# Risotto dataset simple examples This tutorial aims to show how create a dataset to deploy a [Caddy](https://caddyserver.com/) server via Risotto. Attention it has no other virtues than to be educational. It is not intended for production use. See [Rougail documentation for more details about dictionaries, templates and patches](https://cloud.silique.fr/gitea/risotto/rougail/src/branch/main/doc/README.md). The project can be divided into three application services: - caddy-common: an application service containing the information common to the two other application services - caddy-https: a standalone http/https server - caddy-https-rp: a https only server served behind a reverse proxy ## caddy-common Start by creating the project tree: ``` seed/caddy-common/ ├── dictionaries ├── templates └── manual └── image └── preinstall ``` Then describe the application service in [seed/caddy-common/applicationservice.yml](seed/caddy-common/applicationservice.yml). Also a dictionary [seed/caddy-common/dictionaries/20-caddy.yml](seed/caddy-common/dictionaries/20-caddy.yml) with - the activation of the caddy service in the "multi-user" target. This service needs some templates: - the main configuration's [/etc/caddy/Caddyfile](seed/caddy-common/templates/Caddyfile) to include other /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.d/\*.caddyfile - /etc/caddy/Caddyfile.d/risotto.caddyfile with appropriate configuration (this file is not part of this application service) - a [sysusers](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/sysusers.d.html) file [/sysusers.d/0caddy.conf](seed/caddy-common/templates/sysuser-caddy.conf) to create the system user "caddy" - a [tmpfiles](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/tmpfiles.d.html) file [/tmpfiles.d/0caddy.conf](seed/caddy-common/templates/tmpfile-caddy.conf) to create the directory "caddy_root_directory" and volatile directory "/var/lib/caddy" - a family "caddy" (Caddy web server) with a filename variable "caddy_root_directory" (The root path of the site) with default value "/srv/caddy". Finally, create a script to build the image with the caddy package: [seed/caddy-common/manual/image/preinstall/caddy.sh](seed/caddy-common/manual/image/preinstall/caddy.sh). ## caddy-https Start by creating the project tree: ``` seed/caddy-https-rp/ ├── dictionaries └── templates ``` Then describe the application service in [seed/caddy-https/applicationservice.yml](seed/caddy-https/applicationservice.yml) with OS and caddy-common dependencies. Also create a dictionary [seed/caddy-https/dictionaries/25-caddy.yml](seed/caddy-https/dictionaries/25-caddy.yml) to define the variables: - caddy_domain: the domain where Caddy should listen to - caddy_ca_file, caddy_crt_file and caddy_key_file: certificat for this domain - redefine the variable incoming_ports to open the ports 80 and 443 And new templates: - [seed/caddy-https/templates/risotto.caddyfile](seed/caddy-https/templates/risotto.caddyfile) - [seed/caddy-https/templates/ca_HTTP.crt](seed/caddy-https/templates/ca_HTTP.crt) - [seed/caddy-https/templates/caddy.key](seed/caddy-https/templates/caddy.key) - [seed/caddy-https/templates/caddy.crt](seed/caddy-https/templates/caddy.crt) ## caddy-https-rp Start by creating the project tree: ``` seed/caddy-https-rp/ ├── dictionaries ├── patches └── templates ``` Then describe the application service in [seed/caddy-https-rp/applicationservice.yml](seed/caddy-https-rp/applicationservice.yml) with OS, caddy-common and reverse-proxy-client dependencies. By default, reverse proxy certificate is only readable by "root" user. In the dictionary [seed/caddy-https-rp/dictionaries/25-caddy.yml](seed/caddy-https-rp/dictionaries/25-caddy.yml) we change the user to "caddy". And add Caddy configuration's file [seed/caddy-https-rp/templates/risotto.caddyfile](seed/caddy-https-rp/templates/risotto.caddyfile). This template use mainly variables defined in reverse-proxy application service. Finally add a patch to modify Caddyfile to not starts Caddy in port 80: [seed/caddy-https-rp/patches/Caddyfile.patch](seed/caddy-https-rp/patches/Caddyfile.patch). Patches should only use if a template file is define in an other dataset. You should instead add a condition in the template. But for educational reasons we made a patch in this case.