# GNUNUX https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/main/custom/conf/app.example.ini APP_NAME = %%gitea_title RUN_USER = gitea RUN_MODE = prod [database] DB_TYPE = postgres HOST = %%pg_client_server_domainname:5432 NAME = %%pg_client_database USER = %%pg_client_username PASSWD = %%pg_client_password SCHEMA = SSL_MODE = verify-full CHARSET = utf8 LOG_SQL = false [repository] ROOT = /srv/gitea/lib/data/gitea-repositories DEFAULT_BRANCH = main [server] SSH_DOMAIN = %%revprox_client_external_domainname DOMAIN = %%revprox_client_external_domainname HTTP_PORT = 3000 ROOT_URL = https://%%revprox_client_external_domainname/gitea/ LOCAL_ROOT_URL = https://%%domain_name_eth0:3000/ DISABLE_SSH = false START_SSH_SERVER = true SSH_LISTEN_PORT = 2222 SSH_PORT = 2222 LFS_START_SERVER = true LFS_CONTENT_PATH = /srv/gitea/lib/data/lfs LFS_JWT_SECRET = %%gitea_lfs_jwt_secret OFFLINE_MODE = true PROTOCOL = https CERT_FILE = %%revprox_cert_file KEY_FILE = %%revprox_key_file [mailer] ENABLED = true HOST = %%smtp_relay_address FROM = %%gitea_mail_sender USER = %%smtp_relay_user@%%ip_eth0 PASSWD = %%smtp_relay_password IS_TLS_ENABLED = true ;USE_CERTIFICATE = false ;CERT_FILE = custom/mailer/cert.pem ;KEY_FILE = custom/mailer/key.pem [service] REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = false ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = false DISABLE_REGISTRATION = true ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = false ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = false DEFAULT_ALLOW_CREATE_ORGANIZATION = true DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply.localhost [picture] DISABLE_GRAVATAR = true ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = false [openid] ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = true ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = true [oauth2_client] ENABLE_AUTO_REGISTRATION = true [session] PROVIDER = redis PROVIDER_CONFIG = network=tcp,addr=%%redis_client_server_domainname:6379,password=%%redis_client_password,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 [cache] ;; if the cache enabled NABLED = true ;; ;; Either "memory", "redis", "memcache", or "twoqueue". default is "memory" ADAPTER = redis ;; ;; For "memory" only, GC interval in seconds, default is 60 ;INTERVAL = 60 ;; ;; For "redis" and "memcache", connection host address ;; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ;; memcache: `` ;; twoqueue: `{"size":50000,"recent_ratio":0.25,"ghost_ratio":0.5}` or `50000` HOST = network=tcp,addr=%%redis_client_server_domainname:6379,username=%%redis_client_username,password=%%redis_client_password,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ;; ;; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 16 hours. ;; Setting it to 0 disables caching ;ITEM_TTL = 16h [log] MODE = console LEVEL = info ROOT_PATH = /srv/gitea/lib/log ROUTER = console [security] INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = %%gitea_secret_key INTERNAL_TOKEN = %%gitea_internal_token PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO = pbkdf2