# __ __ __ # \ \ / / / / # \ V / / / # \_/ \/ # # V E C T O R # Configuration # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Website: https://vector.dev # Docs: https://vector.dev/docs # Chat: https://chat.vector.dev # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Change this to use a non-default directory for Vector data storage: # data_dir = "/var/lib/vector" #>GNUNUX data_dir = "/srv/vector" #<GNUNUX # Random Syslog-formatted logs #>GNUNUX #[sources.dummy_logs] #type = "demo_logs" #format = "syslog" #interval = 1 {% if general.vector.client_addresses %} [sources.vector_client] type = "vector" address = "{{ general.vector.listen_address }}:8686" {% endif %} [sources.remote_journal] type = "journald" #journal_directory = "/var/log/journal/remote/" journalctl_path = "/usr/local/lib/sbin/vector_journalctl" current_boot_only = false #<GNUNUX # Parse Syslog logs # See the Vector Remap Language reference for more info: https://vrl.dev #>GNUNUX #[transforms.parse_logs] #type = "remap" #inputs = ["dummy_logs"] #source = ''' #. = parse_syslog!(string!(.message)) #''' [transforms.filter_logs] type = "filter" {% if general.vector.client_addresses %} inputs = ["vector_client", "remote_journal"] {% else %} inputs = ["remote_journal"] {% endif %} condition = '{{ accounts.vector_conditions }}' [transforms.parse_logs] type = "remap" inputs = ["filter_logs"] # "syslog_identifier": .SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER, source = ''' if is_null(.SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER) { .SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER = ._SYSTEMD_UNIT } . = { "message" : .message, "timestamp": .timestamp, "hostname" : .host, "priority": .PRIORITY, "identifier": .SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER, "uid": ._UID, "gid": ._GID, "pid": ._PID, "severity": to_syslog_level(to_int(.PRIORITY) ?? 0) ?? "" } ''' #<GNUNUX # Print parsed logs to stdout #>GNUNUX #[sinks.print] #type = "console" #inputs = ["parse_logs"] #encoding.codec = "json" #[sinks.file_text_output] #type = "file" #inputs = ["parse_logs"] #encoding.codec = "json" #{% raw %}path = "/srv/vector/logs/by-host/{{ hostname }}/%Y-%m-%d.log"{% endraw %} [sinks.loki_output] type = "loki" inputs = ["parse_logs"] endpoint = "http://{{ general.loki.server_domainname }}:3100" encoding.codec = "json" {%- raw %} labels = {app="{{ identifier }}", host=" {{ hostname }}", severity="{{ severity }}"} {% endraw -%} #<GNUNUX # Vector's GraphQL API (disabled by default) # Uncomment to try it out with the `vector top` command or # in your browser at http://localhost:8686 #[api] #enabled = true #address = "" #>GNUNUX [api] enabled = true address = "" #<GNUNUX