = self.objectspace.choice()
- choice.type = 'calculation'
- choice.name = values
- variable.choice.append(choice)
- else:
- self.valid_enums[target] = {'type': type_,
- 'values': values,
- 'xmlfiles': xmlfiles,
- }
- choices = []
- for value in values:
- choice = self.objectspace.choice(variable.xmlfiles)
- try:
- if value is not None:
- choice.name = CONVERT_OPTION[type_].get('func', str)(value)
- else:
- choice.name = value
- except:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'unable to change type of a valid_enum entry "{value}" is not a valid "{type_}" for "{variable.name}"'))
- if choice.name == '':
- choice.name = None
- choices.append(choice.name)
- choice.type = type_
- variable.choice.append(choice)
- # check value or set first choice value has default value
- if hasattr(variable, 'value'):
- for value in variable.value:
- value.type = type_
- try:
- cvalue = CONVERT_OPTION[type_].get('func', str)(value.name)
- except:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'unable to change type of value "{value}" is not a valid "{type_}" for "{variable.name}"'))
- if cvalue not in choices:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('value "{}" of variable "{}" is not in list of all expected values ({})').format(value.name, variable.name, choices))
- else:
- new_value = self.objectspace.value(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_value.name = choices[0]
- new_value.type = type_
- variable.value = [new_value]
- if not variable.choice:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('empty valid enum is not allowed for variable {}').format(variable.name))
- variable.type = 'choice'
- def convert_check(self):
- for check in self.objectspace.space.constraints.check:
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(check.target)
- name = check.name
- if name == 'valid_entier':
- if not hasattr(check, 'param'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('{} must have, at least, 1 param').format(name))
- for param in check.param:
- if param.type not in ['string', 'number']:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'param in "valid_entier" must not be a "{param.type}"'))
- if param.name == 'mini':
- variable.min_number = int(param.text)
- elif param.name == 'maxi':
- variable.max_number = int(param.text)
- else:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'unknown parameter {param.text} in check "valid_entier" for variable {check.target}'))
- else:
- check_ = self.objectspace.check(variable.xmlfiles)
- if name == 'valid_differ':
- name = 'valid_not_equal'
- elif name == 'valid_network_netmask':
- params_len = 1
- if len(check.param) != params_len:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'{name} must have {params_len} param in {xmlfiles}'))
- elif name == 'valid_ipnetmask':
- params_len = 1
- if len(check.param) != params_len:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'{name} must have {params_len} param in {xmlfiles}'))
- name = 'valid_ip_netmask'
- elif name == 'valid_broadcast':
- params_len = 2
- if len(check.param) != params_len:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'{name} must have {params_len} param in {xmlfiles}'))
- elif name == 'valid_in_network':
- if len(check.param) not in (1, 2):
- params_len = 2
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(check.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'{name} must have {params_len} param in {xmlfiles}'))
- check_.name = name
- check_.warnings_only = check.warnings_only
- if hasattr(check, 'param'):
- check_.param = check.param
- if not hasattr(variable, 'check'):
- variable.check = []
- variable.check.append(check_)
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.check
- def convert_fill(self): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0912
- # sort fill/auto by index
- fills = {fill.index: fill for idx, fill in enumerate(self.objectspace.space.constraints.fill)}
- indexes = list(fills.keys())
- indexes.sort()
- targets = []
- for idx in indexes:
- fill = fills[idx]
- # test if it's redefined calculation
- if fill.target in targets:
- xmlfiles = self.objectspace.display_xmlfiles(fill.xmlfiles)
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'A fill already exists for the target of "{fill.target}" created in {xmlfiles}'))
- targets.append(fill.target)
- #
- if fill.name not in self.functions:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('cannot find fill function {}').format(fill.name))
- namespace = fill.namespace
- # let's replace the target by the path
- fill.target, suffix = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(fill.target,
- namespace,
- with_suffix=True,
- )
- if suffix is not None:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'Cannot add fill function to "{fill.target}" only with the suffix "{suffix}"'))
- variable = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_obj(fill.target)
- value = self.objectspace.value(variable.xmlfiles)
- value.type = 'calculation'
- value.name = fill.name
- if hasattr(fill, 'param'):
- param_to_delete = []
- for fill_idx, param in enumerate(fill.param):
- if param.type not in ['suffix', 'string'] and not hasattr(param, 'text'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f"All '{param.type}' variables must have a value in order to calculate {fill.target}"))
- if param.type == 'suffix' and hasattr(param, 'text'):
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f"All '{param.type}' variables must not have a value in order to calculate {fill.target}"))
- if param.type == 'string':
- if not hasattr(param, 'text'):
- param.text = None
- if param.type == 'variable':
- try:
- param.text, suffix = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(param.text,
- namespace,
- with_suffix=True,
- )
- if suffix:
- param.suffix = suffix
- except DictConsistencyError as err:
- if param.optional is False:
- raise err
- param_to_delete.append(fill_idx)
- continue
- else:
- param.notraisepropertyerror = None
- param_to_delete.sort(reverse=True)
- for param_idx in param_to_delete:
- fill.param.pop(param_idx)
- value.param = fill.param
- variable.value = [value]
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.fill
- def remove_constraints(self):
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space.constraints, 'index'):
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.index
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.namespace
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints.xmlfiles
- if vars(self.objectspace.space.constraints):
- raise Exception('constraints again?')
- del self.objectspace.space.constraints
-class FamilyAnnotator:
- def __init__(self,
- objectspace,
- ):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- self.remove_empty_families()
- self.change_variable_mode()
- self.change_family_mode()
- self.dynamic_families()
- def remove_empty_families(self): # pylint: disable=C0111,R0201
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- for family in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if hasattr(family, 'family'):
- space = family.family
- removed_families = []
- for family_name, family in space.items():
- if not hasattr(family, 'variable') or len(family.variable) == 0:
- removed_families.append(family_name)
- for family_name in removed_families:
- del space[family_name]
- def change_family_mode(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- return
- for family in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if hasattr(family, 'family'):
- for family in family.family.values():
- mode = modes_level[-1]
- for variable in family.variable.values():
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- variable_mode = variable.variable[0].mode
- variable.variable[0].mode = None
- variable.mode = variable_mode
- else:
- variable_mode = variable.mode
- if variable_mode is not None and modes[mode] > modes[variable_mode]:
- mode = variable_mode
- family.mode = mode
- def dynamic_families(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- return
- for family in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if hasattr(family, 'family'):
- for family in family.family.values():
- if 'dynamic' in vars(family):
- namespace = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_namespace(family.dynamic)
- varpath = self.objectspace.paths.get_variable_path(family.dynamic, namespace)
- family.dynamic = varpath
- def annotate_variable(self, variable, family_mode, path, is_follower=False):
- # if the variable is mandatory and doesn't have any value
- # then the variable's mode is set to 'basic'
- if not hasattr(variable, 'value') and variable.type == 'boolean':
- new_value = self.objectspace.value(variable.xmlfiles)
- new_value.name = True
- new_value.type = 'boolean'
- variable.value = [new_value]
- if hasattr(variable, 'value') and variable.value:
- has_value = True
- for value in variable.value:
- if value.type == 'calculation':
- has_value = False
- has_variable = False
- if hasattr(value, 'param'):
- for param in value.param:
- if param.type == 'variable':
- has_variable = True
- break
- #if not has_variable:
- # # if one parameter is a variable, let variable choice if it's mandatory
- # variable.mandatory = True
- if has_value:
- # if has value but without any calculation
- variable.mandatory = True
- if variable.mandatory is True and (not hasattr(variable, 'value') or is_follower):
- variable.mode = modes_level[0]
- if variable.mode != None and modes[variable.mode] < modes[family_mode] and (not is_follower or variable.mode != modes_level[0]):
- variable.mode = family_mode
- if variable.hidden is True:
- variable.frozen = True
- if not variable.auto_save is True and 'force_default_on_freeze' not in vars(variable):
- variable.force_default_on_freeze = True
- def change_variable_mode(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- if not hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- return
- for variables in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- namespace = variables.name
- if hasattr(variables, 'family'):
- for family in variables.family.values():
- family_mode = family.mode
- if hasattr(family, 'variable'):
- for variable in family.variable.values():
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- mode = modes_level[-1]
- for idx, follower in enumerate(variable.variable):
- if follower.auto_save is True:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_(f'leader/followers {follower.name} could not be auto_save'))
- if follower.auto_freeze is True:
- raise DictConsistencyError(_('leader/followers {follower.name} could not be auto_freeze'))
- is_follower = idx != 0
- path = '{}.{}.{}'.format(family.path, variable.name, follower.name)
- self.annotate_variable(follower, family_mode, path, is_follower)
- # leader's mode is minimum level
- if modes[variable.variable[0].mode] > modes[follower.mode]:
- follower.mode = variable.variable[0].mode
- variable.mode = variable.variable[0].mode
- else:
- # auto_save's variable is set in 'basic' mode if its mode is 'normal'
- if variable.auto_save is True and variable.mode != modes_level[-1]:
- variable.mode = modes_level[0]
- # auto_freeze's variable is set in 'basic' mode if its mode is 'normal'
- if variable.auto_freeze is True and variable.mode != modes_level[-1]:
- variable.mode = modes_level[0]
- path = '{}.{}'.format(family.path, variable.name)
- self.annotate_variable(variable, family_mode, path)
-class PropertyAnnotator:
- def __init__(self, objectspace):
- self.objectspace = objectspace
- self.convert_annotator()
- def convert_property(self,
- variable,
- ):
- properties = []
- for prop in PROPERTIES:
- if hasattr(variable, prop):
- if getattr(variable, prop) == True:
- for subprop in CONVERT_PROPERTIES.get(prop, [prop]):
- properties.append(subprop)
- setattr(variable, prop, None)
- if hasattr(variable, 'mode') and variable.mode:
- properties.append(variable.mode)
- variable.mode = None
- if properties:
- variable.properties = frozenset(properties)
- def convert_annotator(self): # pylint: disable=C0111
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'services'):
- self.convert_property(self.objectspace.space.services)
- for services in self.objectspace.space.services.service.values():
- self.convert_property(services)
- for service in vars(services).values():
- if isinstance(service, self.objectspace.family):
- self.convert_property(service)
- if hasattr(service, 'family'):
- self.convert_property(service)
- for family in service.family:
- self.convert_property(family)
- if hasattr(family, 'variable'):
- for variable in family.variable:
- self.convert_property(variable)
- if hasattr(self.objectspace.space, 'variables'):
- for variables in self.objectspace.space.variables.values():
- if hasattr(variables, 'family'):
- for family in variables.family.values():
- self.convert_property(family)
- if hasattr(family, 'variable'):
- for variable in family.variable.values():
- if isinstance(variable, self.objectspace.leadership):
- self.convert_property(variable)
- for follower in variable.variable:
- self.convert_property(follower)
- else:
- self.convert_property(variable)
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/00-base.xml b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/00-base.xml
similarity index 57%
rename from tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/00-base.xml
rename to tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/00-base.xml
index 41da51c53..c419dad18 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/00-base.xml
@@ -1,24 +1,12 @@
- redefine help
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/01-base.xml b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/01-base.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..934b6c7e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/01-base.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ oui
+ oui
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/__init__.py b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/__init__.py
rename to tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/makedict/base.json b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/makedict/base.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb10bec40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/makedict/base.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"rougail.general.mode_conteneur_actif": "oui"}
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/tiramisu/__init__.py b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/tiramisu/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/tiramisu/base.py b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/tiramisu/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e88756245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51exists_redefine/tiramisu/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
+func = SourceFileLoader('func', 'tests/dictionaries/../eosfunc/test.py').load_module()
+for key, value in dict(locals()).items():
+ if key != ['SourceFileLoader', 'func']:
+ setattr(func, key, value)
+ from tiramisu3 import *
+ from tiramisu import *
+from rougail.tiramisu import ConvertDynOptionDescription
+option_3 = ChoiceOption(properties=frozenset({'force_default_on_freeze', 'frozen', 'hidden', 'mandatory', 'normal'}), name='mode_conteneur_actif', doc='Description', multi=False, default='oui', values=('oui', 'non'))
+option_2 = OptionDescription(name='general', doc='general', properties=frozenset({'normal'}), children=[option_3])
+option_1 = OptionDescription(name='rougail', doc='rougail', children=[option_2])
+option_0 = OptionDescription(name='baseoption', doc='baseoption', children=[option_1])
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/00-base.xml b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/00-base.xml
index c973121f3..d482c3a14 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/01-redefine.xml b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/01-redefine.xml
index ef35e1902..d1534cecc 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/01-redefine.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_multi/01-redefine.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,10 @@
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index c973121f3..d482c3a14 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_type/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_type/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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index f02740f0a..3d0575b1a 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_type/01-redefine.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/51redefine_type/01-redefine.xml
@@ -1,20 +1,10 @@
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index 4263114a8..2550ebd81 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspace/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspace/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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index 4263114a8..2550ebd81 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspaceauto/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspaceauto/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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index 4263114a8..2550ebd81 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspacecondition2/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspacecondition2/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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index 4263114a8..2550ebd81 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspacecondition3/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/60extra_externalspacecondition3/00-base.xml
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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index 9d6044273..b8600cd7e 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80check_unknown/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -10,7 +7,6 @@
@@ -19,9 +15,6 @@
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index afa323291..d5e0f4327 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80check_unknown_var/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80check_unknown_var/00-base.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
@@ -18,9 +14,6 @@
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index 99fb6ba1f..46092fa3b 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80condition_itself/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80condition_itself/00-base.xml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
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index 9136db895..0f3a64c1d 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80condition_not_exists_error/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -18,9 +15,6 @@
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index 8f430c19e..d7a7d843a 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80container_filesredefine_error/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80container_filesredefine_error/00-base.xml
@@ -14,14 +14,7 @@
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index 2422864a8..d9b82e648 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80family_several/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80family_several/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -28,7 +25,4 @@
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index 89fd1387a..97cdc076e 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80fill_error/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80fill_error/00-base.xml
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
@@ -18,9 +17,6 @@
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index 975810cc6..2ab8329b2 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80fill_multi/00-base.xml
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@@ -12,7 +9,6 @@
@@ -23,9 +19,6 @@
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index 1944491bd..4d9b232e1 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80hidden_if_in_filelist/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80hidden_if_in_filelist/00-base.xml
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
@@ -25,9 +24,6 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_auto_save/00-base.xml
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@@ -26,7 +23,4 @@
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index 70dec0a9e..941c98b6f 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_autofreeze/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_autofreeze/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -23,7 +20,4 @@
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index 12a0e0743..047c6d0ef 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_none_follower_between_follower/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_none_follower_between_follower/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -26,7 +23,4 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_not_ordered/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -28,7 +25,4 @@
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index b5dff8b72..008bacd6c 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_not_same_family/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_not_same_family/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -30,7 +27,4 @@
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index 57d9b8c0f..da86c9a80 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_notexists/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80leadership_notexists/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -30,7 +27,4 @@
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index c973121f3..8ab6107ee 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_double_error/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -11,12 +8,6 @@
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index c973121f3..8ab6107ee 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_error/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -11,12 +8,6 @@
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index c973121f3..d482c3a14 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_error/01-redefine.xml
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@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 903182202..000000000
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_helperror/01-base.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- redefine help
diff --git a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_notexists/00-base.xml b/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_notexists/00-base.xml
index c973121f3..d482c3a14 100644
--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_notexists/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80redefine_notexists/01-redefine.xml
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@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80separator_multi/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -14,12 +11,6 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80separator_multi2/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80separator_multi2/00-base.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -13,12 +10,6 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80separator_multi2/01-base.xml
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/80separator_nonexists/00-base.xml
+++ b/tests/dictionaries/80separator_nonexists/00-base.xml
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@@ -14,12 +11,6 @@
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/88valid_enum_not_number/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -22,11 +19,6 @@
- bla bla bla
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--- a/tests/dictionaries/88valid_enum_numberdefaultstring/00-base.xml
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@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
@@ -14,7 +11,6 @@
@@ -24,11 +20,6 @@
- bla bla bla