== dictionaries/rougail/00-base.yml [,yaml] ---- version: '1.0' leader: description: The leadership type: leadership leader: description: The leader multi: true mandatory: false follower1: type: choice description: A follower choices: - a - b - c ---- == Variables === The leadership `basic` This family contains lists of variable blocks. [cols="105a,105a",options="header"] |==== | Variable | Description | **leader.leader** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `unique` `multiple` | The leader. | **leader.follower1** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[choice]` `basic` `mandatory` | A follower. + **Choices**: * a * b * c |==== == Example with all variables modifiable [,yaml] ---- leader: - leader: example follower1: a_choice ----