# recherche d'un utilisateur : ``` USER=gnunux@gnunux.info su - postfix -s /bin/bash -c "postmap -q $USER ldap:/etc/postfix/ldapsource.cf" ``` Doit retourner le nom de l'utilisateur. Il est possible de demander le mode verbeux : ``` su - postfix -s /bin/bash -c "postmap -vq $USER ldap:/etc/postfix/ldapsource.cf" ``` # Test with telnet EHLO root.gnunux.info [..] 250-AUTH PLAIN LOGIN [..] MAIL FROM: RCPT TO: DATA To: From: Subject:SMTP Test This is a test message . # auth with telnet echo -ne '\000gnunux@gnunux.info\000password' | openssl base64 openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp EHLO client.example.com [..] AUTH PLAIN AGdudW51eEBnbnVudXguaW5mbwBxVV96Vl9kbEUzUm82WmpTcjFHOGNzbmd4ajA= 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful # Un élément de configuration postconf maillog_file # Editer la configuration postconf maillog_file=/dev/stdout # Test mail en ligne https://www.mail-tester.com/ https://dkimvalidator.com/