from yaml import load, SafeLoader from os import environ from os.path import join, isdir from revprox import Authentication from execute import run from re import search from time import sleep from imaplib2 import IMAP4_SSL from smtplib import SMTP from email import message_from_bytes from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText DATA = None DATA_IMAP = None IMAP = None IMAP_FAMILY = None def get_data(): global DATA if not DATA: conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/mailman.yml' with open(conf_file) as yaml: DATA = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader) return DATA def get_imap_data(): global DATA_IMAP if not DATA_IMAP: machine_test_dir = environ['MACHINE_TEST_DIR'] print("FIXME") machine_test_dir = machine_test_dir.replace('mailman', 'dovecot') if not isdir(machine_test_dir): print('!!! No local IMAP server found !!!') return conf_file = f'{machine_test_dir}/imap.yml' with open(conf_file) as yaml: DATA_IMAP = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader) return DATA_IMAP def get_authentication(data, family=False): if family: username = data['username_family'] password = data['password_family'] else: username = data['username'] password = data['password'] return Authentication(data['auth_url'], data['auth_server'], data['revprox_ip'], username, password, f""" Listes - {data["domain_name"]} """, ) def check_mail(subject, family=False, reply=False): global IMAP, IMAP_FAMILY data = get_imap_data() if data is None: return if family: if IMAP_FAMILY is None: IMAP_FAMILY = IMAP4_SSL(data['address']) IMAP_FAMILY.LOGIN(data['username_family'], data['password_family'] + '2') imap = IMAP_FAMILY else: if IMAP is None: IMAP = IMAP4_SSL(data['address']) IMAP.LOGIN(data['username'], data['password']) imap = IMAP imap.SELECT(readonly=False) typ, req = imap.SEARCH(None, 'ALL') assert typ == 'OK' if not req[0].decode(): raise Exception('pas de mail') num = req[0].decode().split()[-1] field = imap.FETCH(num, '(RFC822)') assert field[0] == 'OK' msg = message_from_bytes(field[1][-2][-1]) #if msg.is_multipart(): # for part in msg.walk(): # # extract content type of email # try: # print(part.get_payload(decode=True).decode()) # except: # pass #else: # print(msg.get_payload(decode=True).decode()) if subject is not None: assert subject == msg['Subject'] if reply: reply_message(msg) ret =, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted') assert ret[0] == 'OK', f'error when deleting mail: {ret}' imap.expunge() # imap.CLOSE() # imap.LOGOUT() def reply_message(msg): data = get_imap_data() body = MIMEText('resend') message = MIMEMultipart() message["to"] = msg["From"] message['from'] = msg["To"] message['subject'] = f'Re: {msg["Subject"]}' message.add_header('reply-to', msg["From"]) message.attach(body) # smtp = SMTP(data['address'], '587') smtp.starttls() smtp.login(data['username_family'], data['password_family'] + '2') smtp.sendmail(msg["To"], msg["From"], message.as_string(), ) smtp.quit() def send_mail(subject, data, data_mm, family=False, add_mail=''): list_name = 'test' smtp = SMTP(data['address'], '587') smtp.starttls() if not family: sender = data['username'] smtp.login(sender, data['password']) else: sender = data['username_family'] smtp.login(sender, data['password_family'] + '2') list_addr = f'{list_name}{add_mail}@{data_mm["mailman_domain"]}' msg = f"""From: {sender}\r\n\ To: {list_addr}\r\n\ Subject: {subject}\r\n\ \r\n\ MESSAGE""" smtp.sendmail(sender, list_addr, msg, ) smtp.quit() def test_mailman(): data = get_data() get_authentication(data) def test_mailman_login(): data = get_data() authentication = get_authentication(data) content = authentication.get(data['auth_url']) login = data['username'].split('@')[0] assert f'Successfully signed in as {login}.' in content def test_mailman_list(): data = get_data() authentication = get_authentication(data) list_name = 'test' search_list = f'href="/mailman/postorius/lists/{list_name}.{data["mailman_domain"]}/"' if 'FIRST_RUN' in environ: content = authentication.get(data['auth_url']) assert search_list not in content result = run(data['internal_address'], ['/usr/bin/mailman3', 'create', '--language', 'fr', '-o', data['username'], '-N', '-d', f'{list_name}@{data["mailman_domain"]}'], 'mailman', ) assert list(result) == [f'Liste de diffusion créée : {list_name}@{data["mailman_domain"]}'] content = authentication.get(data['auth_url']) assert search_list in content def test_mailman_inscription(): data = get_data() authentication = get_authentication(data) list_name = 'test' search_inscription = f'Adresse principale ({data["username"]})' url = join(data['base_url'], f'postorius/lists/{list_name}.{data["mailman_domain"]}/') if 'FIRST_RUN' in environ: content = authentication.get(url) assert search_inscription not in content pattern_csrf = r'name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_=]+)"' pattern_sub = r'