import __main__ from os import urandom as _urandom from hashlib import sha1 as _sha1 from base64 import encodebytes as _encodebytes, b64encode as _b64encode from json import load as _load, dump as _dump from os.path import dirname as _dirname, abspath as _abspath, join as _join, isfile as _isfile _HERE = _dirname(_abspath(__main__.__file__)) _SSHA_PASSWORD_DIR = _join(_HERE, 'password', 'ssha.json') # unproudly borrowed from # def ssha_encode(password): # do not regenerate SSHA if _isfile(_SSHA_PASSWORD_DIR): with open(_SSHA_PASSWORD_DIR, 'r') as fh: passwords = _load(fh) else: passwords = {} if password in passwords: return passwords[password] salt = _urandom(4) h = _sha1(password.encode()) h.update(salt) ret = _b64encode(b"{SSHA}" + _encodebytes(h.digest() + salt)[:-1]).decode() passwords[password] = ret with open(_SSHA_PASSWORD_DIR, 'w') as fh: _dump(passwords, fh) return ret