import __main__ from subprocess import run as _run from os.path import dirname as _dirname, abspath as _abspath, join as _join, isfile as _isfile, isdir as _isdir from datetime import datetime as _datetime from shutil import copyfile as _copyfile from os import makedirs as _makedirs _HERE = _dirname(_abspath(__main__.__file__)) _LE_DIR = _join(_HERE, 'pki', 'letsencrypt') _X509_DIR = _join(_HERE, 'pki', 'x509') def letsencrypt_certif(domain: str, authority_cn: str, plugin_name: str, credential_filename: str, email: str, ) -> None: if None in (domain, authority_cn, plugin_name, credential_filename, email): return authority_name = 'External' date_file = _join(_LE_DIR, f'{domain}.date') date = today = str( if not _isfile(date_file): letsencrypt_date = '0' else: with open(date_file, 'r') as fh: letsencrypt_date = if letsencrypt_date != today: print(f"Obtain or renew Let's Encrypt certificate for {domain}...") cli_args = ['certbot', 'certonly', f'--dns-{plugin_name}', f'--dns-{plugin_name}-credentials', credential_filename, '-d', domain, '--quiet', '--config-dir', f'{_LE_DIR}/{domain}/config', '--work-dir', f'{_LE_DIR}/{domain}/work', '--logs-dir', f'{_LE_DIR}/{domain}/logs', '--agree-tos', '-m', email, '--dns-ovh-propagation-seconds', '360', ] ret = _run(cli_args, capture_output=True) if ret.returncode != 0: raise ValueError(ret.stderr.decode()) print("Done") with open(date_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(today) rootdir = _join(_X509_DIR, f'{authority_name}+{authority_cn}') chaindir = _join(rootdir, 'ca') certdir = _join(rootdir, 'certificats', domain, 'server') week_number = date.isocalendar().week for dirname in (chaindir, certdir): if not _isdir(dirname): _makedirs(dirname) _copyfile(_join(_LE_DIR, domain, 'config/live', domain, 'chain.pem'), _join(chaindir, f'certificate_{week_number}.crt'), ) _copyfile(_join(_LE_DIR, domain, 'config/live', domain, 'privkey.pem'), _join(certdir, 'private.key'), ) _copyfile(_join(_LE_DIR, domain, 'config/live', domain, 'fullchain.pem'), _join(certdir, f'certificate_{week_number}.crt'), )