import os from pytest import fixture # , raises from pathlib import Path from rougail import Rougail ######################### from dotenv import load_dotenv from rougail.user_data_environment import RougailUserDataEnvironment as RougailUserData from json import load, dump ######################### from rougail_tests.utils import get_structures_list, get_rougail_config, get_values_for_config, config_to_dict EXT = "env" ######################### #let's save the original environment save = os.environ.copy() ######################### excludes = [] excludes = [ '40_0leadership_follower_default_submulti', # submulti is not allowed '40_0leadership_follower_default_submulti_calculation', # submulti is not allowed '40_6leadership_follower_multi', # submulti is not allowed ] test_ok = get_structures_list(excludes) # test_ok = [Path('../rougail-tests/structures/60_6family_dynamic_sub_dynamic_empty2')] def idfn(fixture_value): return @fixture(scope="module", params=test_ok, ids=idfn) def test_dir(request): return request.param def _test_dictionaries(test_dir, namespace, ext, *, level, need_exclude=False): rougailconfig = get_rougail_config(test_dir, namespace) if not rougailconfig: return ################################## rougailconfig['step.user_data'] = ['environment'] ################################## dir_name = 'test' if namespace: dir_name += '_namespace' elif (test_dir / 'force_namespace').is_file(): return rougail = Rougail(rougailconfig) config = ################################## root_path = Path('tests') / 'results' / dir_name / makedict = root_path / 'makedict' / f'{level}.json' filename = root_path / 'file' if need_exclude: filename = filename / f'{level}_exclude.{EXT}' else: filename = filename / f'{level}.{EXT}' populate(filename, makedict, rougailconfig, level, need_exclude, namespace) load_dotenv(str(filename)) ################################## # loads variables in the tiramisu config generated_user_data = RougailUserData(config, rougailconfig=rougailconfig).run() errors = rougail.user_datas(generated_user_data) #expected output with open(Path('tests') / 'results' / dir_name / / 'makedict' / f'{level}.json') as json_file: expected = load(json_file) # here is the effective test errors_file = Path('tests') / 'results' / dir_name / / 'errors' / f'{level}.json' if not errors_file.is_file(): errors_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(errors_file, 'a') as json_file: dump(errors, json_file, indent=4) with open(errors_file) as json_file: expected_errors = load(json_file) # expected_errors = { # 'errors': [], # 'warnings': [], # } assert expected_errors == errors # config_dict = dict(config_to_dict(config.value.get())) assert expected == config_dict ###################################### #teardown: set the original environement again os.environ = save.copy() ###################################### def populate(filename, makedict_file, rougailconfig, level, need_exclude, namespace): if filename.is_file() and makedict_file.is_file(): return config = Rougail(rougailconfig).run() values = get_values_for_config(config, not need_exclude, level) if not filename.is_file(): filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with'w') as fh: ############################################## fh.write('\n'.join(values_to_env(values, namespace)) + '\n') ############################################## if not makedict_file.is_file(): makedict_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) config_dict = dict(config_to_dict(config.value.get())) with'w') as fh: dump(config_dict, fh, indent=4) fh.write('\n') ############################################## def values_to_env(values, namespace): def parse(root_path, values_, level=-1): level += 1 for key, value in values_.items(): if level == 0: sub_root_path = key else: sub_root_path = root_path + '.' + key if isinstance(value, dict): yield from parse(sub_root_path, value, level) elif isinstance(value, list): if value and isinstance(value[0], dict): keys = [] for ls in value: for k in ls: if k not in keys: keys.append(k) for k in keys: for val in value: sub_val = val.get(k, "") if isinstance(sub_val, list): raise Exception("submulti is not allowed for environment user_datas") ns = (sub_root_path + '.' + k).upper() if not namespace: ns = "ROUGAIL_" + ns yield ns + '="' + ','.join([convert_str(val.get(k, "")) for val in value])+ '"' else: ns = sub_root_path.upper() if not namespace: ns = "ROUGAIL_" + ns yield ns + '="' + ','.join([convert_str(val) for val in value]) + '"' elif value is None or value == 'None': ns = sub_root_path.upper() if not namespace: ns = "ROUGAIL_" + ns yield ns + '=""' else: ns = sub_root_path.upper() if not namespace: ns = "ROUGAIL_" + ns yield ns + '="' + str(value) + '"' return list(parse(None, values)) def convert_str(val): if isinstance(val, bool): return {True: 'true', False: 'false'}.get(val) if val is None: return "" return str(val) ############################################## def test_dictionaries_all(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, False, EXT, level='all') def test_dictionaries_all_exclude(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, False, EXT, level='all', need_exclude=True) def test_dictionaries_mandatories(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, False, EXT, level='mandatories') def test_dictionaries_namespace_all(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, True, EXT, level='all') def test_dictionaries_namespace_all_exclude(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, True, EXT, level='all', need_exclude=True) def test_dictionaries_namespace_mandatories(test_dir): "tests the output" _test_dictionaries(test_dir, True, EXT, level='mandatories')