#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging from dnf.conf import Conf from dnf.cli.cli import BaseCli, Cli from dnf.cli.output import Output from dnf.cli.option_parser import OptionParser from dnf.i18n import _, ucd from datetime import datetime, timezone from sys import argv from os import getcwd, unlink from os.path import isfile, join from glob import glob from subprocess import run # List new or removed file def read_dnf_pkg_file(os_name, filename1, filename2): if os_name == 'debian': idx_pkg = 0, 1 idx_version = 1, 2 header_idx = 0, 0 else: idx_pkg = 0, 0 idx_version = 2, 2 header_idx = 2, 2 pass pkgs = {} for fidx, filename in enumerate((filename1, filename2)): if not isfile(filename): continue with open(filename, 'r') as pkgs_fh: for idx, pkg_line in enumerate(pkgs_fh.readlines()): if idx < header_idx[fidx]: # header continue sp_line = pkg_line.strip().split() if len(sp_line) < idx_version[fidx] + 1: continue if sp_line[idx_pkg[fidx]] in pkgs: raise Exception(f'package already set {sp_line[0]}?') version = sp_line[idx_version[fidx]] if os_name == 'debian' and version.startswith('('): version = version[1:] pkgs[sp_line[idx_pkg[fidx]]] = version return pkgs def list_packages(title, packages, packages_info): print(f'# {title}\n') if not packages: print('*Aucun*') packages = list(packages) packages = sorted(packages) for idx, pkg in enumerate(packages): print(f' - {pkg} ({packages_info[pkg]})') print() # List updated packages class CustomOutput(Output): def listPkgs(self, *args, **kwargs): # do not display list pass def format_changelog_markdown(changelog): """Return changelog formatted as in spec file""" text = '\n'.join([f' {line}' for line in changelog['text'].split('\n')]) chlog_str = ' - %s %s\n\n%s\n' % ( changelog['timestamp'].strftime("%a %b %d %X %Y"), ucd(changelog['author']), ucd(text)) return chlog_str def print_changelogs_markdown(packages): # group packages by src.rpm to avoid showing duplicate changelogs self = BASE bysrpm = dict() for p in packages: # there are packages without source_name, use name then. bysrpm.setdefault(p.source_name or p.name, []).append(p) for source_name in sorted(bysrpm.keys()): bin_packages = bysrpm[source_name] print('- ' + _("Changelogs for {}").format(', '.join([str(pkg) for pkg in bin_packages]))) print() for chl in self.latest_changelogs(bin_packages[0]): print(format_changelog_markdown(chl)) def dnf_update(image_name): conf = Conf() # obsoletes are already listed conf.obsoletes = False with BaseCli(conf) as base: global BASE BASE = base base.print_changelogs = print_changelogs_markdown custom_output = CustomOutput(base.output.base, base.output.conf) base.output = custom_output cli = Cli(base) image_dir = join(getcwd(), image_name) cli.configure(['--setopt=install_weak_deps=False', '--nodocs', '--noplugins', '--installroot=' + image_dir, '--releasever', '35', 'check-update', '--changelog'], OptionParser()) logger = logging.getLogger("dnf") for h in logger.handlers: logger.removeHandler(h) logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) cli.run() def main(os_name, image_name, old_version, releasever): date = datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat() if old_version == 0: title = f"Création de l'image {image_name}" subtitle = f"Les paquets de la première image {image_name} sur base Fedora {releasever}" else: title = f"Nouvelle version de l'image {image_name}" subtitle = f"Différence des paquets de l'image {image_name} sur base Fedora {releasever} entre la version {old_version} et {old_version + 1}" print(f"""+++ title = "{title}" description = "{subtitle}" date = {date} updated = {date} draft = false template = "blog/page.html" [taxonomies] authors = ["Automate"] [extra] lead = "{subtitle}." type = "installe" +++ """) new_dict = read_dnf_pkg_file(os_name, f'/var/lib/risotto/images/image_bases-{os_name}-{releasever}.pkgs', f'/var/lib/risotto/images/{image_name}.pkgs.new') new_pkg = new_dict.keys() old_file = f'/var/lib/risotto/images/{image_name}.pkgs' if not old_version or not isfile(old_file): list_packages('Liste des paquets', new_pkg, new_dict) else: ori_dict = read_dnf_pkg_file(os_name, f'/var/lib/risotto/images/{image_name}.base.pkgs', old_file) ori_pkg = ori_dict.keys() list_packages('Les paquets supprimés', ori_pkg - new_pkg, ori_dict) list_packages('Les paquets ajoutés', new_pkg - ori_pkg, new_dict) print('# Les paquets mises à jour\n') if os_name == 'fedora': dnf_update(image_name) else: for filename in glob('*.deb'): unlink(filename) for package in ori_pkg & new_dict: if ori_dict[package] == new_dict[package]: continue info = run(['apt', 'download', package], capture_output=True) if info.returncode: raise Exception(f'cannot download {package}: {info}') packages = list(glob('*.deb')) packages.sort() for package in packages: info = run(['chroot', '.', 'apt-listchanges', '--which', 'both', '-f', 'text', package], capture_output=True) if info.returncode: raise Exception(f'cannot list changes for {package}: {info}') header = True for line in info.stdout.decode().split('\n'): if not header: print(line) if line.startswith('-----------------------'): header = False print() unlink(package) if __name__ == "__main__": image_name = argv[1] old_version = int(argv[2]) os_name = argv[3] releasever = argv[4] main(os_name, image_name, old_version, releasever)