The sub family is now in "shorthand" mode. In this mode we can only define "name" and "description" attributes.
Inside the sub family we add two variables (with domainname and port types).
The sub family is now in "shorthand" mode. In this mode we can only define "name" and "description" attributes.
Inside the sub family we add two variables (with domainname and port types).
The sub family is now in "shorthand" mode. In this mode we can only define "name" and "description" attributes.
Inside the sub family we add two variables (with domainname and port types).
Inside a family, we can have variables or families.
The "type" for family "manual" became unecessary because container an other family, so it's not a variable.
In disabled attribute, it's better tu use relative path (we will see the reason in an other slide).
This family will be desactived if "proxy_mode" is not "manual proxy configuration".
Desactived a variable or a family means that this variable will never be accessible.
This family will be desactived if "proxy_mode" is not "manual proxy configuration".
Desactived a variable or a family means that this variable will never be accessible.
The "manual" mode structural descriptions are write in a new files to separate things. But Rougail will concatenate variables and families.
We create a family, which will contain other variables.
This family has:
- a description
- a type
As there is no variable inside this family, the type is mandatory. Without it, Rougail will create a variable.
In fact, this family will be deleted by Rougail too because it is empty.