== Variables for "Rougail" [cols="1a,1a"] |==== | Variable | Description | **rougail.var** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `unique` `multiple` | A suffix variable. + **Examples**: * val1 * val2 |==== === a dynamic family `standard` This family builds families dynamically. **Identifiers**: the value of the variable "rougail.var". [cols="1a,1a"] |==== | Variable | Description | **rougail.__val1___dyn.var1** + **rougail.__val2___dyn.var1** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `mandatory` | Value is suffix. + **Default**: the value of the identifier. | **rougail.__val1___dyn.var2** + **rougail.__val2___dyn.var2** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `mandatory` | Value is first variable. + **Default**: the values of undocumented variables. | **rougail.__val1___dyn.var3** + **rougail.__val2___dyn.var3** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `mandatory` | Value is relative first variable. + **Default**: the values of undocumented variables. | **rougail.__val1___dyn.var4** + **rougail.__val2___dyn.var4** + `https://rougail.readthedocs.io/en/latest/variable.html#variables-types[string]` `standard` `mandatory` | Value is first variable of val1. + **Default**: the value of the variable "rougail.val1_dyn.var1". |====