from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional #python3-crypto from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES, PKCS1_OAEP from hmac import new as hmac_new from secrets import token_bytes from time import time from json import dumps from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac, sha256 #from aiohttp import ClientSession from requests import session from base64 import b64encode, b64decode from hkdf import hkdf_expand from collections import namedtuple from os.path import isfile from jwt import encode as jwt_encode, decode as jwt_decode #BITWARDEN_PRIVATE_KEY = '/var/lib/vaultwarden_rs/rsa_key.der' cipher_string_fields = { 'enc_type': lambda enc_type,iv,mac,ct: int(enc_type), 'iv': lambda enc_type,iv,mac,ct: iv, 'mac': lambda enc_type,iv,mac,ct: mac, 'ct': lambda enc_type,iv,mac,ct: ct, } CipherString = namedtuple('CipherString', cipher_string_fields.keys()) # support pulling apart a VaultWarden 'CipherString' from the following # - cipher string: ".||" def cipher_string_from_str(cipher_string: str) -> CipherString: enc_type, data = cipher_string.split('.', 1) if enc_type == '2': iv, ct, mac = (b64decode(sdata) for sdata in data.split('|', 2)) d = { k: fn(enc_type, iv, mac, ct) for k,fn in cipher_string_fields.items() } else: iv, mac = None, None ct = b64decode(data) d = { k: fn(enc_type, iv, mac, ct) for k, fn in cipher_string_fields.items() } return CipherString(**d) class VaultWarden: def __init__(self, url: str, email: str, uuid: str, vaultwarden_key: str, ) -> None: self.vaultwarden_url = url self.vaultwarden_email = email.lower() self.vaultwarden_uuid = uuid self.vaultwarden_login = None self.vaultwarden_organizations = None self.vaultwarden_key = vaultwarden_key def register(self, password: str, valid: bool=True, ) -> None: iterations = self.get_iterations() master_key, hash_password = self.hash_password(password, iterations, ) # generate symmetric key token = token_bytes(64) enc, mac = self._get_enc_mac(master_key) key = self.encrypt_symmetric(token, enc=enc, mac=mac, ) # generate asymmetric key asym_key = RSA.generate(2048) enc_private_key = self.encrypt_symmetric(asym_key.exportKey('DER', pkcs=8), enc=token[:32], mac=token[32:], ) public_key = b64encode(asym_key.publickey().exportKey('DER')).decode() data = {'name': self.vaultwarden_email.split('@')[0], 'email': self.vaultwarden_email, 'masterPasswordHash': hash_password, 'masterPasswordHint': None, 'key': key, 'kdf': 0, 'kdfIterations': iterations, 'referenceId': None, 'keys': { 'publicKey': public_key, 'encryptedPrivateKey': enc_private_key } } register = self._post('api/accounts/register', dumps(data), ) if 'Object' in register and register['Object'] == 'error': if register["ErrorModel"]['Message'] == 'User already exists': return raise Exception(register["ErrorModel"]["Message"]) if valid and isfile(self.vaultwarden_key): self.login(password) # values = self.get('/api/sync') # user_id = values['Profile']['Id'] user_id = jwt_decode(self.vaultwarden_login['access_token'], algorithm="RS256", #pyjwt 1 verify=False, #pyjwt 2 options={"verify_signature": False}, )['sub'] now = int(time()) url = self.vaultwarden_url if url[-1] == '/': url = url[:-1] data = {'nbf': now, 'exp': now + 432000, 'iss': f'{url}|verifyemail', 'sub': user_id, } with open(self.vaultwarden_key, 'rb') as private_key_fh: private_key = RSA.importKey('PEM') token = jwt_encode(data, private_key, algorithm="RS256") if isinstance(token, bytes): tocken = token.decode() data = {'userId': user_id, 'token': token, } self._post('api/accounts/verify-email-token', dumps(data)) def login(self, password: str, ) -> None: iterations = self.get_iterations() master_key, hash_password = self.hash_password(password, iterations, ) data = {'grant_type': 'password', 'username': self.vaultwarden_email, 'password': hash_password, 'scope': 'api offline_access', 'client_id': 'desktop', 'device_type': 7, 'device_identifier': self.vaultwarden_uuid, 'device_name': 'risotto', } vaultwarden_login = self._post('identity/connect/token', data) if 'Object' in vaultwarden_login and vaultwarden_login['Object'] == 'error': raise Exception(f'unable to log to VaultWarden: {vaultwarden_login["ErrorModel"]["Message"]}') self.vaultwarden_login = vaultwarden_login self.vaultwarden_login['master_key'] = master_key self.vaultwarden_login['hash_password'] = hash_password def get_iterations(self): data = self._post('api/accounts/prelogin', dumps({'email': self.vaultwarden_email})) return data['KdfIterations'] def hash_password(self, password: str, iterations: int, ) -> str: master_key = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode(), self.vaultwarden_email.encode(), iterations, ) passwd = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', master_key, password.encode(), 1, ) return master_key, b64encode(passwd).decode() def decrypt(self, cipher_string: str, organization_id: str=None, ) -> None: cipher = cipher_string_from_str(cipher_string) if cipher.enc_type == 2: return self.decrypt_symmetric(cipher, organization_id, ) elif cipher.enc_type == 4: if organization_id: raise Exception('cipher type {cipher.enc_type} cannot have organization_id') return self.decrypt_asymmetric(cipher) raise Exception(f'Unknown cipher type {cipher.enc_type}') def decrypt_symmetric(self, cipher: str, organization_id: str=None, enc: str=None, mac: str=None, ) -> bytes: # i.e: AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64 (jslib/src/enums/encryptionType.ts) assert cipher.enc_type == 2 if enc is None: enc = self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['key'][:32] mac = self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['key'][32:] # verify the MAC cmac = hmac_new(mac, cipher.iv + cipher.ct, sha256, ) assert cipher.mac == cmac.digest() # decrypt the content c =, AES.MODE_CBC, cipher.iv, ) plaintext = c.decrypt(cipher.ct) # remove PKCS#7 padding from payload, see RFC 5652 # pad_len = plaintext[-1] padding = bytes([pad_len] * pad_len) if plaintext[-pad_len:] == padding: plaintext = plaintext[:-pad_len] return plaintext def decrypt_asymmetric(self, cipher: str, ) -> str: private_key = self.decrypt(self.vaultwarden_login['PrivateKey']) c = return c.decrypt(cipher.ct) def encrypt_symmetric(self, content: bytes, organization_id: str=None, enc: str=None, mac: str=None, ) -> None: iv = token_bytes(16) if enc is None: enc = self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['key'][:32] mac = self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['key'][32:] c =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv, ) pad_len = 16 - len(content) % 16 padding = bytes([ pad_len ] * pad_len) ct = c.encrypt(content + padding) cmac = hmac_new(mac, iv + ct, sha256, ) return f"2.{b64encode(iv).decode()}|{b64encode(ct).decode()}|{b64encode(cmac.digest()).decode()}" def encrypt_asymmetric(self, plaintext: str, key: str, ) -> str: rsa_key = RSA.importKey(key) cipher = b64_cipher = b64encode(cipher).decode() return f"4.{b64_cipher}" def get(self, url: str, ) -> None: with session() as req: resp = req.get(self.vaultwarden_url + url, headers=self._get_headers()) assert resp.status_code == 200 try: response = resp.json() except: response = resp.text return response def _post(self, url: str, data: dict, ) -> None: with session() as req: resp = + url, data=data, headers=self._get_headers(), ) assert resp.status_code == 200, f'unable to post to url {self.vaultwarden_url}{url} with data {data}: {resp.text}' try: response = resp.json() except: response = resp.text return response def _put(self, url: str, data: dict, ) -> None: with session() as req: resp = req.put(self.vaultwarden_url + url, data=data, headers=self._get_headers(), ) try: response = resp.json() except: response = resp.text return response def _get_headers(self, ) -> None: if self.vaultwarden_login == None: return None return {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.vaultwarden_login["access_token"]}'} def load_organizations(self, only_default: bool=False, ) -> None: values = self.get('/api/sync') enc, mac = self._get_enc_mac(self.vaultwarden_login['master_key']) # 'decrypt' the user_key to produce the actual keys cipher = cipher_string_from_str(self.vaultwarden_login['Key']) plaintext_userkey = self.decrypt_symmetric(cipher, enc=enc, mac=mac, ) assert len(plaintext_userkey) == 64 self.vaultwarden_organizations = {None: {'key': plaintext_userkey, 'name': 'default', 'collections': {}}} if not only_default: for organization in values['Profile']['Organizations']: plaintext = self.decrypt(organization['Key']) self._add_organization(plaintext, organization, ) for collection in values['Collections']: name = self.decrypt(collection['Name'], collection['OrganizationId'], ).decode() self.vaultwarden_organizations[collection['OrganizationId']]['collections'][name] = collection['Id'] def _get_enc_mac(self, master_key: str, ) -> tuple: enc = hkdf_expand(master_key, b'enc', 32, sha256, ) mac = hkdf_expand(master_key, b'mac', 32, sha256, ) return enc, mac def _add_organization(self, plaintext: bytes, organization: dict, ) -> None: organization_id = organization['Id'] self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id] = {'name': organization['Name'], 'key': plaintext, 'collections': {}} def try_to_confirm(self, organization_id, email, ) -> bool: # user is now in organization user = self.get_user_informations(organization_id, email, ) # if account exists now, confirm it if user['public_key']: key = self.encrypt_asymmetric(self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['key'], user['public_key'], ) data = {"key": key} confirmed = self._post(f'api/organizations/{organization_id}/users/{user["user_id"]}/confirm', dumps(data), ) return user['user_id'], 'Object' not in confirmed or confirmed['Object'] != 'error' return user['user_id'], False def get_user_informations(self, organization_id: str, email: str, ) -> None: users = self.get(f'/api/organizations/{organization_id}/users') for user in users['Data']: if user['Email'] == email: user_public_key = self.get(f'/api/users/{user["UserId"]}/public-key') if not user_public_key['PublicKey']: public_key = None else: public_key = b64decode(user_public_key['PublicKey']) return {'user_id': user['Id'], 'public_key': public_key, } raise Exception(f'unknow email {email} in organization id {organization_id}') def create_organization(self, email: str, organization_name: str, ) -> None: private_key = self.decrypt(self.vaultwarden_login['PrivateKey']) token = token_bytes(64) key = self.encrypt_asymmetric(token, private_key, ) # defaut collection_name is organization_name data = { "key": key, "collectionName": self.encrypt_symmetric(organization_name.encode(), enc=token[:32], mac=token[32:], ), "name": organization_name, "billingEmail": email, "planType": 0, } organization = self._post('api/organizations', dumps(data), ) self.load_organizations() #self._add_organization(token, # organization, # ) return organization['Id'] def invite(self, organization_id: str, email: str, ) -> bool: data = {'emails': [email], 'collections': [], 'accessAll': False, 'type': 2, } for collection_id in self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['collections'].values(): data['collections'].append({'id': collection_id, 'readOnly': True, 'hidePasswords': False, }) self._post(f'api/organizations/{organization_id}/users/invite', dumps(data), ) def create_collection(self, organization_id: str, collection_name: str, user_id: str=None, ) -> None: data = {"groups": [], "name": self.encrypt_symmetric(collection_name.encode(), organization_id, ), } collection = self._post(f'api/organizations/{organization_id}/collections', dumps(data), ) self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['collections'][collection_name] = collection['Id'] if user_id: self.inscript_collection(organization_id, collection['Id'], user_id, ) return collection['Id'] def inscript_collection(self, organization_id: str, collection_id: str, user_id: str, ) -> None: data = [{'id': user_id, 'readOnly': True, 'hidePasswords': False, }] self._put(f'api/organizations/{organization_id}/collections/{collection_id}/users', dumps(data), ) def store_password(self, organization_id: str, collection_id: str, name: str, username: str, password: str, uris: list=None, ) -> None: """create a cipher et store it in a share collection """ # FIXME uris are encoded data = {"cipher": { "type": 1, "folderId": None, "organizationId": organization_id, "name": self.encrypt_symmetric(name.encode(), organization_id, ), "notes": None, "favorite": False, "login": {"response": None, "uris": uris, "username": self.encrypt_symmetric(username.encode(), organization_id, ), "password": self.encrypt_symmetric(password.encode(), organization_id, ), "passwordRevisionDate": None, "totp": None, } }, "collectionIds": [collection_id], } self._post('api/ciphers/admin', dumps(data), ) def get_password(self, organization_id: str, collection_name: str, name: str, username: str, ) -> list: if not collection_name in self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['collections']: return collection_id = self.vaultwarden_organizations[organization_id]['collections'][collection_name] ciphers = self.get(f'api/ciphers/organization-details?organizationId={organization_id}') for cipher in ciphers['Data']: if collection_id in cipher['CollectionIds'] and \ self.decrypt(cipher['Data']['Name'], organization_id).decode() == name and \ self.decrypt(cipher['Data']['Username'], organization_id).decode() == username: return self.decrypt(cipher['Data']['Password'], organization_id).decode()