from yaml import load, SafeLoader
from os import environ
from datetime import timedelta
from time import sleep
from pytest import raises
from redis import Redis
from redis.exceptions import AuthenticationError, ResponseError

def test_redis_no_password():
    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15)
    with raises(AuthenticationError):

def test_redis_wrong_password():
    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15, username=data['username'], password='a')
    with raises(ResponseError):

def test_redis_wrong_user():
    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15, username="a", password=data['password'])
    with raises(ResponseError):
# FIXMEdef test_redis_no_user():
# FIXME    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
# FIXME    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
# FIXME        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
# FIXME    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15, password=data['password'])
# FIXME    with raises(ResponseError):
# FIXME        r.get("Persistent")

def test_redis_migration():
    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15, username=data['username'], password=data['password'])
    if 'FIRST_RUN' in environ:
        assert r.mset({"Persistent": "yes!"})
    assert r.get("Persistent") == b'yes!'

def test_redis_set_get():
    conf_file = f'{environ["MACHINE_TEST_DIR"]}/redis.yml'
    with open(conf_file) as yaml:
        data = load(yaml, Loader=SafeLoader)
    r = Redis(data['address'], db=15, username=data['username'], password=data['password'])
            value="now you see me, now you don't"
    assert r.exists("runner")
    assert not r.exists("runner")